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.XML IMPORT This subroutine processes an XML file and optionally imports it. Added in 5.3.0 Usage: SET 0DX .XML IMPORT PASS...
.XML PURGE This subroutine purges the work files associated with an import session. Added in 5.3.0 Usage: SET 0DX .XML PURGE...
.BEGIN INITIAL SET UP This subroutine changes the current application to the `Initial Setup` phase. Usage: GOSUB .BEGIN INITIAL SET UP...
.BEGIN LIVE OPERATIONS This subroutine changes the current application to the `Live Operations` phase. Usage: GOSUB .BEGIN LIVE OPERATIONS...
.BEGIN RECOVERY This subroutine changes the current application to the `Recovery Processing` phase. Usage: GOSUB .BEGIN RECOVERY Check...
.SELECT DATABASE This subroutine switches to the specified database. Usage: PASS database FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CLIENT CHECK FOR GUI This subroutine returns a flag to indicate if the user is running the Desktop Client. Usage: PASS gui...
.CLIENT CHECK VERSION This subroutine returns the version of the Desktop Client. Usage: PASS version text FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT DISPLAY FILE This subroutine will download and open a file on the user`s PC. Available in Release 5.4.4c and up Usage: PASS status code...
.CLIENT DOWNLOAD FILE This subroutine will download a file to the user`s PC. Usage: PASS status code FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT GET CLIPBOARD This subroutine gets the current content of the system clipboard. Usage: PASS clip data FIELD SHARE...
.CLIENT GET CONSTANT This subroutine returns the value of a client constant. Usage: PASS client value FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT LOAD URL This subroutine loads a URL, document, runs a command on the user`s PC or changes a client setting. Usage: PASS url...
.CLIENT PLAY SOUND This subroutine plays a .wav file on the user`s PC. Usage: PASS wave file FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CLIENT SET CLIPBOARD This subroutine puts data on the system clipboard. Usage: PASS clip data FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.CLIENT UPLOAD FILE This subroutine will upload a file from the Client to the server. Usage: PASS status code FIELD SHARE...
.CONVERT BYTES TO HEX This subroutine converts a field to hexidecimal characters. Usage: PASS hex result FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CONVERT HEX PR TO NUM This subroutine converts a hex pair of alpha characters to a decimal number. Usage: PASS decimal number FIELD...
.CONVERT HTML TO TEXT This subroutine converts a HTML field to plain APPX text. Release 5.5. higher. Usage: PASS text FIELD...
.CONVERT NUM TO HEX PR This subroutine converts a decimal number to a hex pair of alpha characters. Usage: PASS hex pair FIELD...
.CONVERT TEXT TO HTML This subroutine converts a text field to HTML encoding. Usage: PASS html FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CONVERT TRANSLATE This subroutine converts a string from one language to another using the Application and System Dictionaries. Usage: PASS trans...
.DATA BAD REQUEST This subroutine allows you return an error message to the caller. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 higher)...
.DATA DEBUG LOG This subroutine allows you to write a free format messages to the debug log. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 higher...
.DATA GET PARAM VALUE This subroutine allows you to get the value of a field from the URL. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 higher...
.DATA WRITE STREAM This subroutine allows you to return data to the caller. This is only useful when working with the Data API (Release 5.5.0 higher) Usage:...
.ENV GET APPXPATH This subroutine returns the path to the location of Appx data files. Usage: PASS appxpath FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET CMD LINE PARM This subroutine returns the value of a command line parameter. Usage: PASS param value FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET CONFIG INFO This subroutine populates PDF fields with configuration information. Usage: GOSUB .ENV GET CONFIG INFO Check for...
.ENV GET ENCODINGS This subroutine populates the ENCODINGS memory file with a list of all known encodings. Added in 6.0. Usage: GOSUB .ENV GET ENCODINGS...
.ENV GET ENV (ALL) This subroutine returns the value of all environment variables. Available in Release 5.4.7 higher (except for 6.0.0) Usage: GOSUB...
.ENV GET ENV VARIABLE This subroutine returns the value of a environment variable. Usage: PASS env value FIELD SHARE?...
.ENV GET OS TYPE This subroutine returns the type of operating system Appx is running on. Usage: PASS os type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET PARENT PROC This subroutine returns the name and type of the parent process. Usage: PASS parent type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET PATH NAME This subroutine returns the path name of the requested Appx file. Usage: PASS file path FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET PATH SEP This subroutine returns the directory separator character of the host operating system. Usage: PASS path separator FIELD...
.ENV GET SCREEN SIZE This subroutine returns the size of the Appx screen in rows and columns. Usage: PASS rows FIELD...
.ENV SET ENV VARIABLE This subroutine sets the value of a environment variable. Usage: PASS env value FIELD SHARE? Y...
.ENV VIEW LICENSE INFO This subroutine displays the APPX license info for the current application. Usage: GOSUB .ENV VIEW LICENSE INFO...
.FILE COPY This subroutine will copy a file from one location to another, creating any required directories. Usage: PASS error message...
.FILE CREATE This subroutine will create the specified file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.FILE CREATE ARCHIVE This subroutine creates an archive of the specified files, in either TAR or TGZ format. Usage: PASS error message...
.FILE CSV EXPORT This subroutine is called to export an APPX file in CSV format. Release 5.4.0 up. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD...
.FILE CSV IMPORT This subroutine is called to import data in CSV format into an APPX file. Release 5.4.0 up. Usage: PASS error msg...
.FILE DELETE This subroutine is called to remove a file from the filesystem. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.FILE EXTRACT ARCHIVE This subroutine extracts all the files from a previously created archive. Usage: PASS error message FIELD...
.FILE MAKE DIR This subroutine is called to create a directory in the filesystem. Usage: PASS error message FIELD SHARE? Y...
.FILE MOVE This subroutine will move a file or directory from one location to another, creating any required directories. Usage: PASS error message...
.FILE RESTRUCT This subroutine will restructure the specified file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.FILE SET SPECS This subroutine will set the specifications of the specified file. This API is available in Release 5.5 higher Usage: PASS file...
.IMPORT CGI DATA This subroutine populates Appx variables from STDIN. Usage: GOSUB .IMPORT CGI DATA Test for Error IF .IMPORT...
.RBS HIERARCHY MTCE This subroutine invokes the `Security Hierarchy Maintenance` program, bypassing the System Administrator requirement (System Administration...
.RBS PROCESS SECURITY Allows the designer to invoke `Access Control List Processes` for a particular parent / child pair (System Administration Role Based Security...
.RBS REGEN Rebuilds the internal RBS cross reference file for the selected apps. Added in 5.4.7 and 6.0.1. Not present in 6.0.0 Usage: PASS Application...
.RBS UPDATE SECACL Allows the designer to update the RBS Access Control file directly. Added in 5.4.7 and 6.0.1. Not present in 6.0.0 Usage: PASS...
.STREAM CLOSE ALL This subroutine is called close all file streams and free up their resources. Usage: GOSUB .STREAM CLOSE ALL check for errors...
.STREAM OPEN This subroutine is called to open a file stream. Usage: PASS stream name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.STREAM READ This subroutine is called to read a file stream. Usage: (Option 1) PASS read buffer FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.STREAM WRITE This subroutine is called to write data to a file stream. Usage: PASS write buffer FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.TEXT CREATE PAD This subroutine fills a field with a single character. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.TEXT CUT AT POS This subroutine removes characters from a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT FIND This subroutine finds the position of text in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text position FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT FIND AND REPLACE This subroutine finds and replaces text in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT FROM UNICODE This subroutine transcodes a Unicode alpha field into a RAW alpha field. Added in 6.0.0 Usage PASS raw FIELD...
.TEXT GET LENGTH This subroutine determines the length of a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text len FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT GET UNINAME This subroutine returns the name of the specified Unicode character. Added in 6.0.0 Usage PASS unicode name FIELD...
.TEXT INSERT AT POS This subroutine inserts characters into a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT LOWER TO UPPER This subroutine converts lower case to upper case in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS converted text FIELD...
.TEXT PARSE LINE This subroutine parses a string into separate fields. Usage: PASS text to parse FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.TEXT SET UNINAME This subroutine returns the named Unicode character. Added in 6.0.0 Usage PASS unicode string FIELD SHARE?...
.TEXT TO UNICODE This subroutine transcodes a RAW alpha field to a Unicode field. Added in 6.0.0 Usage PASS unicode field FIELD...
.TEXT UNICODE COMP This subroutine compares 2 Unicode fields. Added in 6.0.0 Usage PASS result FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.TEXT UPPER TO LOWER This subroutine converts upper case to lower case in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS converted text FIELD...
.UTIL ADD HOOK This subroutine adds a record to the Hook file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS HOOK...
.UTIL ADD USER This subroutine adds a user to the Appx User file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL CHECK RBS This subroutine is called to check the security access for the specified user when Role Based Security is used. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS...
.UTIL CHECK SECURITY This subroutine is called to check the security code for the specified user. Usage: PASS result FIELD...
.UTIL CHG AUX PASS This subroutine changes the auxiliary password for the specified user. Usage: PASS user id FIELD...
.UTIL CHG HOOK This subroutine changes fields on the Hook file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL CHG USER This subroutine changes fields on the Appx User file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL CLEAR PASS LIST This subroutine clears any unfilled PASS requests. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL CLEAR PASS LIST Check for errors IF...
.UTIL COMPILE PROC This subroutine compiles the specified Process Type/Name or Application. Usage: PASS application FIELD...
.UTIL COMPUTE HASH This subroutine computes the SHA 2 hash value for the given string. APPX 5.4.5 higher only. Usage: PASS hash value returned...
.UTIL DEL HOOK This subroutine deletes a record from the Hook file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL DEL USER This subroutine deletes a record from the Appx User file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL EMAIL This subroutine is called to send an email. Multiple addresses are allowed, as are attachments. This relies on the public domain program `mutt` to deliver...
.UTIL FIELD GET This subroutine is called to retrieve the value of the specified field name. Usage: PASS value FIELD...
.UTIL FIELD SET This subroutine is called to set a value into a specified field name. Usage: PASS App Id FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL GET EM NAME This subroutine is called to get the Em name of the specified Process Type/Name. Usage: PASS em name FIELD...
.UTIL GET HOOK RECORDS This subroutine copies the engine Hook records into a temporary file for modification. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL GET HOOK RECORDS...
.UTIL GET MESSAGES This subroutine populates the MESSAGES file with any messages that were issued. Added in 5.2.0. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL GET MESSAGES...
.UTIL KILL SESSION Cancels the specified process. Added in 5.4.4 Usage: PASS PID FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.UTIL LOAD STACK FILE This subroutine loads STACK with the current process stack. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL LOAD STACK FILE Check for errors...
.UTIL MAKE DYNAMIC KEY This subroutine is not implemented. Usage: Description: Not implemented, just returns. Comments: Read what other users have said about...
.UTIL MARK REWIND This subroutine returns immediately to a previously marked process, closing all processes in between. Usage: PASS mark name...
.UTIL MARK SET This subroutine marks the current process with a name so you can return to it later. Usage: PASS mark name FIELD...
.UTIL MOD SCROLL BEHAV This subroutine allows the user to select a record on a scrolling display by just clicking it. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL MOD SCROLL BEHAV...
.UTIL PROCESS DD This subroutine processes the Data Dictionary for the selected Application or File. Usage: PASS application FIELD...
.UTIL PROCESS QRY REC This subroutine adds the current PCF record to the query pointer file. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL PROCESS QRY REC Description: This subroutine...
.UTIL PUT HOOK RECORDS This subroutine copies hook records from the temporary file back to the Appx engine. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL PUT HOOK RECORDS...
.UTIL SECR REST This subroutine will restore the Security codes for the selected application(s) from the archive. Release 5.5 and higher only Usage: PASS...
.UTIL SECR SAVE This subroutine will archive the Security codes for the selected application(s). Release 5.5 and higher only Usage: PASS count...
.UTIL SLEEP This subroutine pauses for the specified number of seconds. Usage: PASS seconds FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.UTIL SLEEP WITH TIMER This subroutine pauses for the specified number of seconds and displays a countdown timer. Usage: PASS seconds...
.UTIL SUBR CLOSE This utility closes the subroutine you created. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: GOSUB .UTIL SUBR CLOSE Check for errors IF...
.UTIL SUBR CREATE This utility adds a subroutine to the Application. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS process name FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL SUBR DELETE This utility deletes a subroutine from the Application. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS process name FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL SUBR WRITE ILF This utility adds a statement to the subroutine you just created. Usage: PASS ILF Verb FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL SUBR WRITE ILF This subroutine writes ILF code to a subroutine in the Application. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS ilf verb FIELD...
.UTIL SWITCH USER This subroutine changes to a different user. Usage: PASS user id FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.UTIL TIMEOUT EXIT This subroutine exits the current process or logs a user off after a set timeout period. Usage: PASS action...
.UTIL TIMEOUT SET This subroutine sets the keyboard timeout value. Usage: PASS seconds FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.WIDGET APPLY THEME This subroutine applies a GUI Theme to the the current image. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET APPLY THEME Check for errors...
.WIDGET CNV CLR TO RGB This subroutine converts an alpha/hex color code to decimal. Usage: PASS clr binary FIELD SHARE...
.WIDGET CNV RGB TO CLR This subroutine converts a decimal color code to alpha/hex. Usage: PASS clr alpha FIELD SHARE?...
.WIDGET COUNT ROWS This subroutine counts the number of selected rows in a table widget. Usage: PASS count FIELD SHARE...
.WIDGET DEL BY NAME This subroutine deletes selected widgets. Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.WIDGET DEL MODE BTN This subroutine deletes the mode buttons from the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET DEL MODE BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET DEL SCROLL BTN This subroutine deletes the scroll buttons from the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET DEL SCROLL BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET DEL STD MENUS This subroutine deletes the standard pull down menus. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET DEL STD MENUS Check for errors...
.WIDGET HIDE BY NAME This subroutine hides selected widgets. Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.WIDGET HIDE MODE BTN This subroutine hides the mode buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET HIDE MODE BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET HIDE SCROL BTN This subroutine hides the scroll buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET HIDE SCROL BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET HIDE STD MENUS This subroutine hides the standard pull down menus. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET HIDE STD MENUS Check for errors...
.WIDGET MISSING THEME This subroutine finds all Inputs/Menus that do not use .WIDGET APPLY THEME. Usage: PASS app id FIELD...
.WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC This subroutine reloads the data in a Table Widget. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD...
.WIDGET SET FROM MWDGT This subroutine copies the memory file to WIDGET. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SET FROM MWDGT Check for errors...
.WIDGET SET INTO MWDGT This subroutine copies the current WIDGET file to a memory file. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SET INTO MWDGT Check for...
.WIDGET SET THEME This subroutine sets the current theme. Usage: PASS theme name FIELD SHARE? N PASS application...
.WIDGET SET TOOLTIP This subroutine sets or clears the tooltip for selected widgets. Added in Release 6.1 Usage: PASS tooltip text...
.WIDGET SHOW BY NAME This subroutine shows previously hidden widgets. Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.WIDGET SHOW MODE BTN This subroutine shows the previously hidden mode buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SHOW MODE BTN Check...
.WIDGET SHOW SCROL BTN This subroutine shows the previously hidden scroll buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SHOW SCROL BTN...
.WIDGET SHOW STD MENUS This subroutine shows the previously hidden standard pull down menus. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SHOW STD MENUS Check...
.WIDGET VIEW RUNTIME This subroutine shows properties of the current WIDGET file. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET VIEW RUNTIME Check for errors...
.UTIL UPDATE DOCUMENT This subroutine is called to update documentation via ILF. Usage: PASS app id FIELD SHARE? N...
Add Mode No Longer Clears Screen When adding records to a scrolling display, the image is no longer cleared. Overview: When adding records to a scrolling display...
Better Warning and Error Control The method of displaying multiple Error, Warning and Message commands has been improved. Overview: The Message Status area on the...
Bonus Features A collection of miscelleanous features that were added in 5.2.x. New Values for OPTION The predefined field OPTION now allows the following values...
Client Window Sizing New client property to give you more control over window sizing. Overview: There are two client settings which provide the user with control...
SQL Server Interface Performance Performance enhancements have been made to the SQL server interface. Overview: Significant improvements that impact SQL Server...
Design Transfer Children This Release introduces the ability to Design Transfer Automatic Children from frame to frame, or Optional Children from Image to Image....
Drag Drop Support You can now define a Widget as the target of a drag drop operation. Overview: You can now define certain Widget types (Buttons, Labels, etc...
Flash Player Widget A Flash Player Widget has been implemented in APPX 5.2.0. Overview: The text field should contain the pathname to a flash file (swf). The flash...
Friendly C Assert Screen The old C Assert error screen has been replaced with a hookable input process. Overview: The old C Assert error screen has been replaced...
Generate Subroutines via ILF New utilities have been added for the ability to create a subroutine process via ILF code. Overview: Four new utilities (API`s) have...
HTML Editor Widget A HTML Editor Widget has been implemented in APPX 5.2.0. Overview: The HTML Editor Widget can be used to enter and edit HTML in an APPX text...
Known Issues Table Widget Editor Some planned features are not yet implemented: There is no spec to enable/disable multi select There is no...
New GUI Events This Release introduces some additional GUI events. Overview: You can now be notified when a user tabs into, out of, or changes the value in a field...
New Table Widget This Release introduces a new type of Widget Table Widget. Overview: The Table Widget allows the designer to present information to the user...
New Widget Types For TEXT Fields Several new Widget types are included in this Release. Overview: Five new Widget types are included in this Release for TEXT fields...
Role Based Security (RBS) This release of Appx includes a new method of managing security, known as `Role Based Security`. Overview: The new Role Based Security...
Select Access Path Uses Buttons The Select Access Path dialog box now uses buttons Overview: The Select Access Path dialog box will now display the various keypaths...
Verify SET with Group Fields A new utility has been created to check group field size mismatches used in SET statements. Overview: A new Utility has been added...
New Import/Export Format In order to support Unicode data, the Import and Export Utilities for Data and Design Files now support UTF 8 encoding in csv format. Overview...
Client Window Sizing The way the client handles different Window sizes has been improved. Overview: The way the client handles different Window sizes has been improved...
New Connection Manager A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to dropped sessions. Overview: A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to...
Data Exchange Application A new application (0DX) is included with 5.3. This application facilitates the exchange of data between Appx and external systems.This documentation...
Define File/Field Map This page describes how to map incoming data to Appx files/Fields. Overview: This option allows you to maintain existing File/Field maps....
Define File/Field map from Source File This page describes how to map incoming data to Appx files/Fields using an existing XML file as a guide. Overview: In...
Importing Data This page describes how to import data using 0DX. Overview: Now that we have defined a mapping for our XML file, we can run the actual import step...
Mapping Files Fields This page describes how to map incoming data to Appx files/Fields. Overview: In order to map the incoming data to Appx files and fields,...
Processing This page describes the various processing and updating options. Overview: The `Processing` options give us various ways of processing and importing...
Transfer Maps This page describes how to transfer or copy mappings. Overview: This option allows you to copy a mapping from another database, or an existing...
View Raw Data This page describes the options for viewing the processed data. Overview: These options provide various ways to examine the source data after it...
New Group Around Widget Color Fields There is a new group field around WIDGET color fields for the designer to use. Overview: There is a new group field around...
HTML Editor Improvements The HTML Editor has been changed to make it easier to use with small text fields. Overview: The HTML Editor has been changed to make it...
Enhancements to Import/Export Import/Export now display record counts for total records processed, success count, and failure count. Overview: Import/Export now...
New Maximum File Sizes Release 5.3 includes increased maximum file sizes. Overview: The internal pointers that Appx uses in the Appx I/O files are only 32 bits...
More TEMP Fields Available There are additional TEMP fields available for the designer to use. Overview: There are additional TEMP fields available for the...
Login Manager PAM Capable The Appx Login Manager can now use PAM to validate user ids/passwords. Overview: The Appx Login Manager can now use PAM (Pluggable Authentication...
READPREV A new ILF command `READPREV` has been added. Overview: A new ILF command `READPREV` has been added. This command is similar to READNEXT, except it reads...
Select Access Path A `Select Access Path` icon appears in the toolbar if there is more than 1 path to the current file in a scan screen.. Overview: A `Select Access...
Table Fill Attribute A `Float` option has been added to the width specification on Table Sources. Overview: A `Float` option has been added to the width specification...
Interrupt Running Processes The user can now interrupt running processes, and designers can break into Input processes. Overview: The user can now interrupt running...
APPX 5.0 Bug Fixes Following is a list of bugs that were fixed in Appx release 5.0. Overview The list is sub divided into categories. The bug title, bug number...
APPX 5.0.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.0.0. Follow the links below to learn more....
Installation Instructions for APPX Server on Red Hat Linux Server This page provides instructions for installing APPX Server on a Red Hat Linux Server. APPX Server...
APPX 5 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5. Notes IMPORTANT: The APPX Desktop Client for Macs only runs on Intel...
APPX Linux/Unix APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 4.2.a Linux/Unix installation to APPX 5. Overview...
APPX Linux/Unix APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions Esta pagina tiene contenidos que usted necesita para hacer un upgrade de APPX 4.2.a para una instalacion de Linux/Unix...
APPX 5 New Installation Configure APPX Overview The first time that APPX is run after the installation wizard completes, you will need to complete the initial...
APPX 5.0.0 Open SSL This page describes how APPX uses Open SSL. Overview UPDATE : Most of this is obsolete, as the required SSL libraries are included with the...
APPX 5 connectivity to Oracle How to configure APPX 5 to store data inside Oracle. Overview This page is for APPX version 5.x higher. For 4.x and lower, go to...
APPX 5 on AIX connectivity to Oracle How to configure APPX 5 on AIX to store data inside Oracle. Overview Release 5.0.0 or higher of the APPX Utility allows APPX...
APPX 5 on HP UX Itanium connectivity to Oracle How to configure APPX 5 on HP UX Itanium to store data inside Oracle. Overview Release 5.0.0 or higher of the APPX...
APPX 5 on HP UX PA RISC connectivity to Oracle How to configure APPX 5 on HP UX PA RISC to store data inside Oracle. Overview Release 5.0.0 or higher of the APPX...
APPX 5 on Solaris SPARC connectivity to Oracle How to configure APPX 5 on Solaris SPARC to store data inside Oracle. Overview Release 5.0.0 or higher of the APPX...
APPX 5 on Windows connectivity to Oracle How to configure APPX 5 on Windows to store data inside Oracle. Overview Release 5.0.0 or higher of the APPX Utility allows...
APPX 5.x Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
APPX 5 Special Installation Instructions for upgrading within the APPX 5.x series This page provides special instructions when upgrading an existing APPX 5.0 installation...
APPX 5.1 Bug Fixes Following is a list of bugs that were fixed in Appx release 5.1. Overview The list is sub divided into categories. The bug title, bug number...
APPX 5.1 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.1. Notes IMPORTANT: The APPX Desktop Client for Macs only runs on...
APPX 5.2 Bug Fixes Following is a list of bugs that were fixed in Appx release 5.2. Overview The list is sub divided into categories. The bug title, bug number...
APPX 5.2.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.2.0. Follow the links below to learn more....
APPX 5.2 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.2. Notes There is an issue present in the 5.2.2 release of APPX that...
APPX 5.3.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.3.0. Follow the links below to learn more. Additional...
APPX 5.3 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.3. Notes IMPORTANT: APPX Desktop Client version should at least match...
APPX 5.3.1 Patch Bug Fixes Following is a list of bugs that were fixed in Appx patch release 5.3.1. The bug number, from APPX Bug Tracker (SIRID) is in parenthesis...
APPX 5.4.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4.0. Follow the links below to learn more. Overview...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4.0/5.4.1. Follow the links below to learn...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2. Follow the links...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4....
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4c Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4....
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4c/5.4.5 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4 and subsequent...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4c/5.4.5/5.4.6 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4 and subsequent...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4c/5.4.5/5.4.6/5.4.7 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4 and...
APPX HTML Client Features This page provides an overview of the features in the latest HTML client The version number of the client can be determined by hovering...
APPX 6.0.0 Linux/Unix New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Linux/Unix. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode...
APPX 6 New Installation Configure APPX Overview The first time that APPX is run after the installation wizard completes, you will need to complete the initial...
APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.1 Overview Release...
APPX 6.0.0 Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
APPX HTML Client Features This page provides an overview of the features in the latest HTML client The version number of the client can be determined by hovering...
APPX 6.1.0 (and greater) Linux/Unix New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Linux/Unix. There is a GUI installer and a...
APPX 6.1.0 New Installation Configure APPX Overview The first time that APPX is run after the installation wizard completes, you will need to complete the initial...
APPX 6.1 (and greater) Upgrade Instructions This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.1 and...
APPX 6.1.0 (and greater) Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console...
APPX HTML Client Features This page provides an overview of the features in the latest HTML client The version number of the client can be determined by hovering...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Linux Requirements The Appx Desktop Client should run on most varieties of Linux, however due to the sheer number of distributions...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Linux Requirements El Appx Desktop Client debe rodar en los varios Linux, pero porque hay muchas tipos de distribucion, ni todas...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Mac OS/X Requirements IMPORTANT: The APPX Desktop Client only runs on Intel based Macs with OS/X 10.5 Update 1, or higher. Older...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Mac OS/X Requirements IMPORTANT: El APPX Desktop Client solamente roda en Intel Macs con OS/X 10.5 Update 1, o mas alto. Intel...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Windows Requirements The Appx Desktop Client runs on all versions of desktop Windows, including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7....
APPX Desktop Client Installation Windows Requirements El Appx Desktop Client roda en todas las versiones de desktop Windows, incluyendo Windows XP, Vista, Windows...
APPX Audit Log Feature This page describes the APPX Audit Log feature and provides instructions for enabling the APPX Audit Log feature on either Linux or Windows...
APPX Audit Log Feature Esta pagina muestra el APPX Audit Log y prove informacion para seleccionar el APPX Audit Log feature. Overview APPX Audit Log caracteristicas...
APPX Desktop Client Encryption Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Desktop Client includes an option to enable SSL encryption for `Remote` APPX Desktop Client...
APPX Desktop Client Encryption Efectivamente con la liberacion de la version 5.0.0, el APPX Desktop Client incluye una opcion para permitir SSL encryption para sesiones...
APPX Client/Server Installation and Configuration Overview: This information only applies to very old versions of APPX (pre 4.2). Consult the installation instructions...
Data API The Data API provides a set of tools you can use to have your APPX applications respond to web based queries. Overview The Data API is a collection of tools...
APPX Environment Variables Environment Variables are used to modify the behavior of APPX at runtime. They may be set in the Windows or Unix operating system before...
APPX External Databases Using the APPX/ODBC Connection APPX 4.1 The APPX/ODBC Connection allows APPX Applications, through a Windows ODBC Server, to access and...
Output Process Design Raw Text Widget Effective with Release 5.0.0, Raw Text widgets on output images have a defined behavior. Overview Prior to Release 5.0....
APPX Keys AppxKEYS is a utility program embedded in APPX that allows a user to create an APPX keyboard layout for character mode connections. The keyboard layout for...
APPX License Server NOTE Most of this information is redundant. In current versions, if a license server is not detected it will be started automatically by the...
APPX Login Manager For Unix/Linux This page describes how to install the APPX Login Manager command and how to use it to install, configure, and manage APPX Login...
APPX Login Manager For Windows This page describes how to install the APPX Login Manager command and how to use it to install, configure, and manage APPX Login Services...
APPX/NT Operations and Administration Note: The information here is generally obsolete since WinAppxD has been replaced by the APPX Login Manager. Contents:...
APPX ODBC Installations Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX ODBC 5. Overview APPX ODBC is used by APPX customers to gain access to...
APPX Presentation Server WinAppxD APPX Release 4.2.a and earlier This document includes questions and hints about installing and running APPX/Server on Windows...
APPX Process Stack Running an APPX application consists of a series of processes calling each other. For example, the Main Menu might call a submenu, which might call...
APPX QUERY Report Writer Introduction: APPX Query (formerly known as APPX SQL) is an enduser oriented Report Generator. It allows endusers trained in its use to define...
APPX Runtime Subroutine API Overview Over 100 new subroutines are available for designers to use. Overview: Release 5.1 contains over 100 subroutines for designers...
APPX Runtime Subroutine API Overview Descripci...
Using the APPX/TMUNIX Scripting Feature The following information is only applicable when running APPX in character mode (ie, not using the APPX Desktop or HTML clients...
APPXUTIL Overview This document is applicable to versions of APPX prior to 4.2.0. If you are using a later version refer to File Analysis Recovery. What is APPXUTIL...
APPX Usage Log The APPX Usage log gives you the ability to track session log on/off, process execution and more. Overview The APPX Usage log can be used to track...
Running APPX on Windows from a hand held device via a Linux Terminal Server This document will demonstrate how you can run APPX on Windows in character mode when...
Accessing Query Parameters Overview: The Query specifications used to produce a report are stored in three memory files, defined in the application. You can find...
Advanced Topics Now that you understand the technique described above, there are some existing and soon to be released features to make the process a little easier...
Alignment Specification This chart explains the positioning when using the various `align` routines in the Chart Director API. Constant Description BottomLeft...
APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on 64 bit Debian 5 APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64 bit Debian, but because Debian is 64 bit and APPX is 32 bit, it...
APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 6/Scientific Linux 6/Oracle Linux 6/CentOS 6 Overview This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL...
APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/CentOS 5 Overview This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and MySQL...
APPX 4.2.9, PostgreSQL, and UnixODBC on RHEL 5/Scientific Linux 5/Oracle Linux 5/CentOS 5 Overview This document will demonstrate how to configure APPX 4.2.9 and...
APPX 5.3/5.3.1/5.3.3 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.3/5.3.1/5.3.3. Notes IMPORTANT: APPX Desktop Client version...
APPX 5.4.x Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.x. Notes IMPORTANT: APPX Desktop Client version should at least...
APPX 5.4.1/5.4.2 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.1. Notes IMPORTANT: APPX Desktop Client version should at...
APPX 5.4.3 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.3. Notes IMPORTANT: APPX Desktop Client version should at least...
APPX 5.4.4 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.4. Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
APPX 5.4.5 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.5. Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
APPX 5.4.6 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.6. Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
APPX 5.4.7 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.4.7. Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
APPX 5.5.0/5.5.1/5.5.2 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.5 and subsequent patch releases. Follow...
APPX 5.5.0/5.5.1 Features Application Design This page describes the new features in Application Design in Release 5.5.0 and subsequent patch releases. Note that...
APPX 5.5.0 Features Runtime This page describes the new features for the runtime environment in APPX 5.5.0. Overview The runtime environment received a facelift...
APPX 5.5.0 Features SCCS This page describes the changes made to the Sourc Code Control System (SCCS) Changes Cosmetic changes: All scrolling screens now use...
APPX 5.5.0 Features System Administration This page describes the new features in Application Design New Environment Variables Some new environment variables have...
APPX 5.5.0/5.5.1/5.5.2 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.5.0 and subsequent patch releases.. Notes IMPORTANT:...
APPX 6.0.0 Features This page provides an overview of the new features in APPX 6.0. Overview The most significant change in this is release is support for a Unicode...
APPX 6.0.0 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 6.0.0 Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
APPX 6.1.0 Features This page provides an overview of the new features in APPX 6.1.x Overview The most significant change in this is release is support for a Unicode...
APPX 6.1.0 and 6.2.0 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 6.1.x and 6.2.x Notes IMPORTANT: Client versions earlier...
APPX 6.2.0 Features This page provides an overview of the new features in APPX 6.2.x Overview This release is primarily focused on the repair of bugs, found in both...
APPX HTML Client This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow you to connect...
APPX HTML Client 5.4.2 This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow you...
APPX HTML Client 5.4.3/5.4.4 This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow...
APPX HTML Client 5.4.5 This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow you...
APPX HTML Client 5.4.6/5.4.7 This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow...
APPX HTML Client This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow you to connect...
Accessing APPX Data From VB Using AppxODBC The Appx ODBC client allows you to access APPXIO data from external applications such as Excel, Crystal Reports, and other...
Automating Export/Import with Unix Crontabs `Can I run an APPX process via a Unix command (one liner) to Export and Import? I would like to setup a crontab to handle...
APPX Background Processing This document discusses APPX background processing. Overview Background processes refers to the ability of APPX to spawn another session...
.AXIS LABEL ADD NEXT This subroutine adds the specified label to the `current` Axis of the `current` chart.. Usage: PASS axis label...
.AXIS SET AXIS SCALE This subroutine sets the top extension, bottom extension, and zero affinity values that are to be used when auto scaling the `current` axis....
.AXIS SET AXIS CLR This subroutine sets the color of the `current` axis Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE? N...
.AXIS SET AXIS VAL DIR This subroutine sets the direction for the values of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS val dir FIELD...
.AXIS SET AXIS L This subroutine sets the length of the `current` axis Usage: PASS axis length FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.AXIS SET AXIS MARGIN This subroutine reserves margins at the end of the `current` axis Usage: PASS top margin FIELD SHARE...
.AXIS SET AXIS MODE This subroutine sets the axis mode of the `current` axis to be INDENTED or DEFAULT. Usage: PASS axis mode FIELD...
.AXIS SET AXIS OFFSET This subroutine sets the offset (x and y) of the `current` axis Usage: PASS x offset FIELD SHARE...
.AXIS SET AXIS RND MAX This subroutine controls whether or not the maximum value of the `current` axis should be rounded to correspond with a tick value. Usage...
.AXIS SET AXIS RND MIN This subroutine controls whether or not the minimum value of the `current` axis should be rounded to correspond with a tick value. Usage...
.AXIS SET AXIS W This subroutine sets the width of the `current` axis Usage: PASS axis width FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.AXIS SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to set the specified axis (`x`, `y`) of the `current` chart to be the `current` axis. Usage: PASS axis...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT CLR This subroutine sets the font color for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT IDX This subroutine sets the font index for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font index FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT NAM This subroutine sets the font name and font number for the `current` label of the `current` Axis. Usage: PASS font name...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT SZ This subroutine sets the font size for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font height FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT STL This subroutine sets the font style for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font style FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FORMAT This subroutine sets format for the `current` label on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS lbl format FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL GAP This subroutine sets the gap between the labels and the axis for the `current` axis. Usage: PASS title gap FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL OFFSET This subroutine sets the offset of the labels for the the `current` axis. Usage: PASS lbl offset FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL ROTATION This subroutine sets the rotation angle for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS rot angle...
.AXIS SET TICK MIN INC This subroutine sets the minimum tick increment of the ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS tick inc...
.AXIS SET TICK CLR This subroutine sets the color of the major and/or minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.AXIS SET TICK DENSITY This subroutine sets the distance in pixels between major ticks and minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS maj tick...
.AXIS SET TICK L This subroutine sets the length of the major and/or minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS maj tick len FIELD...
.AXIS SET TICK OFFSET This subroutine sets the offset of the ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS tick offset FIELD...
.AXIS SET TICK W This subroutine sets the length of the major and/or minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS maj tick width FIELD...
.AXIS SET TITLE This subroutine is called to set the title for the `current` axis. Usage: PASS axis title FIELD SHARE?...
.AXIS SET TTL ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment of the axis title for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS title alignment...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT CLR This subroutine sets the font color for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT IDX This subroutine sets the font index for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font index FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT NAM This subroutine sets the font name and font number for the title of the `current` Axis. Usage: PASS font name...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT SZ This subroutine sets the font size for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font height FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT STL This subroutine sets the font style for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font style FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL GAP This subroutine sets the gap between the axis title and the axis for the `current` axis. Usage: PASS title gap...
.AXIS SWAP XY This subroutine is called to swap the X Y axis of the `current` chart. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .AXIS SWAP XY Check for error...
.AXIS SYNC Y AXIS This subroutine sets a linear formula to synchronize the secondary y axis scale to the primary y axis scale. Usage: PASS slope...
.AXIS Y ON RIGHT This subroutine is called to interchange the position of the primary y axis and the secondary y axis. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .AXIS Y ON RIGHT...
Base Chart Routines These subroutines allow you to set various attributes of your chart, regardless of the type of chart you are creating. Base Chart Routines General...
Color Routines These subroutines allow you to set or change the color of the `current object`. In most cases, you have to have assigned a color to an object via some...
Data Routines These subroutines allow you supply the data you want on your chart. See Datasets Overview for an overview on using these subroutines. Dataset Routines...
Chart Director API for APPX These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to create business charts within an APPX application. Installation Tips Overview Data Routines...
Installation Tips This page describes some installation tips. Description: If your server does not already have PHP installed, download and install PHP from...
Known Issues The Linear Meter chart type has a few problems: The pointer files (PTR1/2) are not initialized when .CHART INITIALIZE is called, so each...
Overview Release 5.1.0 of the APPX Utility includes a new designer API which can be used to create charts within an APPX application. This API provides APPX Designers...
Pie Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create a Pie chart. Pie Chart Routines General .PIE SET DATASET Associate a dataset with the pie chart. .PIE...
Text Object Routines All the text that you place on the chart is considered a `text object`, such as axis labels, chart titles, legends, etc. These subroutines allow...
XY Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create an XY chart. General .XY SET PLOT AREA Set the position and size of the plot area. .XY SET PLOT AREA:X Set...
.CHART GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y GOSUB...
.CHART RENDER This subroutine is called to render a chart for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y SUBR...
.CHART SET BG COLOR This subroutine sets the background color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET BG SIZE This subroutine sets the background size (width and height) of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD...
.CHART SET BG SIZE:H This subroutine sets the background height of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET BG SIZE:W This subroutine sets the background width of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET CNR EXT CLR This subroutine sets the exterior color for rounded corners for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS color spec name...
.CHART SET CNR R This subroutine sets the radius of the corners of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner tl FIELD...
.CHART SET CNR R:BL This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom left corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner bl...
.CHART SET CNR R:BR This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom right corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner br...
.CHART SET CNR R:TL This subroutine sets the radius of the top left corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner tl FIELD...
.CHART SET CNR R:TR This subroutine sets the radius of the top right corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner tr FIELD...
.CHART SET CNR STYLE This subroutine sets the corner style of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS cnr style FIELD SHARE...
.CHART SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to switch the context of the `current` chart spec to a previously initialized chart spec. Usage: PASS...
.CHART SET DROP SHADOW This subroutine turns the drop shadow effect on or off for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS drop shadow sw...
.CHART SET DS BLUR RAD This subroutine sets the blur radius of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS blur radius...
.CHART SET DS COLOR This subroutine sets the color of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.CHART SET DS LOC:X This subroutine sets the X offset of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS x offset FIELD...
.CHART SET DS LOC This subroutine sets the location of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS x offset FIELD...
.CHART SET DS LOC:Y This subroutine sets the Y offset of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS y offset FIELD...
.CHART SET EDGE COLOR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET EDGE EFFECT This subroutine sets the edge effect of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CHART SET EDGE WIDTH This subroutine set the width of the 3D border for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS chart edge width FIELD...
.CHART SET BG IMAGE This subroutine sets the background image of the `current` chart spec. If you want the image to be tiled across the background, use .CHART SET...
.CHART SET IMAGE PATH This subroutine sets a search path for images for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS image pathname FIELD...
.CHART SET LEGEND BOX This subroutine is called to create a legend box on your chart. Usage: PASS x coordinate FIELD SHARE...
.CHART SET SHAPE AA This subroutine turns anti aliasing mode on or off for shapes and lines on the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS shape aa sw...
.CHART SET TXT AA MODE This subroutine sets the anti aliasing mode for text on the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS text aa FIELD...
.CHART SET TITLE This subroutine is called to set the title for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.CHART SET TRANS COLOR This subroutine sets the transparency color for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.CHART SET TRANS TYPE This subroutine sets the transparency type for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS trans type FIELD...
.CHART SET BG WALLPAPR This subroutine sets the background image of the `current` chart spec. The image will be tiled across the background of the chart, if you want...
.COLOR GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` color object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.COLOR INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a color object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.COLOR SET BRIGHTNESS Sets the brightness of the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS brightness FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET BRUSH METAL Sets the strength of the texture to create a Brushed Metal Effect for the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS texture strength...
.COLOR SET COLOR Sets the color of the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB 0CD...
.COLOR SET COLOR:A Sets the transparency value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS alpha FIELD SHARE? N...
.COLOR SET COLOR:B Sets the blue value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS blue color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET COLOR:G Sets the green value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS green color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET COLOR:R Sets the red value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS red color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET COLOR:RGB Sets the individual colors of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS red FIELD SHARE? N...
.COLOR SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to set the `current` Color Object to be a previously initialized Color Object. Usage: PASS color spec...
.COLOR SET DASH LINE Sets the dash line pattern for the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS dash line pattern FIELD SHARE? N...
.COLOR SET DEFAULT Clear the `current` Color Object. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .COLOR SET DEFAULT Check for error IF 0CD .COLOR SET DEFAULT...
.COLOR SET GLASS Assigns a special shading effect that emulates tinted glass or semi transparent plastic material to the `current` color object. Usage: PASS...
.COLOR SET GRADIENT Changes the `current` color object to have a two point linear gradient color. Usage: PASS start x FIELD...
.COLOR SET HALF COLOR Sets the intensity of the `current` Color Object to be one half of the normal intensity. Usage: PASS half color...
.COLOR SET METAL Sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Metal color effect for the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS brightness...
.COLOR SET GOLD Sets the color of the `current` Color Object to be Yellow (FFEE44) and sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Gold Metal color effect...
.COLOR SET SILVER Sets the color of the `current` Color Object to be Gray (DDDDDD) and sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Silver Metal color...
.COLOR SET OPAQUE Sets the `current` Color object to be opaque. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .COLOR SET OPAQUE Check for error IF 0CD .COLOR...
.COLOR SET TRANSPARENT Sets the `current` Color object to be transparent. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .COLOR SET TRANSPARENT Check for error IF...
.COLOR SET SOFT Assigns a special shading effect that looks like gradient coloring to the `current` color object. Usage: PASS direction...
.DATASET GET NAME This subroutine gets the name of the `current` Dataset. Usage: PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? Y GOSUB...
.DATASET INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize a dataset. Usage: PASS number of dimensions FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.DATASET INITIALIZE Esta subrutina es llamada para inicializar un conjunto de datos. Usage: PASS number of dimensions FIELD SHARE?...
.DATASET SET CURRENT This subroutine sets the `current` Dataset to be a previously initialized Dataset. Usage: PASS dataset name FIELD...
.LAYER ADD DATA GROUP This subroutine adds a Data Group to the current chart layer. Usage: PASS data group name FIELD SHARE...
.LAYER ADD DATA GROUP Esta subrutina se agrega un grupo de datos a la capa de tabla actual. Usage: PASS data group name FIELD...
.LAYER ADD DATASET This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD SHARE...
.LAYER ADD DATASET TM This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD...
.LAYER ADD DATASET TM Esta subrutina se suma una plantilla de conjunto de datos en el grupo de datos actual. Usage: PASS data set name...
.LAYER LINK DATASET This subroutine links a Data Set to a Data Set Template. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? N Opt...
.LAYER LINK DATASET TM This subroutine links a Data Set to a Data Set Template. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? N...
.LAYER LINK DATASET TM Esta subrutina enlaces un conjunto de datos a una plantilla de conjunto de datos. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD...
.LEGEND KEY ADD NEXT This subroutine adds a new legend key to the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS legend text FIELD SHARE...
.LEGEND KEY INTIALIZE This subroutine adds a new legend key to the `current` Legend Box at the specified priority. Usage: PASS entry priority...
.LEGEND KEY SET LN W This subroutine sets the line width of the legend key at the specified priority on the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS entry...
.LEGEND SET KEY COLS This subroutine sets the number of columns to be used with the `autogrid` Key Layout method for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS...
.LEGEND SET KEY GAP This subroutine sets the horizontal gap between two legend entries for horizontal legend layout and the vertical gap (line spacing) between the...
.LEGEND SET KEY GAP:H This subroutine sets the horizontal gap between two legend entries for horizontal legend layout for the `current` Legend Box. Usage:...
.LEGEND SET KEY GAP:V This subroutine sets the vertical gap between two legend entries for `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS vert gap...
.LEGEND SET ICON E CLR This subroutine sets the icon edge color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.LEGEND SET ICON E EFF This subroutine sets the icon edge effect of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS icon edge effect FIELD...
.LEGEND SET ICON E W This subroutine sets the width of the icon edges in the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.LEGEND SET ICON GAP This subroutine sets the distance between legend key icons and the legend text for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon...
.LEGEND SET ICON SZ:H This subroutine sets the height of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon height...
.LEGEND SET ICON SZ This subroutine sets the width and height of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon width...
.LEGEND SET ICON SZ:W This subroutine sets the width of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon width...
.LEGEND SET KEY LAYOUT This subroutine sets the layout style for the `current` legend. Usage: PASS template FIELD SHARE...
.LEGEND SET KEY ORDER This subroutine sets the key order to be ascending or descending for the `current` Legend Box.. Usage: PASS key order...
.LEGEND SET KEY STYLE This subroutine sets the icon key style of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS key style FIELD...
.LEGEND SET TEMPLATE This subroutine sets the template for the style for the `current` legend. Usage: PASS template FIELD...
.LINE INITIALIZE This subroutine initializes a line on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS line spec name FIELD SHARE? N...
.LINE SET CLR This subroutine sets the color of the `current` line object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE? N...
.LINE SET END XY This subroutine changes the ending co ordinates of the `current` line. Usage: PASS end x FIELD SHARE...
.LINE SET START XY This subroutine changes the starting co ordinates of the `current` line. Usage: PASS start x FIELD...
.LINE SET W This subroutine sets the width of the `current` line object. Usage: PASS line width FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
Chart Design Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for creating a simple chart. Description: Designing a chart can be as simple...
Chart Rendering Overview This page describes the process for rendering a chart and using it in your Appx program. Description: After you have initialized your chart...
Chart Rendering Overview Resumen Representaci...
Datasets Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for supplying data to the charting routines. Description: Data and the presentation...
Key Concepts This page describes de key concepts you should know before using the API`s. Description: The API`s have been designed so that you have a minimum number...
Troubleshooting Tips This page describes some troubleshooting tips. Description: When creating a new chart, find an example chart that is close to the layout...
Consejos para solucionar problemas Esta p...
.PIE SECT ADD NEXT This subroutine is called to create a new pic chart sector spec. Usage: PASS sector data point FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SECT INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a pie sector spec. Usage: PASS chart spec name FIELD...
.PIE SECT SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to select a new `current` pie sector spec. Usage: PASS sector no FIELD...
.PIE SET 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the 3D Depth for all pie sectors. Usage: PASS pie 3D depth FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.PIE SET 3D MODE This subroutine sets the 3D mode of a pie chart. Usage: PASS pie 3d mode FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.PIE SET SECT 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the sector 3D Depth for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector....
.PIE SET 3D VIEW ANGLE This subroutine sets the 3D view angle of the `current` pie chart. Usage: PASS 3D view angle FIELD...
.PIE SET DATASET This subroutine associates a dataset with the `current` pie chart. Usage: PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS This subroutine sets the upper and lower bounds for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS top bound...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:B This subroutine sets the lower bound for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS bottom bound FIELD...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:T This subroutine sets the upper bound for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS top bound FIELD...
.PIE SET LBL DISTANCE This subroutine sets the label layout for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie sector....
.PIE SET LBL FORMAT This subroutine sets format for pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie...
.PIE SET LBL JN LN CLR This subroutine sets the color of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie...
.PIE SET LBL JN LN W This subroutine sets the width of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie...
.PIE SET LBL LAYOUT This subroutine sets the label layout for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie sector. Usage...
.PIE SET ORIGIN This subroutine sets the x and y coordinates (horizontal and vertical) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS...
.PIE SET ORIGIN:X This subroutine sets the x coordinate (horizontal) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS pie X coord...
.PIE SET ORIGIN:Y This subroutine sets the y coordinate (vertical) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS pie Y coord...
.PIE SET RADIUS This subroutine sets the radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS outer radius FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET RADIUS:INNER This subroutine sets the inner radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS inner radius FIELD...
.PIE SET RADIUS:OUTER This subroutine sets the outer radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS outer radius FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT BG CLR This subroutine sets the background color of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS color spec name...
.PIE SET SECT EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT EDGE W This subroutine sets the edge width of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT EXP DIST This subroutine sets the distance between exploded sectors for the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS exp dist...
.PIE SET SECT LABEL This subroutine sets the label for the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS sector label FIELD...
.PIE SET LAYOUT This subroutine sets the starting angle of the first sector and the direction for subsequent sectors for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS...
.PIE SET LAYOUT:DIR This subroutine sets the direction for drawing sectors for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS layout clockwise FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT POSITION This subroutine sets the position (Normal or Exploded) of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS sector pos...
.PIE SET SECT SHADING This subroutine sets the shading method of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS shade method FIELD...
.PIE SET LAYOUT:ANGLE This subroutine sets the starting angle of the first sector for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS starting angle...
.PIE SET SHAPE This subroutine is called to set the shape of the pie chart to be Standard or Donut. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET VIEW This subroutine sets the view of the `current` pie chart to be 2D or 3D. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.POINT ADD NEW This subroutine adds a new Point to the `current` Dataset. Usage: PASS dataset point value1 FIELD SHARE? N...
.POINT ADD NEW Esta subrutina agrega un nuevo punto al `actual` conjunto de datos. Usage: PASS dataset point value1 FIELD SHARE...
.POINT SET VALUE This subroutine changes the value of an existing data point. Usage: PASS dataset point value1 FIELD SHARE...
.SHAPE GET NAME Gets the name of the `current` Shape Object. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD SHARE? Y GOSUB OCD .SHAPE GET...
.SHAPE INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a shape spec. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD SHARE?...
.SHAPE SET CURRENT Set the `current` Shape Object to be a previously initialized Shape Object. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.SHAPE SET DEFAULT Clear the `current` Shape Object. Usage: GOSUB OCD .SHAPE SET DEFAULT Check for error IF OCD .SHAPE SET DEFAULT...
.SHAPE SET NEXT POINT This subroutine is called to create a custom shape. Usage: PASS x point FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.SHAPE SET POINTS CNT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS no of points...
.SHAPE SET SHAPE ID This subroutine changes the shape id of the `current` shape. Usage: PASS shape id FIELD SHARE? N...
.SHAPE SET SIDES CNT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS no of points...
.SHAPE SET WIDTH PCT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS width percent...
.TEXT BX ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment (position) of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS box alignment FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a text object. Usage: PASS text spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX BG CLR This subroutine sets the background color for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R This subroutine sets the radius of the corners of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top left radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:BL This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom left corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS bottom left radius...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:BR This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom right corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS bottom right radius...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:TL This subroutine sets the radius of the top left corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top left radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:TR This subroutine sets the radius of the top right corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top right radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR STYLE This subroutine sets the corner style of the `current` text object. Usage: PASS corner style FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE EFF This subroutine sets the edge effect for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS edge effect FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE W This subroutine sets the edge width for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX LOC This subroutine sets the offset (x and y) of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS X location FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX LOC:X This subroutine sets the X offset of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS X location FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX LOC:Y This subroutine sets the Y offset of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS Y location FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX SZ This subroutine sets the size (height and width) of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx height FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX SZ:H This subroutine sets the height of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx height FIELD SHARE?...
.TEXT SET BX SZ:H This subroutine sets the width of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx width FIELD SHARE? N...
.TEXT SET BX Z ORDER This subroutine sets the Z order for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS z order FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to set the `current` Text Object to be a previously initialized Text Object. Usage: PASS text spec name...
.TEXT SET FONT CLR This subroutine sets the font color for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT INDEX This subroutine sets the font index for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font index FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT NAME This subroutine sets the font name and font number for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font name FIELD...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ This subroutine sets the font size for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font height FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ:H This subroutine sets the font height for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font height FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ:W This subroutine sets the font width for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font width FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT STYLE This subroutine sets the font style for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font style FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET TEXT This subroutine is called to set the text for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text string FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET TXT ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment of the text in the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text alignment FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT LAYOUT This subroutine sets the layout direction of the text(horizontal or Vertical) in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS font...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN This subroutine sets the margins for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS left margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:B This subroutine sets the bottom margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS bottom margin...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:L This subroutine sets the left margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS left margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:R This subroutine sets the right margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS right margin...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:T This subroutine sets the top margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS top margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ This subroutine sets the maximum size (width and height) of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ:H This subroutine sets the maximum height of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS max...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ:W This subroutine sets the maximum width of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS max text...
.TEXT SET TXT ROTATION This subroutine sets the rotation angle for the text in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS rotation angle FIELD...
.XY SET BAR OLAP This subroutine sets overlapping among bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap ratio FIELD...
.XY ADD BAR LAYER This subroutine adds a Bar layer to the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS data combine method FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY ADD BAR LAYER Esta subrutina agrega un bar layer a la especificaci...
.XY PACK PLOT AREA This subroutine adjusts the size and position of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS left x FIELD...
.XY SET AG LABEL This subroutine turns aggregate labels on or off for the `current` chart layer. Usage: PASS ag total sw FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR This subroutine sets the color of the bars at the current level or at the data point. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DG This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data group. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DP This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data point. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DS This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data set template. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:LR This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` layer. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the color of the bar borders at the `current` layer. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR EDGE EFF This subroutine sets the edge effect of the bars on the `current` layer. Usage: PASS bar edge effect FIELD...
.XY SET BAR EDGE WIDTH This subroutine set the width of the 3D border for bars on the `current` layer. Usage: PASS bar edge width FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GAP This subroutine sets the gap between the bars or a bar group in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS bar gap FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GAP:BTW This subroutine sets the gap between the bars in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS bar gap FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR GAP:WITHIN This subroutine sets the gap between the bars or a bar group in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS subBar gap FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GRADIENT This subroutine applies a special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars. Usage: PASS start bright FIELD...
.XY SET BAR LBL MIN SZ This subroutine sets the minimum height (or width for horizontal bars) of the bar segments below which data labels will be hidden. Usage...
.XY SET BAR 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the 3D Depth of the current bar layer. Usage: PASS 3D depth FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY SET BAR LEGEND ISZ This subroutine sets the width and height of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon width...
.XY SET LINE GAP CLR Sets the color of the line connecting 2 data points when there is a `NoValue` data point in between. Usage: PASS color spec...
.XY SET BAR OLAP:ORDER This subroutine sets the order among overlapping bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap order...
.XY SET BAR OLAP:RATIO This subroutine sets the overlap ratio among bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap ratio...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Point, Data Set Template, Data Group, or XY Bar Layer. Usage: PASS...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DG This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Group. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DP This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Point. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DS This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Set Template. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:LR This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Layer. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR W This subroutine sets the bar and subBar width in a chart layer. Usage: PASS bar width FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY SET BAR W:GROUP This subroutine sets the bar width in a chart layer. Usage: PASS bar width FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.XY SET BAR W:WITHIN This subroutine sets the subBar width in a chart layer. Usage: PASS subBar width FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY SET DATA LABEL This subroutine turns data labels on or off for the `current` chart layer. Usage: PASS data total sw FIELD...
.XY SET DATA LABEL:DS This subroutine turns data labels on or off for the `current` dataset template. Usage: PASS data total sw FIELD...
.XY SET LEGEND TXT This subroutine sets the name to be included in the Legend box. Usage: PASS legend name FIELD SHARE?...
.XY SET PLOT AREA This subroutine sets position and size of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS x coord FIELD...
.XY SET PA BG CLR This subroutine sets the background colors of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET PA EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET PA HGRID CLR This subroutine sets the horizontal grid color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:H This subroutine sets the height of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS plot area height FIELD...
.XY SET PA VGRID CLR This subroutine sets the vertical grid color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:W This subroutine sets the width of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS plot area width FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:X This subroutine sets the x coordinate of the plot area position for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS x coord FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:Y This subroutine sets the y coordinate of the plot area position for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS y coord FIELD...
Calling O/S API Functions By using the PASS and CALL statements in APPX, O/S libraries and functions can easily be accessed from APPX subroutines. This paper discusses...
Character Encoding Character encoding wasn...
Client Side Processes File Transfers This page is intended for APPX Release 5.0 and earlier. In Release 5.1 various API`s were introduced to perform these functions...
APPX Client Always On Top This client setting turn on the Always On Top setting in the Operating System for this window. Overview This client property will set...
APPX Client Control Double Click Behavior This client setting allows you to control the behaviour of a double click. Overview This client property allows you to...
APPX Client Arrow Key in Scrolling Regions This client setting causes use of the arrow keys in a scrolling process to scroll records up or down the screen. Overview...
APPX Client Borderless Mode This client setting turns off the outermost client border. Overview This client property turns off the outermost client window border...
APPX Client Turn the Block Cursor On or Off This client setting lets you control the block cursor. Overview This client property allow you to control the block...
APPX Client Draw Border around Active Scrolling Region This client setting turns on or off the blue border we draw around the active scrolling record. Overview...
APPX Client Duplicate Session Hot Key This feature allows a user to easily start an additional APPX Client session. Overview The Duplicate Session Hot Key (Alt...
APPX Client Map End, Tab, and Option keys This client setting allows you to map the End, Tab, and Option functions to different keyboard keys. Overview The property...
APPX Client New Scan Button This client setting replace the scan button with a smaller scan button. Overview This client property replaces the standard Scan button...
Process ID is part of Client Title The Process ID is now part of the default Client Title. Overview By default, the title for the client window now includes the...
APPX Client Presentation Mode Footer Size This client setting controls the size of the footer in Presentation Mode. Overview This client property controls the size...
APPX Client Presentation Remote This client setting allows you to use certain keystrokes used by presentation remotes to trigger selected Appx options. Overview...
Tech Tip Client Side Printing by Gary Rogers, APPX Director of Training and Consulting With the advent of the APPX Desktop Client, a broad range of features were...
APPX Client Single Sign On (Windows Only) This allows the Appx Client to automatically use your Windows Active Directly desktop authenticated credentials to log into...
Client Startup Preferences File You can now specify a preferences file for the client on the command line. Overview This setting allows you to set any client preference...
APPX Client Swipe/Drag Scrolling This client setting causes mouse drag and touchscreen swipe actions to translate into Appx Panning and Scrolling options. Overview...
APPX Client Use Main Title Bar This client setting moves the processes title bar text to the Appx Client titlebar. Overview This client property takes the text...
APPX Client Scroll Navigation Bar This client setting replace the scrollbar with a new navigation bar. Overview This client property replace the standard Scroll...
Passing data to a Client Session This client setting allows you to pass custom data into a new Appx Client session. Overview This client property allows you to...
APPX Client Semi Transparent Mode This client setting controls the transparency of the entire client window as it appears on the desktop. Overview This client property...
Working with Color Specifications Various API`s allow you to pass a `color spec name` or `color value` to set a color. A `color spec name` refers to a previously defined...
Combining CGI Script and APPX ILF Now that you are generating HTML from within APPX, wouldn`t it be nice to generate the new documents directly in response to web...
Configuring APPX for Unix Configuring the Login Manager This document explains how to configure the new login manager in APPX 5.0 higher Unix HASP Installation...
Configuring APPX for Windows APPX Presentation Server WinAppxD This document includes questions and hints about installing and running APPX/Server on Windows...
Converting Arrays to Scalar Data At present, only the `CNV TEXT` stmt addresses an Alpha array as if it were a single scalar variable. (Unfortunately, it also adjusts...
Customizing the Runtime Environment The APPX environment includes a number of standard processes. This page describes how you can customize them. Overview Your...
Debugging Print Problems How many times have you gotten this call: ...
Designer Questions WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager. 3.1) How do I...
Determining the Windows Serial Number When installed on a Windows server or stand alone PC, the APPX license is tied to the serial number of the C drive of the machine...
Developer Tips Displaying Google Maps in the HTML client If you want to display a Google map using the HTML client, follow this tip. Environment / Widget File Wizards...
Diagnosing Strange and Generic Errors To diagnose strange or generic errors (such as bus errors, seg faults, attempting to free freed memory errors, or `an internal...
Displaying Date/Time Stamps `APPX has a convention of Option 98 for audit information. We would like to continue with that convention within our design. How do...
Dynamic Linking and the CALL Statement Contents : Calling External Functions from APPX ILF Code It is possible for system integrators to develop and compile functions...
APPX E mail Support APPX Support List The APPX Support List is a membership mailing list, open only to supported customers with current maintenance agreements at...
End User Selection can now be Required You can now designate certain End User Selections as `Required` on a Query. Overview To help prevent users from accidentally...
External Commands from the Windows Client In Release 5.1 and higher you can use the APPX Desktop or HTML client and the .CLIENT LOAD URL API. In earlier versions,...
Field Overrides If you do not want to use the APPX assigned data types you can override them using Field Overrides. For example, if you are mapping an APPX Data Dictionary...
Font Specifications Font Location In Chart Director, the font name is simply the file name that contains the font. For example, under the Windows platform, the `Arial...
Foreign Language Translation Following are known issues with the Foreign Language Translation utility: 1) The mechanism that determines when an EM must be rebuilt...
APPX Runtime Subroutine API This page lists all the available API`s in the current version of Appx. Various API`s have been released at different times and are documented...
Displaying Google Maps in the HTML client Google does not allow any of their website to be loaded in an iframe in a web browser. It works in the java client because...
HTML Client Remote Troubleshooting If you`re having trouble with remote HTML Client connections, here are some things you can try. Client doesn...
Tech Tip How to create a PDF Form Overlay by Gary Rogers, APPX Director of Training and Consulting There have been a lot of inquiries on how to create a form overlay...
ILF Debugger allows Scanning of Field Names You can now scan for field names in the debugger. Overview You can now scan for field names in the debugger. Usage...
Importing Consecutive Files APPX Versions 5.1 higher In 5.1 a number of APIs were introduced that make the task of importing data easier. For example, if we have...
Installation of WinAppxD WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager....
Interactive Support Among the APPX Interactive Support offerings are a Message Board open to all members of the APPX community and e mail support addressing a variety...
Introduction to Web Server Before running out and trying to attach your APPX application to a Web Server, you need to understand the basic concepts used to get information...
Invoking Windows Shell Functions In order to invoke a Windows shell function (such as a batch file or executable) from APPX for Windows, you can use a syntax similar...
Java Client Keymap We welcome any input on what our standard keymap should be. This one tries to be like a Windows keymap for other standard Windows Applications....
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APPX Keystroke Process Recording Playback The following information is only applicable when running APPX in character mode (ie, not using the APPX Desktop or...
APPX Desktop Client Launched via Java Web Start This document will explain how to start the APPX Desktop Client via Java Web Start Technology. Overview When you publish...
Library Updates The APPX engine interfaces with a variety of third party libraries. Overview The APPX engine uses a variety of third party libraries to implement...
A LogMonitor is a special background process that records changes in data files. It is controlled using the same mechanisms as appxLoginMgr. Using FMS groups, you...
Moving APPX Applications and Data Between Platforms The above title is not accurate, but it does represent a typical migration that these instructions are designed...
What is the NT Equivalent of ... WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager....
Optimizing Performance when using an RDBMS This page contains some tips to optmize performance when you store your data in an RDBMS. APPX performance with data stored...
Option Numbers Visible in Image Editor Option Numbers for auto GUI buttons are visible in the Image Editor Overview Option Numbers for auto GUI buttons are visible...
Passing Fields or File Names To pass FIELD(s): PASS fieldname1 FIELD PASS fieldname2 FIELD RUN ScriptName $ The `$ ` allows `ScriptName` to receive all the...
The Pre Display/Verify Event Point `As far as I can see the reason that the pre display / verify event point exists is because the access/verify in Speed II was...
Purging the USAGE File The USAGE files ($APPXPATH/0SA/USAGE. ) track numbers of endusers, designers, and users of locked applications currently logged into APPX. Prior...
Copy Security This utility allows you to copy the Security Hierarchy and Access Control Lists from one entity to another. Overview: This utility allows you to copy...
Create Access Control List This utility will create the initial Access Control List for the selected application(s) and database(s). Overview: The Create Access...
Security Export Exports the Security Hierarchy and Access Control Lists for transfer to another system. Overview: This utility will transfer the complete Security...
Security Import Imports a previously exported Security Hierarchy and Access Control Lists. Overview: This utility will import the previously exported Security Hierarchy...
Inactivity Report Prints a list of users sorted by the number of days since last login. Overview: Prints a list of users sorted by the number of days since last...
Locked Users Prints a list of users who are locked out due to inactivity. Overview: This report will prints a list of users who are locked out due to inactivity...
Security Hierarchy Maintenance This process allows you to maintain the Security Hierarchy. Overview: This process allows you to maintain the Security Hierarchy...
New/Changed Objects Prints a detailed list of any changes or additions to the selected Applications. Overview: This report will print a detailed list of any changes...
Security Hierarchy List/Export Prints and exports the Security Hierarchy. Overview: This report will list the currently defined Databases, Departments, Workgroups...
Setting RBS Configuration This process allows you to activate/disable RBS, and set defaults. Overview: The Parameter file for RBS controls various aspects of how...
Access Control List Files/Fields This process allows you to assign security to the files and fields in your applications. Overview: This process allows you to...
Access Control List Processes This process allows you to assign security to the processes in your applications. Overview: This process allows you to assign security...
Create Access Control List The next step in setting up RBS is to create the initial Access Control List. Overview: The Create Access Control List utility will populate...
Defining Your Databases, Departments, Workgroups, Roles Users The first step in setting up RBS is to define your company`s structure. Overview: The first step...
Setting RBS Configuration The final step in setting up RBS is to set the configuration parameters. Overview: The Parameter file for RBS controls various aspects...
User Security Overrides Prints any user level security overrides. Overview: This report will print any user level security overrides you have defined. You will...
User Rights Prints a detailed list of the access rights for Processes, Files and Fields, by user. Overview: This report will print a detailed list of the access...
Users Lists the users and their membership in the Hierarchy. Overview: This report will list the users and show their membership in the hierarchy, ie, what Database...
RUN in Series or Parallel When you RUN from APPX/Unix, APPX won`t resume running until the shell object called has completed. They execute in series. When you RUN...
Reading SQL/Server Tables from APPX/Unix In order to access data stored under SQL Server under Windows while running APPX/Unix you have 2 choices, depending on which...
Removing Inactive Sessions `I connect to my customer over the Internet, running APPX on their Windows server. It works okay, but once in a while my APPX session just...
Running Windows Functions from APPX Invoking Windows Shell Functions In order to invoke a Windows shell function (such as a batch file or executable) from APPX...
Runtime (,RT ) Calls WARNING: These are UNSUPPORTED features used to call operating system functions, and they may be changed or removed at any time. Although these...
Scoping Rules Subprocess/Related/Detached `Scoping` refers to what workfields and temporary files (both disk and memory) are available to a given process. There...
Scripting Imports for Windows Prior to APPX 4.2.0 The following example batch file will import (appxutil i ) the design files for application TAP version 00 from...
Tech Tip by Gary Rogers, Director of Training, APPX Software, Inc. In this article we will talk about how to take advantage of any extra room by designing scrolling...
APPX Printing This document will explain how to best perform APPX server side PDF printing on a Windows server. This applies to APPX 4.2.0 and above when APPX Server...
Setting Environment Variables APPX offers six levels at which environment variables may be set: General Environment Variable information can be found at APPX Environment...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
Special Topics Here you will find a wide range of support documents, frequently asked questions, `How To` guides, and general instructions concerning installation...
Speed II to APPX Conversion Instructions The following steps are necessary to migrate SPEED II applications into APPX: Please note that these instructions assume...
Administrators no longer Designers Automatically Appx System Administrators are no longer automatically granted design rights. Overview As part of an ongoing process...
System Administration Environment / Widget File Wizards The environment variable wizard assists you in setting APPX environment variables. The Widget wizard explains...
System Administrator Questions WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager....
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
The APPX Client APPX/Linux Client Here`s how to set up an APPX/Linux Client (character based, and as opposed to a Windows or Java Client) to run against a Windows...
The Use of Cached Files APPX 4.1 introduces the ability to create and access a cached instance of a file in memory. The CREATE, OPEN, SCRATCH, and IF EXIST statements...
Troubleshooting WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager. 6.1) WinAppxD service...
APPEND Statement Overview Append RAW Alpha or Group or Literal to RAW Alpha or Group This is the current implementation no changes needed here. Append UNICODE...
BEG AT / END AT Statements Overview These statements presume that the designer has specified a field of the appropriate type or an appropriate Literal value for the...
BROWSE Statement Overview BROWSE is only applicable in character mode when viewing a report on the screen, therefore no Unicode support required. Test Plan Bugs...
CALL Statement Overview The initial implementation of Unicode will not allow passed arguments to be UNICODE Alpha fields or NATIONAL Alpha fields. A runtime...
CNV BIN Statement Overview o UNICODE Alpha Field from Numeric field or NATIONAL Alpha Field from Numeric Field Converts the value of the specified Numeric Field...
CNV PORT Statement Overview CNV PORT uses the same rules and CNV TEXT except that Date fields are not formatted using the Date Mask. Test Plan Follow the same testing...
CNV TEXT Statement Overview Converting To and From alpha fields Both fields are RAW No change in behavior Both fields are UNICODE or NATIONAL...
Unicode COMPARE File Certain fields in the COMPARE file are now Unicode Overview The following field in the COMPARE file are now Unicode fields: COMPARE...
COMPUTE / TOTAL Statements Overview The COMPUTE statement can work with Alpha fields when used with the P and M operators. It should continue to replace the non numeric...
Unicode Client Communications Client/server data flow has be reworked to support unicode data. Overview Initially, Only the Java Client will communicate using unicode...
DEFINE/UNDEFINE Statement Overview DEFINE and UNDEFINE should allow National and Unicode fields to be defined and undefined. Test Plan 1 DEFINE/UNDEFINE a National...
Unicode Client Validations The client will not perform data entry validations to make sure data values entered are consistent with the field encoding types. This...
ERROR / WARNING / MESSAGE / CANCEL / REFRESH Statements Overview 1 The internal storage type of all messages created by these statements must be UTF 32. 1 These...
IF / AND / OR Statements Overview The GE/GT/LE/LT operators should use the Unicode collation API when UTF 32 operands are involved. This is because the 32 bit values...
IF DIFF Statement Overview The IF DIFF statement has been revised to compare Unicode and National alpha fields as well as compare records that contain Unicode and...
Unicode ILF Literals The ILF editor and compiler have been reworked to support the following Unicode literals. Overview ILF Literal values are stored in the STMT...
PACK / UNPACK Statements Overview Not defined in spec document. Test Plan These statements were never fully implemented, so nothing needs to be done re: Unicode...
PASS Statement Overview When used with RECEIVE statement UNICODE and NATIONAL fields are supported. When used with a RUN statement UNICODE and NATIONAL fields are...
PRINT Statement Overview The PRINT statement should handle all three types of alpha fields, Raw, National and Unicode. Test Plan 1 Test PRINT with a Raw, National...
PUSH / POP Statements Overview The PUSH and POP statements will work on all encoding types without any transcoding. Test Plan 1 Test PUSH/POP of fields with raw...
PDF Printing Overview Test Plan: Bugs: 1 Appx crashes with C Assert ` 1504 PDF Show Invalid UTF 8 String` if `Print Grid` is checked in the form definition...
Unicode Text Printing Text printing now generates UTF 8 report files. Overview Text output files are now encoded using UTF 8. Test Plan: Bugs: 1 Reports do...
RECEIVE / LOCAL Statements Overview RECEIVE statements should follow the same rules as defined for a SET statement. LOCAL statements should follow the same rules...
RUN Statement Overview The alpha operand of the RUN statement will be transcoded to the encoding of the OS shell environment before being executed . The RUN statement...
SCAN Statement Overview The SCAN statement should allow Unicode and National field types to be used as both a source and a destination. Test Plan 1 SCAN a National...
SET Statement Overview The SET statement has been extended to take the Encoding Type attribute of an alpha field into consideration. All Alpha fields in existing...
SET DAY / SET MNTH Statements Overview These statements have been revised to support all three encoding types for the destination alpha field The text for...
SET TEMP Statement Overview All TEMP fields in have been changed to have an encoding type of UNICODE. Since all TEMP fields are now UNICODE fields, SET TEMP will...
Unicode STD File The STD file has been changed to include unicode values Overview The following fields in the STD record are now defined as Unicode fields:...
STORE / RESTORE Statements Overview The STORE and RESTORE statements will work on all encoding types without any transcoding. Test Plan 1 Test STORE/RESTORE of...
Unicode TEMP Fields All TEMP fields are now UNICODE Overview The following TEMP fields are now Unicode fields: TEMP 1 TEMP 132 TEMP 2 TEMP...
Unicode Test Plan This document outlines a plan for testing the Unicode enhancements in APPX 6.0. Overview Release 6.0.0 of the APPX Utility includes support for...
ILF Callable Unicode Engine Functions Overview UC STRCASECMP Performs a case insensitive comparison of two UTF 32 values, returning 0 if the strings should be considered...
VERIFY Statement Overview The Verify statement has been enhanced to verify characters within an alpha field based on the encoding type. RAW All 256 characters...
Unix HASP Installation This document is of interest to customers installing APPX on an Intel/Unix platform, such as Linux, SCO, and NCR Unix. Because Intel/Unix systems...
Uploading Spreadsheet Data to APPX You have data in a spreadsheet that you want to transfer into APPX data files. There are certainly several ways to go about doing...
User Support Questions WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager. 4.1) How...
Using the APPX/ODBC Connection Introduction: This page is applicable to APPX version 4.1 and higher. For older versions, refer to this page The APPX/ODBC Connection...
Using the APPX/ODBC Connection Introduction: These instructions are for APPX version 4.0.x and earlier. For APPX version 4.1.x higher, see this page. The APPX/ODBC...
Using the APPX/Oracle Connection Introduction: This page is for APPX version 4.x earlier. For 5.x and higher, go to this page APPX allows data storage in numerous...
Using the APPX/Sybase Connection Introduction: NOTE: The Sybase interface is no longer actively supported. This information is provided for historical purposes...
Using CGI to Interface with the Web APPX understands how to parse CGI data into APPX variables. It picks apart the CGI data string and looks for variable NAMEs that...
Defining Custom Fonts How to use custom fonts in PDF outputs Disclaimer: While these steps work in most cases this implementation of custom fonts is not supported...
Tech Tip by Gary Rogers, Director of Training, APPX Software, Inc. As you migrate your users to the Appx Desktop Client you will find that one advantage you gain is...
Only Show License Warning to Administrators You can now control who sees license expiry warnings. Overview You can now set whether or not regular users will ever...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Windows Client/Disk Server Configurations Note: The information in this document is generally obsolete and is only presented here for archive purposes. This document...
Windows HASP Installation This document is of interest to customers installing APPX on a Windows PC or in a Windows PC network environment, who wish to register their...
Cross Reference for Literal Values A new Cross Reference for Literals option has been added. Overview You can now run a cross reference for literals. Usage: On...
Cross Reference Specific Occurrences of a Field You can now optionally get a field cross reference by occurrence number. Overview When running a field cross reference...
Number of topics: 714

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