Difference: 0LASubrUtilSubrWriteIFL (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22012-10-26 - SherriMcCormack

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="520GenerateSubroutines"


This subroutine adds a statement to the subroutine you just created.
This utility adds a statement to the subroutine you just created.


Line: 15 to 15


This subroutine adds a statement to the subroutine you just created. You must have created the subroutine with .UTIL SUBR CREATE first.
This utility adds a ILF statement to the subroutine you just created. You must have created the subroutine with .UTIL SUBR CREATE first.
<ILF_Verb> is the command you want to add, in uppercase. If the verb is not recognized, the subroutine will cancel.
<ILF_Verb> is the ILF command you want to add, in uppercase (Required). If the verb is not recognized, the subroutine will cancel.
<TF Flags> are the TF flags you want set on this command. If the <ILF_Verb> is * or ** (comments), there are no TF flags.
<TF Flags> are the True/False flags you want set on this ILF command. If the <ILF_Verb> is * or ** (comments), there are no TF flags.
<Addn fields as req'd> is the rest of the ILF command, field by field.
<Addn fields as req'd> is the rest of the ILF command, field by field as necessary.
For example, a comment would require 2 PASS statements, one to PASS the *, and a second to PASS the comment itself.
For example, a comment would require 2 PASS statements: one to PASS the *, and a second to PASS the comment itself.
  A SET statement would require 8 PASS statements:
Line: 35 to 35
  • The RHS Application Id
  • The RHS Field Name
  • The RHS Occurrence number
There is minimal editting done on the data you pass, any errors will be discovered when you close the subroutine and compile it.
There is minimal editting done on the data you pass to this utility, any errors will be discovered when you close/compile the subroutine.
When you are finished adding statements, close the routine via .UTIL SUBR CLOSE
When you are finished adding the ILF statements, close the subroutine via .UTIL SUBR CLOSE

Revision 12012-06-20 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="520GenerateSubroutines"


This subroutine adds a statement to the subroutine you just created.


      PASS         <ILF_Verb>                 FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <TF Flags>                 FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <Addn fields as req'd>     FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for errors
      IF       --- .UTIL SUBR WRITE ILF       NE


This subroutine adds a statement to the subroutine you just created. You must have created the subroutine with .UTIL SUBR CREATE first.

<ILF_Verb> is the command you want to add, in uppercase. If the verb is not recognized, the subroutine will cancel.

<TF Flags> are the TF flags you want set on this command. If the <ILF_Verb> is * or ** (comments), there are no TF flags.

<Addn fields as req'd> is the rest of the ILF command, field by field.

For example, a comment would require 2 PASS statements, one to PASS the *, and a second to PASS the comment itself.

A SET statement would require 8 PASS statements:

  • The SET verb
  • Any T/F flags, or blank if none
  • The LHS Application Id
  • The LHS Field Name
  • The LHS Occurrence number
  • The RHS Application Id
  • The RHS Field Name
  • The RHS Occurrence number
There is minimal editting done on the data you pass, any errors will be discovered when you close the subroutine and compile it.

When you are finished adding statements, close the routine via .UTIL SUBR CLOSE


Note that the .UTIL SUBR * group of routines share certain internal fields therefore you can only use them in a process family with share class SUBPROCESS. In other words, don't call .UTIL SUBR CREATE in one process, then .UTIL SUBR WRITE ILF in another process that you have invoked Related or Detached.


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-- JeanNeron - 2012-06-20

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