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Installation Instructions for APPX Server on Red Hat Linux Server

This page provides instructions for installing APPX Server on a Red Hat Linux Server.

APPX Server refers to the server component of a client-server installation of APPX. A client-server installation of APPX allows the various types of APPX clients to connect to APPX via a LAN or WAN

APPX Version: 5.0.0

Linux Version: RHEL 4.6 or higher

Installation Methods: GUI, rpm, command line, manual

GUI Installer

  1. Download the GUI Installer for APPX/Linux
  2. Run the GUI installer
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions

You must be logged on as the root user when you run the APPX/Linux installer.

On a new installation:

  1. The APPX/Linux installer will prompt you for the Linux user ID of the person who is to be the APPX administrator. This person will be added to the APPX User file as an APPX administrator.
  2. The installer will prompt you for the information needed to configure the APPX Login Manager service.

rpm Installer

-- SteveFrizzell - 16 Sep 2008

Topic revision: r1 - 2010-01-26 - JeanNeron
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