This subroutine returns the value of a client constant.
PASS <client_value> FIELD SHARE? Y
PASS <client_name> FIELD SHARE? N
PASS <get_current> FIELD SHARE? N
* Check for errors
This subroutine returns the value of a client constant.
<client_value> will contain the value of the client constant, if it is found (Required). This must be PASSed with Share "Y" to return the value.
<client_name> is the name of the client constant for which you want the value (Required). This is case sensitive, see the list below.
<get_current> is an optional flag to get the current client settings vs the settings at startup (Optional). This is only available in Release 5.5. and higher. PASS any non blank value to refresh the values from current client settings.
If the field you passed is too short to contain the data, --- .CLIENT GET CONSTANT will be set to "Data was truncated". If the client constant does not exist, --- .CLIENT GET CONSTANT will be set to "Const. name not found".
The list of client constants you can query varies from release to release. To see the current constants, from the main Appx menu, choose System Administration/System Setup/Version Info from the pull down menu, then click the Environment Variables button. Everything that begins with 'client.' can be queried with this subroutine.
Do not include the leading 'client.' in <client_name>, eg, to get the value of 'client.os.name' you would pass 'os.name'. To get the value of an environment variable, see
NOTE: Unless you PASS the optional <get_current> argument, the values retrieved will not come directly from the client. The APPX engine stores them during the initial startup of the client, and does not update them if they change while the client is running. Thus these constant variables will NOT reflect changes made to them after startup unless you PASS the optional <get_current> parameter (5.5 & higher only). If you PASS <get_current>, then the values stored by the engine will also be updated, and the next time you call this API, you will get those values, not necessarily the values at startup.
Here is a list of client constants available as of Release 5.1:
- client.client.address
- client.client.port
- client.client.version
- client.client.version.num
- client.clientHome
- client.display.0.height
- client.display.0.width
- client.display.0.x
- client.display.0.y
- client.display.count
- client.file.separator
- client.java.home
- client.java.io.tmpdir
- client.java.vm.version
- client.line.separator
- client.os.arch
- client.os.name
- client.os.version
- client.path.separator
- client.pref.SSLAnonAllowed
- client.pref.SSLHandshakeTimeout
- client.pref.SSLMismatchAllowed
- client.pref.SSLMode
- client.pref.SSLSelfSignedAllow
- client.pref.allowAquaButtons
- client.pref.allowXpTheme
- client.pref.appxDoubleClick
- client.pref.arrowScrollEditor
- client.pref.autoDeleteTimer
- client.pref.autoFontScaling
- client.pref.autoSelect
- client.pref.autoTabOut
- client.pref.baseFontName
- client.pref.baseTilingMode
- client.pref.baseWallpaper1
- client.pref.baseWallpaper2
- client.pref.baseWallpaper3
- client.pref.baseWallpaper4
- client.pref.baseWallpaper5
- client.pref.busyRepaintTimer
- client.pref.cachePath
- client.pref.cacheRoot
- client.pref.caretColor
- client.pref.characterEncoding
- client.pref.clientHome
- client.pref.colorAppletBg
- client.pref.colorBoldFg
- client.pref.colorButtonBg
- client.pref.colorButtonFg
- client.pref.colorEditBg
- client.pref.colorFrameBg
- client.pref.colorFrameFg
- client.pref.colorScrollSelectActive
- client.pref.colorScrollSelectOther
- client.pref.colorStdBg
- client.pref.colorStdFg
- client.pref.colorWindowBg
- client.pref.commandShell
- client.pref.connectMode
- client.pref.dataCachePath
- client.pref.debugLogLevel
- client.pref.debugNotifyLevel
- client.pref.dockingScrollbar
- client.pref.editInsetBottom
- client.pref.editInsetLeft
- client.pref.editInsetRight
- client.pref.editInsetTop
- client.pref.editorCellGridColor
- client.pref.editorForceSize
- client.pref.editorInchGridColor
- client.pref.embedApplet
- client.pref.endMappedToCtrlE
- client.pref.enginePath
- client.pref.guiInterface
- client.pref.guiLook
- client.pref.hidePrefsMenuItem
- client.pref.hideStaticClientMenus
- client.pref.initialFontSize
- client.pref.lastHost
- client.pref.lastIniFile
- client.pref.lastPath
- client.pref.lastPid
- client.pref.lastPort
- client.pref.lastTab
- client.pref.lastUseSSO
- client.pref.lastUser
- client.pref.logBitsRecv
- client.pref.logBitsSent
- client.pref.logClassCreation
- client.pref.logConsoleToFile
- client.pref.logFileTransfers
- client.pref.logGetFieldList
- client.pref.logGetFileList
- client.pref.logKeyboardEventStack
- client.pref.logKeyboardEvents
- client.pref.logObjectEvents
- client.pref.logRawEventData
- client.pref.logRawWidgetData
- client.pref.logServerRequests
- client.pref.logTokenScanList
- client.pref.logTopBoxTitle
- client.pref.loggingEnabled
- client.pref.loginPositionX
- client.pref.loginPositionY
- client.pref.mapEndKey
- client.pref.mapOptionKey
- client.pref.mapTabKey
- client.pref.memoryCheckTimer
- client.pref.nationalEncoding
- client.pref.netcardLockupFix
- client.pref.networkEncoding
- client.pref.pdfReportViewer
- client.pref.printCachePath
- client.pref.printColsPerInch
- client.pref.printRowsPerInch
- client.pref.profileName
- client.pref.rawEncoding
- client.pref.remoteHost
- client.pref.remotePassword
- client.pref.remotePort
- client.pref.remoteUser
- client.pref.repaintLevel
- client.pref.resourceCachePath
- client.pref.runApplication
- client.pref.runDatabase
- client.pref.runProcess
- client.pref.runProcessType
- client.pref.scalingQuality
- client.pref.scanTooltip
- client.pref.screenAspect
- client.pref.screenColumns
- client.pref.screenRows
- client.pref.showButtonFocus
- client.pref.showDateScans
- client.pref.showErrorDialogs
- client.pref.showGridlines
- client.pref.showMenubar
- client.pref.showMessageDialogs
- client.pref.showOptionNumbers
- client.pref.showOptionsTab
- client.pref.showScanButtons
- client.pref.showScrollbar
- client.pref.showStatusbar
- client.pref.showToolbar
- client.pref.showWarningDialogs
- client.pref.startX
- client.pref.startY
- client.pref.startupWallMode
- client.pref.startupWallpaper
- client.pref.tcpNoDelay
- client.pref.textReverseEnterKey
- client.pref.themeDir
- client.pref.themeHome
- client.pref.themeName
- client.pref.tokenCachePath
- client.pref.toolbarIconSize
- client.pref.toolbarStyle
- client.pref.txtReportViewer
- client.pref.ucode32Encoding
- client.pref.useSSO
- client.pref.userClientRoot
- client.pref.userData
- client.pref.userHome
- client.pref.widgetFontAdjust
- client.pref.windowTitle
- client.server.address
- client.server.port
- client.sun.cpu.endian
- client.user.dir
- client.user.home
- client.user.language
- client.user.name
Remember, these are case sensitive and do not pass the leading 'client.' in the <client_name> field.
Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.
JeanNeron - 2012-02-01