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This subroutine is called to set the title for the "current" axis.


      PASS         <axis_title>               FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <text_box_name>            FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       0CD .AXIS SET TITLE            NE


This subroutine sets the title for the "current" axis. You must have selected a "current" axis via .AXIS SET CURRENT before calling this routine. This subroutine only needs to be called if the axis is to have a title or if a previously set axis title is to be changed or removed.

<axis_title> is the text string which will be rendered as the axis title in a text box. The location of the text box will be determined by whether you selected Primary or Secondary when setting the "current" axis. The <axis_title> parameter is optional.

  • If a non-blank <axis_title> is passed, then a title is set for the "current" axis. If a title has been previously set, then that title is replaced.
  • If a <axis_title> is not passed or if a blank title is passed, then no title is set. If a title has been previously set, then that title is cleared along with all of the related axis title attributes.

<text_box_name> is the name of a previously initialized text box. The <text_box_name> parameter is optional.

  • If a <text_box_name> is passed, then the attributes of the specified text box are used as a prototype for the attributes of the <axis_title>. Two special keywords may be used in lieu of a <text_box_name>: "INITIALIZE" and "CURRENT"
    • "INITIALIZE" indicates that the axis title is to be set and no special title attributes are to be set. Any previously set title attributes are to be cleared.
    • "CURRENT" indicates that the axis title is to be set and the attributes of the "current" text box are to be used as a prototype for the attributes of the <axis_title>.
  • If a <text_box_name> is not passed, then the following rules determine how the attributes of the axis title are set:
    • If the axis title has been previously set, then the new axis title is set and any previously set attributes of the axis title are not changed.
    • If the axis title has not been previously set, then the attributes of the "current" text box will be used as a prototype for the attributes of the <axis_title> provided that the "current" text box has been explicitly initialized or is associated with another axis's title. If the "current" text box is not appropriate, then no attributes of the <axis_title> will be set in conjunction with setting the axis title.

If no attributes are set for a axis title, the title is rendered using certain default text attributes which are appropriate for a axis title.

The axis title text box become the "current" text box and subsequent calls to the various text subroutines may be made to further set/modify the text attributes of the axis title.


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-- JeanNeron - 2011-11-10

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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-02-25 - JeanNeron
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