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Cancels the specified process. Added in 5.4.4


      PASS         <PID>                      FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <Error Message>            FIELD            SHARE? Y
      *        Check for errors
      IF       --- .UTIL KILL SESSION         NE


This subroutine will attempt to cancel (kill) the specified process. The <PID> parameter is required, if it is missing, the subroutine will CANCEL.

<PID> is the process id you want to cancel, in decimal format.

<Error Message> is an optional parameter that will contain more information if the process could not be cancelled. This must be PASSed with the Share flag to return a result.

If the current user is an APPX System Administrator, then any valid <PID> is allowed (including non APPX processes). If the current user is not an APPX administrator they can only cancel one of their own APPX processes.

The restrictions applied by the host operating system still apply, i.e., if the current user is not an Administrator at the O/S level they will probably not be allowed to cancel other user's processes even if they are an APPX System Administrator.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- JeanNeron - 2013-05-28

Topic revision: r1 - 2016-02-25 - JeanNeron
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