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This subroutine adds a user to the Appx User file.


      PASS         <error_msg>                FIELD            SHARE? Y
      PASS     0SA USER RECORD                FIELD            SHARE? N
      GOSUB    --- .UTIL ADD USER
      *        Check for errors
      IF       --- .UTIL ADD USER             NE


This subroutine adds a user to the Appx User file. All parameters are required, if any required parameters are missing, the subroutine will CANCEL.

<error_msg> will contain a detailed error message if the user was not able to be added (Required). This must be PASSed Share "Y" to return the value.

0SA USER RECORD is the record structure containing the user information (Required).

The rules for required fields are different depending on whether the current user is an Appx System Administrator or not. If they are not a System Admin, then some fields must either be blank or they must contain the same information as the current user. In other words, they can only set up new users that will have the same settings. For example, they cannot set up a System Administrator unless they are also a System Administrator.

The fields are:

USER ID:The 3 character Appx User Id

USER TYPE: Anonymous, Limited or Standard

USER SA:Y if the new user is a System Admin, N if not. Can only be Y if the current user is an Appx System Administrator.

USER SYS ID: The O/S user id.

USER NAM:The user's name.

USER ALPHA SORT: A character string for sorting the User file (optional).

USER PROF:The security profile. If the new user is not a System Admin leave this blank and it will be set to the same profile as the current user.

USER INIT DB:The startup database.

USER INIT AP:The startup application.

USER INIT TYPE:The startup process type.

USER INIT NAM:The startup process name.

If the current user is not a System Admin, then the above 4 fields should either be blank, or the same as the current user. If the current user is a System Administrator, then these can be filled in as required. Valid combinations are USER INIT DB only, or USER INIT DB and USER INIT AP only, or all 4 fields.

USER INIT SRC AP:For designers, the application id to start App Design with (optional). If specified, you must also supply the next field.

USER INIT SRC VER:For designers, the version to start App Design with (optional). If specified, you must also supply the previous field.

USER EM CACHE LEVEL:The Em Cache Level (optional).

USER EM MAX CACHE:The maximum number of cached Ems (optional).

USER LOGPROF:If you want to track the activity of this user, supply a valid Log Profile name (optional).

USER DEF LANG ID:The default Language Id (optional).

USER RPT SCR:Default value for view reports on screen (Y/N) (optional).

USER RPT HCPY:Default value for printing reports on the printer (Y/N) (optional).

USER RPT NOTIFY:Default value for notifying the user when the report is printed (Y/N) (not implemented) (optional).

USER RPT MODE:Default value for Report Print Mode (HOLD, KEEP, SPOOL) (optional).

USER RPT DISP:Default value for Report Disposition (REQUEUE, SAVE, SCRATCH) (optional).

USER RPT CPYS:Default value for number of copies (optional).

USER RPT PRIOR: Default value for print priority (optional).

USER RPT PRTR:The user's default printer for reports (optional).

USER RPT FORM:The user's default form for reports (optional).

USER LOG SCR: Default value for view logs on screen (Y/N) (optional).

USER LOG HCPY: Default value for printing reports on the printer (Y/N) (optional).

USER LOG NOTIFY: Default value for notifying the user when the log is printed (Y/N) (not implemented) (optional).

USER LOG MODE:Default value for Log Print Mode (HOLD, KEEP, SPOOL) (optional).

USER LOG DISP:Default value for Log Disposition (REQUEUE, SAVE, SCRATCH) (optional).

USER LOG CPYS: Default value for number of copies (optional).

USER LOG PRIOR: Default value for print priority (optional).

USER LOG PRTR:The user's default printer for reports (optional).

USER LOG FORM:The user's default form for reports (optional).



Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- JeanNeron - 2012-02-22

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