This chart explains the positioning when using the various 'align' routines in the Chart Director API.
Constant | Description |
BottomLeft | The leftmost point on the bottom line. |
BottomCenter | The center point on the bottom line. |
BottomRight | The rightmost point on the bottom line. |
Left | The leftmost point on the middle horizontal line. |
Center | The center point on the middle horizontal line. |
Right | The rightmost point on the middle horizontal line. |
TopLeft | The leftmost point on the top line. |
TopCenter | The center point on the top line. |
TopRight | The rightmost point on the top line. |
Bottom | The center point on the bottom line. Same as BottomCenter. |
Top | The center point on the top line. Same as TopCenter. |
TopLeft2 | An alternative top-left position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, TopLeft2 refers to refers to the left of the top side, while TopLeft refers to the top of the left side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis. |
TopRight2 | An alternative top-right position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, TopRight2 refers to refers to the right of the top side, while TopRight refers to the top of the right side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis. |
BottomLeft2 | An alternative bottom-left position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, BottomLeft2 refers to refers to the left of the bottom side, while BottomLeft refers to the bottom of the left side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis. |
BottomRight2 | An alternative bottom-right position used in for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, BottomRight2 refers to refers to the right of the bottom side, while BottomRight refers to the bottom of the right side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis. |
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-- JeanNeron - 2011-11-18