Difference: APPX610UpgradeInstallation (1 vs. 34)

Revision 342023-11-13 - JoeOrtagus

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 (and greater) Upgrade Instructions

Line: 35 to 35
 Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers. If you are using APPX_MONITOR_KEY, this must be set to a different value than your 5.x installation.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.x

There are 2 migration applications: 6SA for the System Administration files, and 6AD for Application Design files. Download the Migration Utility and follow these steps:
There are 2 migration applications: 6SA for the System Administration files, and 6AD for Application Design files. Download the Migration Utility to a temporary location on the APPX server and follow these steps:
  1. Add application 6SA/00 to your Applications file.
  2. Create the Design Files for 6SA/00.
  3. Add application 6AD/00 to your Application file.
  4. Create the Design Files for 6AD/00.
  5. Define Database 6SA, with a startup application of 6SA/00.
  6. Define Database 6AD, with a startup application of 6AD/00.
Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format (Intel based systems) or tar format (RISC based systems). Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and extract from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you may have extracted the file in the wrong location. On Window's you'll probably get an overwrite warning, but on Unix/Linux, TAR probably won't provide a warning. So make sure you've got the applications unbundled into the correct location so that you end up with $APPXPATH/00/6SA and $APPXPATH/00/6AD/.

Once the applications are extracted, continue with:

  1. Download and install the conversion applications.
    1. Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format (Intel based systems) or tar format (RISC based systems). Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and extract from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you may have extracted the file in the wrong location. On Window's you'll probably get an overwrite warning, but on Unix/Linux, TAR probably won't provide a warning. So make sure you've got the applications unbundled into the correct location so that you end up with $APPXPATH/00/6SA and $APPXPATH/00/6AD/. Once the applications are extracted, continue with the next steps.
  1. Change the FMS Type of Data Files in 6SA Application to Type 1.
  2. Create Data Files for Database 6SA, Application 6SA
  3. Change the FMS Type of Data Files in 6AD Application to Type 1.

Revision 332023-11-03 - JohnSelvage

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 (and greater) Upgrade Instructions

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Release 6.1 (and greater) has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation (5.5.1 is recommended).
Release 6.1 (and greater) has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. You should install this in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation (5.5.1 is recommended).
  This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher (5.5.1 is recommended), it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.1.

Revision 322023-10-06 - JoeOrtagus

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 (and greater) Upgrade Instructions

Line: 131 to 131
  To convert your map definitions, you need to follow the following steps:
1. Export your 0DX files under release 5.x of APPX in CSV format. You have to do this for each database that has map definitions.
1. In APPX 5.x, export your 0DX files to CSV format. You have to do this for each database that has map definitions.
2. Run 0DX-00 CONVERT 5.X DATA FILES job on APPX 6.x. Leave the database blank. You can do this step from Application Design menu of any application.
2. In APPX 6.x, go to Database Management and run Create Files for 0DX for each Database that you are using 0DX

3. Still in APPX 6.x, Go to Application Design and run 0DX-00 CONVERT 5.X DATA FILES job. Leave the database blank. You can do this step from Application Design menu of any application, for example 1EX 00, or DMO 00 work just fine.

3. Enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files which you created on step 1, and the database you want to import the data under and click on the "Continue" button.
3. Still in APPX 6.x, enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files which you created on step 1 and the database you want to import the data under, then click on the "Continue" button.


You will get a report that summarizes the conversion.
You will get a report that summarizes the conversion. If the report generates an error similar to "Error *: MAPDEF file open failed" then inside APPX 6.x, go to Database Management and run Create Files for 0DX for each Database that you are using 0DX. ( go back to step 7.2 above )

8. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1 (and greater)

Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.1 (and greater) installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.1 (and greater), so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.1.

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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6ad_menu.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519353799" name="6ad_menu.png" path="6ad menu.png" size="393982" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6ad_select.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519354030" name="6ad_select.png" path="6ad select.png" size="251038" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6sa_menu_new.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519401238" name="6sa_menu_new.png" path="6sa menu new.png" size="375482" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="0DX-convert-5-to-6.png" attr="h" comment="Convert 0DX Map Definitions from verison 5 to version 6." date="1696616741" name="0DX-convert-5-to-6.png" path="0DX-convert-5-to-6.png" size="454768" user="JoeOrtagus" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="0DX-convert-5-to-6-Example.png" attr="h" comment="Convert 0DX Map Definitions From Version 5.x to 6.x" date="1696617132" name="0DX-convert-5-to-6-Example.png" path="0DX-convert-5-to-6-Example.png" size="432729" user="JoeOrtagus" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="JeanNeron" date="1519407266" from="Sandbox.APPX600UpgradeInstallation" to="Main.APPX600UpgradeInstallation"

Revision 312023-09-28 - JoeOrtagus

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 (and greater) Upgrade Instructions

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  You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.1 folder. Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure no Release 6.1 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server if it's running.
  1. Copy {$APPX_5.x_DATA_PATH}/6SA/6SA/Data/* folder to {$APPX_6.1_DATA_PATH}/0SA/Data folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  1. Copy the contents of this folder {$APPX_5.x_DATA_PATH}/6SA/6SA/Data/ to {$APPX_6.1_DATA_PATH}/0SA/Data/ folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  1. Check permissions of {$APPX_6.1_DATA_PATH}/0SA/Data in your Release 6.1 installation to make sure APPX users have read/write access.
  2. Delete these specific .key files in {$APPX_6.1_DATA_PATH}/0SA/Data:
    • EDITMSG.key
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    • SECDEPT.key
    • SECROLE.key
    • SECWG.key
  1. If your operating system does not have en_US.utf8 locale or you are using a different locale by overriding LANG environment variable, you must recreate the key files for DICTNARY and TOKEN files for all your applications. To do that, go to System Administration -> Database/Applications -> Design File Management -> Leave the application blank and set the version to 00 then go to "File Selection". Select all Token files by clicking on "Select" and setting the file name to "TOKEN" (To select all TOKEN files from all applications under version 00, only fill in the file name). Go back and click on "Rebuild Key Files". Do this for "DICTNARY" as well.
Log on to APPX 6.1, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.1

Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.1 (and greater) 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.1 (and greater) version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.1 (and greater), as you will lose some Release 6.1 (and greater) settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.

  1. Log on to APPX 6.1, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.1
  2. Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.1 (and greater) 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.1 (and greater) version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.1 (and greater), as you will lose some Release 6.1 (and greater) settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
 If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.

Role Based Security: If you are using Role Based Security, you should copy it to your new 6.1 installation. Copy all the files in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL to $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in your Release 6.1 installation. Create the $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL folder if necessary. Since the Structure files are different between 5 & 6, we must delete all the 'Struct' folders in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in the Release 6.1 folder after the copy is complete. They will get recreated when the applications are migrated.

Revision 302022-10-28 - BrianRyan

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions


APPX 6.1 (and greater) Upgrade Instructions

This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.1
This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.1 and 6.2


Release 6.1 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation (5.5.1 is recommended).
Release 6.1 (and greater) has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation (5.5.1 is recommended).
  This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher (5.5.1 is recommended), it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.1.
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 The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.1 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose, although this is not recommended.

The basic approach we will use for upgrading is:

  1. Install APPX 6.1 in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  1. Install APPX 6.1 (and greater) in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  1. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation
  2. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files
  3. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.1 installation & confirm all is well
  4. Run the migration utility for your applications
  5. Install the migrated applications
  6. Convert 0DX data files (optional)
  1. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1
  1. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1 (and greater)
  1. Make any required changes to your applications
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.1. You can test Release 6.1 independently of your existing 5.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.1 (and greater). You can test Release 6.1 (and greater) independently of your existing 5.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
  The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.x applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating. If you are comfortable with APPX in character mode, we recommend using character mode to run the migration utility for faster conversion.

It is assumed the reader is familiar with APPX System Administration concepts and knows how to define new applications, new databases, etc. It is also assumed the reader knows how to copy files, set/check permissions, etc.


1. Install APPX 6.1 in a new folder


1. Install APPX 6.1 (and greater) in a new folder

  Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers. If you are using APPX_MONITOR_KEY, this must be set to a different value than your 5.x installation.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.x

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 The conversion step creates a new set of System Administration files in Release 6.1 format. These are located in $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data.

Enable any hook record (in your 5.x release) you disabled during this process.


4. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.1 installation


4. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.1 (and greater) installation

  You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.1 folder. Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure no Release 6.1 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server if it's running.
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  1. If your operating system does not have en_US.utf8 locale or you are using a different locale by overriding LANG environment variable, you must recreate the key files for DICTNARY and TOKEN files for all your applications. To do that, go to System Administration -> Database/Applications -> Design File Management -> Leave the application blank and set the version to 00 then go to "File Selection". Select all Token files by clicking on "Select" and setting the file name to "TOKEN" (To select all TOKEN files from all applications under version 00, only fill in the file name). Go back and click on "Rebuild Key Files". Do this for "DICTNARY" as well.
Log on to APPX 6.1, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.1
Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.1 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.1 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.1, as you will lose some Release 6.1 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.1 (and greater) 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.1 (and greater) version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.1 (and greater), as you will lose some Release 6.1 (and greater) settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
  If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.
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  It is not necessary to convert all your applications at once. For example, if you have a test version and a test database, you may want to just migrate those initially.
When this step completes, you can proceed to installing the migrated applications in Release 6.1.
When this step completes, you can proceed to installing the migrated applications in Release 6.1 (and greater).

6. Install the migrated applications

To install the migrated applications, simply copy the folder(s) from the 'ConversionResults' path to $APPXPATH in Release 6.1.

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 3. Enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files which you created on step 1, and the database you want to import the data under and click on the "Continue" button.

You will get a report that summarizes the conversion.


8. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1


8. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1 (and greater)

Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.1 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.1, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.1.
Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.1 (and greater) installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.1 (and greater), so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.1.
  Make sure to exclude 0DX data files from this step since they are already converted in previous step.
FMS Type 9 files (APPX large file format) have changed on release 6.1. If you are using FMS Type 9 in your APPX 5.x version, you need to export them under release 5.x and then import them to APPX release 6.x.
FMS Type 9 files (APPX large file format) have changed on release 6.1 (and greater). If you are using FMS Type 9 in your APPX 5.x version, you need to export them under release 5.x and then import them to APPX release 6.x.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.1 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.1 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.1 (and greater) FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.1 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.1 so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.
If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.1 (and greater) so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.
  Do not copy the 'Struct' folders, or alternatively, delete them after copying. For example, to copy database '123', we would copy all the files in R:\appx\data\123 to R:\appx600\data\123. After the copy is complete, we would delete all the Struct folders in R:\appx600\data\123.

Revision 292022-05-31 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 78 to 78
    • SECDEPT.key
    • SECROLE.key
    • SECWG.key

  1. If your operating system does not have en_US.utf8 locale or you are using a different locale by overriding LANG environment variable, you must recreate the key files for DICTNARY and TOKEN files for all your applications. To do that, go to System Administration -> Database/Applications -> Design File Management -> Leave the application blank and set the version to 00 then go to "File Selection". Select all Token files by clicking on "Select" and setting the file name to "TOKEN" (To select all TOKEN files from all applications under version 00, only fill in the file name). Go back and click on "Rebuild Key Files". Do this for "DICTNARY" as well.
Log on to APPX 6.1, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.1
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  The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.1 for every application.
If your operating system does not have en_US.utf8 locale or you are using a different locale by overriding LANG environment variable, you must recreate the key files for DICTNARY and TOKEN file for all your applications. To do that, go to System Administration -> Database/Applications -> Design File Management -> Leave the application blank and set the version to your application's version then go to File Selection. Select all Token files by clicking on "Select" and just setting the file name to "TOKEN". Go back and click on "Rebuild Key Files". Do this for "DICTNARY" file as well. Repeat this for all versions of your applications.
The easiest way to do this is to go to 'System Administration' -> 'Database/Applications' -> 'Design File Management' and select the version of your converted applications (leave the application ID blank). Run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary' from 'Design File Management' screen. Repeat this for each version you migrated. You can also go through this for each specific migrated application.
The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.
If your operating system does not have en_US.utf8 locale or you are using a different locale by overriding LANG environment variable, you must recreate the key files for DICTNARY and TOKEN file for all your applications. To do that, go to System Administration -> Database/Applications -> Design File Management -> Leave the application blank and set the version to your application's version then go to File Selection. Select all Token files by clicking on "Select" and just setting the file name to "TOKEN". Go back and click on "Rebuild Key Files". Do this for "DICTNARY" file as well. Repeat this for all versions of your applications.

7. Convert 0DX Data Files (Optional)

Revision 282021-10-04 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 78 to 78
    • SECDEPT.key
    • SECROLE.key
    • SECWG.key

  1. If your operating system does not have en_US.utf8 locale or you are using a different locale by overriding LANG environment variable, you must recreate the key files for DICTNARY and TOKEN files for all your applications. To do that, go to System Administration -> Database/Applications -> Design File Management -> Leave the application blank and set the version to 00 then go to "File Selection". Select all Token files by clicking on "Select" and setting the file name to "TOKEN" (To select all TOKEN files from all applications under version 00, only fill in the file name). Go back and click on "Rebuild Key Files". Do this for "DICTNARY" as well.
 Log on to APPX 6.1, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.1

Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.1 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.1 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.1, as you will lose some Release 6.1 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.

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  The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.1 for every application.
If your operating system does not have en_US.utf8 locale or you are using a different locale by overriding LANG environment variable, you must recreate the key files for DICTNARY and TOKEN file for all your applications. To do that, go to System Administration -> Database/Applications -> Design File Management -> Leave the application blank and set the version to your application's version then go to File Selection. Select all Token files by clicking on "Select" and just setting the file name to "TOKEN". Go back and click on "Rebuild Key Files". Do this for "DICTNARY" file as well. Repeat this for all versions of your applications.
 The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.

7. Convert 0DX Data Files (Optional)

Revision 272021-09-09 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 132 to 132
  1. Export your 0DX files under release 5.x of APPX in CSV format. You have to do this for each database that has map definitions.
2. Run 0DX-00 CONVERT 5.X DATA FILES job on APPX 6.x. Leave the database blank.
2. Run 0DX-00 CONVERT 5.X DATA FILES job on APPX 6.x. Leave the database blank. You can do this step from Application Design menu of any application.
3. Enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files, and the database you want to import the data under and click on the "Continue" button.
3. Enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files which you created on step 1, and the database you want to import the data under and click on the "Continue" button.
  You will get a report that summarizes the conversion.

8. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1

Revision 262021-08-26 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 132 to 132
  1. Export your 0DX files under release 5.x of APPX in CSV format. You have to do this for each database that has map definitions.
2. Run 0DX-00 CONVERT 5.X DATA FILES job. Leave the database blank.
2. Run 0DX-00 CONVERT 5.X DATA FILES job on APPX 6.x. Leave the database blank.
3. Enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files, and the database you want to import the data under and click on "Continue" button.
3. Enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files, and the database you want to import the data under and click on the "Continue" button.
  You will get a report that summarizes the conversion.

8. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1

Revision 252021-08-23 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 22 to 22
  1. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.1 installation & confirm all is well
  2. Run the migration utility for your applications
  3. Install the migrated applications
  1. Convert 0DX data files (optional)
  1. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1
  2. Make any required changes to your applications
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.1. You can test Release 6.1 independently of your existing 5.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
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  When you are ready to proceed, click the 'Process' button.
The conversion utility does some preliminary checks on your applications and tries to detect ILF statements that may be incompatible with release 6.x of APPX. You can either fix those issues in APPX 5.x and run the conversion again, or you can fix them in release 6.x of APPX after the conversion has been done.
 The applications will be processed and a report produced showing the applications and files that were processed. Check the report for any error messages. Note that not every application uses all possible design files, so the 'FI_STRUCT_NOT_FOUND' message is not necessarily an error.

It is not necessary to convert all your applications at once. For example, if you have a test version and a test database, you may want to just migrate those initially.

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 The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.1 for every application.

The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.


7. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1


7. Convert 0DX Data Files (Optional)

If your application uses 0DX map definitions, you need to convert those to release 6.x format. If you don't use 0DX or you don't have any map definitions in 0DX application, you can skip this step. A quick way to find out if your application has any map definitions is to verify the 0DX files under all databases (by leaving the database blank). If you see any of the 0DX files have any records in them, you need to do this step.

To convert your map definitions, you need to follow the following steps:

1. Export your 0DX files under release 5.x of APPX in CSV format. You have to do this for each database that has map definitions.

2. Run 0DX-00 CONVERT 5.X DATA FILES job. Leave the database blank.

3. Enter the path to 3 0DX exported CSV files, and the database you want to import the data under and click on "Continue" button.

You will get a report that summarizes the conversion.

8. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1

  Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.1 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.1, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.1.
Make sure to exclude 0DX data files from this step since they are already converted in previous step.
 FMS Type 9 files (APPX large file format) have changed on release 6.1. If you are using FMS Type 9 in your APPX 5.x version, you need to export them under release 5.x and then import them to APPX release 6.x.

If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.1 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.1 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.

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 Enable any hook record (in your 6.1 release) you disabled during System Admin file migration.

Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6.1, subject to the application issues in the next section.


8. Make any required changes to your applications


9. Make any required changes to your applications

  There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.
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 9. Regular Expression library has changed to support Unicode characters. The new library doesn't like blank or unescaped patterns. You will get a run-time error if it doesn't like the pattern.

10. As the result of the fix for bugs #799, #2498, and #4792, the way APPX finds a subroutine called by a GOSUB statement has changed. If you received "Duplicate Label" or "Could Not Compile GOSUB" error during em creation, it is because you called a subroutine without specifying an application id or called an internal subroutine (a subroutine within another subroutine) with an application id. We recommend making changes to your application to fix these errors, however, you can set APPX_USE_PRE_61_GOSUB environment variable to revert back to old behavior.

11. 0DX RAWXML, RAWXMLAT, and XELEMENT file structures have been changed to support Unicode characters. All Attribute Names, Element Names, and Values have been converted to Unicode fields.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

Revision 242021-08-09 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

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  This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher (5.5.1 is recommended), it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.1.
As part of the upgrade, you may need to export your data in CSV format. APPX 5.x has some known bugs in CSV export module (#4766,#4814). There is a patch for APPX version 5.5.1 that resolves these issues. It is recommended to run the conversion utilities under release 5.5.1 with the patch installed to avoid these CSV export problems. You can download the patch from here. Please Note that this patch is only tested for the sake of this conversion and has not been thoroughly tested by APPX software to be suitable for production environment.
As part of the upgrade, you may need to export your data in CSV format. APPX 5.x has some known bugs in CSV export module (#4766,#4814). There is a patch for APPX version 5.5.1 that resolves these issues. It is recommended to run the conversion utilities under release 5.5.1 with the patch installed to avoid these CSV export problems. You can download the patch from here. Please Note that this patch is only tested for the sake of this conversion and has not been thoroughly tested by APPX software to be suitable for production environment.
  The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.1 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose, although this is not recommended.

Revision 232021-08-05 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

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Release 6.1 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation.
Release 6.1 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation (5.5.1 is recommended).
This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher, it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.1.
This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher (5.5.1 is recommended), it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.1.

As part of the upgrade, you may need to export your data in CSV format. APPX 5.x has some known bugs in CSV export module (#4766,#4814). There is a patch for APPX version 5.5.1 that resolves these issues. It is recommended to run the conversion utilities under release 5.5.1 with the patch installed to avoid these CSV export problems. You can download the patch from here. Please Note that this patch is only tested for the sake of this conversion and has not been thoroughly tested by APPX software to be suitable for production environment.

  The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.1 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose, although this is not recommended.

Revision 222021-07-20 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

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  1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. Also, CNV BIN on a --- TEMP 2 or ---TEMP 4 no longer works since those fields are larger than 4 bytes in size (in this case APPX will give you compilation error during Em build). A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
2. Older subroutines in 0LA have various issues:
2. --- STREAM BUFFER field is also converted to Unicode. STREAM functions are reading and writing data in utf8 encoding unless the mode is specified as binary.

3. Older subroutines in 0LA have various issues:

  • FIND STRING LENGTH - limited to strings of 32k
  • INSERT STRING - limited to strings of 32k
  • REMOVE STRING - limited to strings of 32k
You should use the newer .TEXT routines for string functions.
3. Any direct CALL statements to engine ,RT functions will have to be reviewed and possibly changed.
4. Any direct CALL statements to engine ,RT functions will have to be reviewed and possibly changed.
4. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time so you can batch compile your applications to find these errors.
5. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time so you can batch compile your applications to find these errors.
5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary as your data is already using a LF.
6. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary as your data is already using a LF.
6. Field Type of fields that are storing pointer values have been changed from Numeric (binary) to ALPHA(8). Most of these fields are used internally and you shouldn't worry about them if you have not used them in your application. Here are the list of pointer fields in APPX:
7. Field Type of fields that are storing pointer values have been changed from Numeric (binary) to ALPHA(8). Most of these fields are used internally and you shouldn't worry about them if you have not used them in your application. Here are the list of pointer fields in APPX:
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7. 0LA RETURN CODE is still a 4 byte binary field. So, you cannot expect to receive an 8 byte pointer (in 64-bit release) in the return code field.
8. 0LA RETURN CODE is still a 4 byte binary field. So, you cannot expect to receive an 8 byte pointer (in 64-bit release) in the return code field.
8. Regular Expression library has changed to support Unicode characters. The new library doesn't like blank or unescaped patterns. You will get a run-time error if it doesn't like the pattern.
9. Regular Expression library has changed to support Unicode characters. The new library doesn't like blank or unescaped patterns. You will get a run-time error if it doesn't like the pattern.
9. As the result of the fix for bugs #799, #2498, and #4792, the way APPX finds a subroutine called by a GOSUB statement has changed. If you received "Duplicate Label" or "Could Not Compile GOSUB" error during em creation, it is because you called a subroutine without specifying an application id or called an internal subroutine (a subroutine within another subroutine) with an application id. We recommend making changes to your application to fix these errors, however, you can set APPX_USE_PRE_61_GOSUB environment variable to revert back to old behavior.
10. As the result of the fix for bugs #799, #2498, and #4792, the way APPX finds a subroutine called by a GOSUB statement has changed. If you received "Duplicate Label" or "Could Not Compile GOSUB" error during em creation, it is because you called a subroutine without specifying an application id or called an internal subroutine (a subroutine within another subroutine) with an application id. We recommend making changes to your application to fix these errors, however, you can set APPX_USE_PRE_61_GOSUB environment variable to revert back to old behavior.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

Revision 212021-07-14 - JoeOrtagus

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

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  1. Create the Design Files for 6AD/00.
  2. Define Database 6SA, with a startup application of 6SA/00.
  3. Define Database 6AD, with a startup application of 6AD/00.
Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format (Intel based systems) or tar format (RISC based systems). Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and extract from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you have extracted the file in the wrong location.
Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format (Intel based systems) or tar format (RISC based systems). Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and extract from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you may have extracted the file in the wrong location. On Window's you'll probably get an overwrite warning, but on Unix/Linux, TAR probably won't provide a warning. So make sure you've got the applications unbundled into the correct location so that you end up with $APPXPATH/00/6SA and $APPXPATH/00/6AD/.
  Once the applications are extracted, continue with:
  1. Change the FMS Type of Data Files in 6SA Application to Type 1.

Revision 202021-05-12 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

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  5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary as your data is already using a LF.
6. Field Type of fields that are storing pointer values have been changed from Numeric (binary) to Alphanumeric. If you use appx-32bit, they are now ALPHA(4), and ALPHA(8) if you are using appx-64bit. Most of these fields are used internally and you shouldn't worry about them if you have not used them in your application. Here are the list of pointer fields in APPX:
6. Field Type of fields that are storing pointer values have been changed from Numeric (binary) to ALPHA(8). Most of these fields are used internally and you shouldn't worry about them if you have not used them in your application. Here are the list of pointer fields in APPX:
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7. RETURN CODE is still 4 byte binary field. So, you cannot expect to receive an 8 byte pointer (in 64-bit release) in the return code field.
7. 0LA RETURN CODE is still a 4 byte binary field. So, you cannot expect to receive an 8 byte pointer (in 64-bit release) in the return code field.
  8. Regular Expression library has changed to support Unicode characters. The new library doesn't like blank or unescaped patterns. You will get a run-time error if it doesn't like the pattern.

Revision 192021-04-14 - BrianRyan

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

Revision 182021-03-16 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 182 to 182
  8. Regular Expression library has changed to support Unicode characters. The new library doesn't like blank or unescaped patterns. You will get a run-time error if it doesn't like the pattern.
9. as the result of the fix for bugs #799, #2498, and #4792, the way APPX finds a subroutine called by a GOSUB statement has changed. If you received an em compilation error, it is because you called a subroutine without specifying an application id or called an internal subroutine (a subroutine within another subroutine) with an application id. You can set APPX_USE_PRE_61_GOSUB environment variable to revert the new behavior.
9. As the result of the fix for bugs #799, #2498, and #4792, the way APPX finds a subroutine called by a GOSUB statement has changed. If you received "Duplicate Label" or "Could Not Compile GOSUB" error during em creation, it is because you called a subroutine without specifying an application id or called an internal subroutine (a subroutine within another subroutine) with an application id. We recommend making changes to your application to fix these errors, however, you can set APPX_USE_PRE_61_GOSUB environment variable to revert back to old behavior.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

Revision 172021-03-16 - MisaghKarimi

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META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions


APPX 6.1 Upgrade Instructions

This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.0
This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.1


Release 6.0 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation.
Release 6.1 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation.
This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher, it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.0.
This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher, it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.1.
The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.0 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose, although this is not recommended.
The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.1 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose, although this is not recommended.
  The basic approach we will use for upgrading is:
  1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  1. Install APPX 6.1 in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  1. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation
  2. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files
  1. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.0 installation & confirm all is well
  1. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.1 installation & confirm all is well
  1. Run the migration utility for your applications
  2. Install the migrated applications
  1. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
  1. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1
  1. Make any required changes to your applications
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.1. You can test Release 6.1 independently of your existing 5.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.x applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.
The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.x applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating. If you are comfortable with APPX in character mode, we recommend using character mode to run the migration utility for faster conversion.
  It is assumed the reader is familiar with APPX System Administration concepts and knows how to define new applications, new databases, etc. It is also assumed the reader knows how to copy files, set/check permissions, etc.
This release has increased memory requirements, and performance in some areas is slow. We are aware of these issues, and they will be addressed in the next patch release.

1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder


1. Install APPX 6.1 in a new folder

  Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers. If you are using APPX_MONITOR_KEY, this must be set to a different value than your 5.x installation.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.x

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 You are now ready to migrate your System Administration files.

3. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files

Before migrating your System Admin files, you should verify the integrity of the files and correct any errors. The Verify step can be found in System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management -> Verify Files. Correct any errors before proceeding.
Before migrating your System Admin files, you should verify the integrity of the files and correct any errors. The Verify step can be found in System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management -> Verify Files. Correct any errors before proceeding. Also, if you have any startup hooks (such as SESSION START), disable them temporarily. You can re-enable them after you migrated System Administration files.
  Continue by running Database 6SA from the APPX Main Menu. You will see this menu:
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  Click the 'Convert' button to proceed. A report will be produced showing the files that were converted. If any errors are shown, fix them before continuing.
The conversion step creates a new set of System Administration files in Release 6.0 format. These are located in $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data.

4. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.0 installation

The conversion step creates a new set of System Administration files in Release 6.1 format. These are located in $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data.

Enable any hook record (in your 5.x release) you disabled during this process.

4. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.1 installation

You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.0 folder. Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure no Release 6.0 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server if it's running.
  2. Copy $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data/* from your 5.x folder to $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your 6.0 folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  3. Check permissions of $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your Release 6.0 installation to make sure APPX users have read/write access.
  4. Delete these specific .key files in $APPXPATH/0SA/Data:
You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.1 folder. Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure no Release 6.1 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server if it's running.
  2. Copy {$APPX_5.x_DATA_PATH}/6SA/6SA/Data/* folder to {$APPX_6.1_DATA_PATH}/0SA/Data folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  3. Check permissions of {$APPX_6.1_DATA_PATH}/0SA/Data in your Release 6.1 installation to make sure APPX users have read/write access.
  4. Delete these specific .key files in {$APPX_6.1_DATA_PATH}/0SA/Data:
    • EDITMSG.key
    • SCJOB.key
    • SCPROJ.key
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    • SECDEPT.key
    • SECROLE.key
    • SECWG.key
Log on to APPX, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.0
Log on to APPX 6.1, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.1
Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.0 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.0 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.0, as you will lose some Release 6.0 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.1 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.1 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.1, as you will lose some Release 6.1 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
  If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.
Role Based Security: If you are using Role Based Security, you should copy it to your new 6.0 installation. Copy all the files in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL to $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in your Release 6.0 installation. Create the $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL folder if necessary. Since the Structure files are different between 5 & 6, we must delete all the 'Struct' folders in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in the Release 6.0 folder after the copy is complete. They will get recreated when the applications are migrated.
Role Based Security: If you are using Role Based Security, you should copy it to your new 6.1 installation. Copy all the files in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL to $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in your Release 6.1 installation. Create the $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL folder if necessary. Since the Structure files are different between 5 & 6, we must delete all the 'Struct' folders in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in the Release 6.1 folder after the copy is complete. They will get recreated when the applications are migrated.
  If all is well, continue with migrating your Applications.

5. Run the migration utility for your applications

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  Once you have decided which applications you will migrate, you should run 'Verify Files' on each application and address any errors.
When you are ready to proceed run Database 6AD from the main APPX menu:
When you are ready to proceed, run Database 6AD from the version 5.x main APPX menu:
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  It is not necessary to convert all your applications at once. For example, if you have a test version and a test database, you may want to just migrate those initially.
When this step completes, you can proceed to installing the migrated applications in Release 6.0.
When this step completes, you can proceed to installing the migrated applications in Release 6.1.

6. Install the migrated applications

To install the migrated applications, simply copy the folder(s) from the 'ConversionResults' path to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.
To install the migrated applications, simply copy the folder(s) from the 'ConversionResults' path to $APPXPATH in Release 6.1.
For example, let's assume our conversion results path was R:\appx\data\ConversionResults. We converted 2 applications, both in version GA. The migrated applications will be in R:\appx\data\ConversionResults\GA. Our Release 6 version is installed in R:\appx600new\, so I would copy (or move) the 'GA' folder to 'R:\appx600new\data'. If I converted more than one version at a time, there would be multiple folders in the conversion results folder, and they would all be copied/moved to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.
For example, let's assume our conversion results path was R:\appx\data\ConversionResults. We converted 2 applications, both in version GA. The migrated applications will be in R:\appx\data\ConversionResults\GA. Our Release 6 version is installed in R:\appx600new\, so I would copy (or move) the 'GA' folder to 'R:\appx600new\data'. If I converted more than one version at a time, there would be multiple folders in the conversion results folder, and they would all be copied/moved to $APPXPATH in Release 6.1.
The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.0 for every application.
The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.1 for every application.
  The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.

7. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0


7. Copy the end user data to Release 6.1

Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.0, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.0.
Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.1 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.1, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.1.
  FMS Type 9 files (APPX large file format) have changed on release 6.1. If you are using FMS Type 9 in your APPX 5.x version, you need to export them under release 5.x and then import them to APPX release 6.x.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.0 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.0 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.1 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.1 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.0 so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.
If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.1 so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.
  Do not copy the 'Struct' folders, or alternatively, delete them after copying. For example, to copy database '123', we would copy all the files in R:\appx\data\123 to R:\appx600\data\123. After the copy is complete, we would delete all the Struct folders in R:\appx600\data\123.

To create the new Structure files, we have to run 'Create Files' for each application in the database. The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Databases/Applications' in System Administration, choose the Database, then click 'Related Applications'. For each application in the list, click 'Database Management', then 'Create Files.

Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6.0, subject to the application issues in the next section.
Recommended Step: We recommend changing all of your APPXIO FMS type 1 files to FMS type 9 to take advantage of large file length and new large record length (up to 4MB). Converting an alpha field to a Unicode field requires 4 times more space. Using FMS type 9 can accommodate the need for larger record length and file length easily. You can use "Change FMS" option under "File Management" Menu to do this.

Enable any hook record (in your 6.1 release) you disabled during System Admin file migration.

Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6.1, subject to the application issues in the next section.


8. Make any required changes to your applications

There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.

1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. Also, CNV BIN on a --- TEMP 2 or ---TEMP 4 no longer works since those fields are larger than 4 bytes in size (in this case Appx will give you compilation error during Em build). A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. Also, CNV BIN on a --- TEMP 2 or ---TEMP 4 no longer works since those fields are larger than 4 bytes in size (in this case APPX will give you compilation error during Em build). A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
  2. Older subroutines in 0LA have various issues:
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7. RETURN CODE is still 4 byte binary field. So, you cannot expect to receive an 8 byte pointer (in 64-bit release) in the return code field.

8. Regular Expression library has changed to support Unicode characters. The new library doesn't like blank or unescaped patterns. You will get a run-time error if it doesn't like the pattern.

9. as the result of the fix for bugs #799, #2498, and #4792, the way APPX finds a subroutine called by a GOSUB statement has changed. If you received an em compilation error, it is because you called a subroutine without specifying an application id or called an internal subroutine (a subroutine within another subroutine) with an application id. You can set APPX_USE_PRE_61_GOSUB environment variable to revert the new behavior.



Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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  There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. Also, CNV BIN on a --- TEMP 2 or ---TEMP 4 no longer works since those fields are larger than 4 bytes in size (in this case Appx will give you compilation error during Em build). A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
  2. Older subroutines in 0LA have various issues:

Revision 152021-01-04 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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  For example, let's assume our conversion results path was R:\appx\data\ConversionResults. We converted 2 applications, both in version GA. The migrated applications will be in R:\appx\data\ConversionResults\GA. Our Release 6 version is installed in R:\appx600new\, so I would copy (or move) the 'GA' folder to 'R:\appx600new\data'. If I converted more than one version at a time, there would be multiple folders in the conversion results folder, and they would all be copied/moved to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.
The migration tool does not copy Resources. If you are using any, you must manually copy the Resource folder from the Release 5.x location to the Release 6.0 location.
 The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.0 for every application.

The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.

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  5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary as your data is already using a LF.
6. Field Type of fields that are storing pointer values have been changed from Numeric (binary) to Alphanumeric. If you use appx-32bit, they are now ALPHA(4), and ALPHA(8) if you are using appx-64bit. Most of these fields are used internally and you shouldn't worry about them if you have not used them in your application. Here are the list of pointer fields in APPX:



Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

Revision 142020-12-16 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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  Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.0, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.0.
FMS Type 9 files (APPX large file format) have changed on release 6.1. If you are using FMS Type 9 in your APPX 5.x version, you need to export them under release 5.x and then import them to APPX release 6.x.
 If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.0 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.0 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.

If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.0 so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.

Revision 132020-11-16 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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Release 6.0 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x installation.
Release 6.0 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation.
  This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher, it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.0.
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  The basic approach we will use for upgrading is:
  1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  1. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.4.x installation
  1. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.4.x or 5.5.x installation
  1. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files
  2. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.0 installation & confirm all is well
  3. Run the migration utility for your applications
  4. Install the migrated applications
  5. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
  6. Make any required changes to your applications
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.4.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.4.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.4.x applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.
The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.x applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.
  It is assumed the reader is familiar with APPX System Administration concepts and knows how to define new applications, new databases, etc. It is also assumed the reader knows how to copy files, set/check permissions, etc.

This release has increased memory requirements, and performance in some areas is slow. We are aware of these issues, and they will be addressed in the next patch release.

1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder

Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers. If you are using APPX_MONITOR_KEY, this must be set to a different value than your 5.4.x installation.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.4.x

Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers. If you are using APPX_MONITOR_KEY, this must be set to a different value than your 5.x installation.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.x

  There are 2 migration applications: 6SA for the System Administration files, and 6AD for Application Design files. Download the Migration Utility and follow these steps:
  1. Add application 6SA/00 to your Applications file.
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  You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.0 folder. Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure no Release 6.0 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server if it's running.
  1. Copy $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data/* from your 5.4.x folder to $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your 6.0 folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  1. Copy $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data/* from your 5.x folder to $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your 6.0 folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  1. Check permissions of $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your Release 6.0 installation to make sure APPX users have read/write access.
  2. Delete these specific .key files in $APPXPATH/0SA/Data:
    • EDITMSG.key
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    • SECDEPT.key
    • SECROLE.key
    • SECWG.key
Log on to APPX, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.4.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.0
Log on to APPX, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.0
Finally, compare your Release 5.4.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.0 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.0 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.4.x file to 6.0, as you will lose some Release 6.0 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
Finally, compare your Release 5.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.0 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.0 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.x file to 6.0, as you will lose some Release 6.0 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
  If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.
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  For example, let's assume our conversion results path was R:\appx\data\ConversionResults. We converted 2 applications, both in version GA. The migrated applications will be in R:\appx\data\ConversionResults\GA. Our Release 6 version is installed in R:\appx600new\, so I would copy (or move) the 'GA' folder to 'R:\appx600new\data'. If I converted more than one version at a time, there would be multiple folders in the conversion results folder, and they would all be copied/moved to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.
The migration tool does not copy Resources. If you are using any, you must manually copy the Resource folder from the Release 5.4.x location to the Release 6.0 location.
The migration tool does not copy Resources. If you are using any, you must manually copy the Resource folder from the Release 5.x location to the Release 6.0 location.
  The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.0 for every application.

The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.

7. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0

Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.4.x and Release 6.0, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.0.
Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.x and Release 6.0, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.0.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.0 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.4.x & Release 6.0 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.0 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.x & Release 6.0 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
  If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.0 so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.

Revision 122020-08-31 - MisaghKarimi

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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 Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format (Intel based systems) or tar format (RISC based systems). Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and extract from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you have extracted the file in the wrong location.

Once the applications are extracted, continue with:

  1. Change the FMS Type of Data Files in 6SA Application to Type 1.
  1. Create Data Files for Database 6SA, Application 6SA
  1. Change the FMS Type of Data Files in 6AD Application to Type 1.
  1. Create Data Files for Database 6AD, Application 6AD
You are now ready to migrate your System Administration files.

3. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files

Revision 112018-05-01 - JeanNeron

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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 This release has increased memory requirements, and performance in some areas is slow. We are aware of these issues, and they will be addressed in the next patch release.

1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder

Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers.
Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers. If you are using APPX_MONITOR_KEY, this must be set to a different value than your 5.4.x installation.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.4.x

There are 2 migration applications: 6SA for the System Administration files, and 6AD for Application Design files. Download the Migration Utility and follow these steps:

Revision 102018-04-20 - JeanNeron

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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 The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.4.x applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.

It is assumed the reader is familiar with APPX System Administration concepts and knows how to define new applications, new databases, etc. It is also assumed the reader knows how to copy files, set/check permissions, etc.

This release has increased memory requirements, and performance in some areas is slow. We are aware of these issues, and they will be addressed in the next patch release.

1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder

Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers.

Revision 92018-04-13 - JeanNeron

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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  1. Create the Design Files for 6AD/00.
  2. Define Database 6SA, with a startup application of 6SA/00.
  3. Define Database 6AD, with a startup application of 6AD/00.
Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format. Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and unzip from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you have unzipped the file in the wrong location.
Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format (Intel based systems) or tar format (RISC based systems). Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and extract from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you have extracted the file in the wrong location.
Once the applications are unzipped, continue with:
Once the applications are extracted, continue with:
  1. Create Data Files for Database 6SA, Application 6SA
  2. Create Data Files for Database 6AD, Application 6AD
You are now ready to migrate your System Administration files.
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  If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.
Role Based Security: If you are using Role Based Security, you should copy it to your new 6.0 installation. Copy all the files in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL to $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in your Release 6.0 installation. Create the $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL folder if necessary. Since the Structure files are different between 5 & 6, we must delete all the 'Struct' folders in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in the Release 6.0 folder after the copy is complete. They will get recreated in when the applications are migrated.
Role Based Security: If you are using Role Based Security, you should copy it to your new 6.0 installation. Copy all the files in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL to $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in your Release 6.0 installation. Create the $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL folder if necessary. Since the Structure files are different between 5 & 6, we must delete all the 'Struct' folders in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in the Release 6.0 folder after the copy is complete. They will get recreated when the applications are migrated.
  If all is well, continue with migrating your Applications.

5. Run the migration utility for your applications

Revision 82018-03-12 - JeanNeron

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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  4. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time so you can batch compile your applications to find these errors.
5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary and your data is already using a LF.
5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary as your data is already using a LF.


Revision 72018-02-26 - JeanNeron

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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  There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data. A number of --- WORK RAW xx fields have been added - you can use these in place of --- TEMP fields if you need a non Unicode field.
  2. Older subroutines in 0LA have various issues:
  • STREAM READ - will not work
  • STREAM WRITE - will not work
  • FIND STRING LENGTH - limited to strings of 32k
  • FIND STRING LENGTH - limited to strings of 32k
  • INSERT STRING - limited to strings of 32k
  • REMOVE STRING - limited to strings of 32k
You should use the newer .STREAM READ/.STREAM WRITE APIs for stream I/O, and the .TEXT routines for string functions.
You should use the newer .TEXT routines for string functions.
  3. Any direct CALL statements to engine ,RT functions will have to be reviewed and possibly changed.
4. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time.
4. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time so you can batch compile your applications to find these errors.
  5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary and your data is already using a LF.

Revision 62018-02-23 - JeanNeron

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APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

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  If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.
Role Based Security: If you are using Role Based Security, you should copy it to your new 6.0 installation. Copy all the files in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL to $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in your Release 6.0 installation. Create the $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL folder if necessary. Since the Structure files are different between 5 & 6, we must delete all the 'Struct' folders in $APPXPATH/0SA/ACL in the Release 6.0 folder after the copy is complete. They will get recreated in when the applications are migrated.
 If all is well, continue with migrating your Applications.

5. Run the migration utility for your applications

Revision 52018-02-23 - JeanNeron

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META TOPICPARENT name="Appx600Installation"

APPX 6 Upgrade Instructions

META TOPICPARENT name="Main.Appx600Installation"

APPX 6.0 Upgrade Instructions

This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.x installation to APPX 6.
This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.4.5 (or higher) installation to APPX 6.0




Release 6.0 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.0. Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.0.
Release 6.0 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.4.x installation.
You can upgrade from any version in the Release 5.x series, but you may have additional steps at the end of the process if you are upgrading from an early release of 5.x. You cannot upgrade from Release 4.x or earlier.
This application requires Release 5.4.5 or higher, it will not run on earlier releases. Also note that Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.0.
The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.0 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose.
The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.0 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose, although this is not recommended.
  The basic approach we will use for upgrading is:
  1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  1. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.x installation
  1. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.4.x installation
  1. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files
  2. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.0 installation & confirm all is well
  3. Run the migration utility for your applications
  4. Install the migrated applications
  5. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
  6. Make any required changes to your applications
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.0 installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.4.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.4.x installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.
The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.0 applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.
The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.4.x applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.
  It is assumed the reader is familiar with APPX System Administration concepts and knows how to define new applications, new databases, etc. It is also assumed the reader knows how to copy files, set/check permissions, etc.

1. Install APPX 6.0.0 in a new folder


1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder

  Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.x


2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.4.x

  There are 2 migration applications: 6SA for the System Administration files, and 6AD for Application Design files. Download the Migration Utility and follow these steps:
  1. Add application 6SA/00 to your Applications file.
Line: 51 to 51
  Continue by running Database 6SA from the APPX Main Menu. You will see this menu:
  Click the 'Convert' button to proceed. A report will be produced showing the files that were converted. If any errors are shown, fix them before continuing.
Line: 60 to 60
  You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.0 folder. Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure no Release 6.0 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server if it's running.
  1. Copy $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data/* from your 5.x folder to $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your 6.0 folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  2. Check permissions of $APPXPATH/0SA/Data to make sure APPX users have read/write access.
  1. Copy $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data/* from your 5.4.x folder to $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your 6.0 folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  2. Check permissions of $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your Release 6.0 installation to make sure APPX users have read/write access.
  1. Delete these specific .key files in $APPXPATH/0SA/Data:
    • EDITMSG.key
    • SCJOB.key
Line: 71 to 71
    • SECDEPT.key
    • SECROLE.key
    • SECWG.key
Log on to APPX, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those flies contain Unicode fields. Release 5.0 cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.0
Log on to APPX, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those files contain Unicode fields. Release 5.4.x cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.0
Finally, compare your Release 5.0 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.0 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.0 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.0 file to 6.0, as you will lose some Release 6.0 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what an setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
Finally, compare your Release 5.4.x 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.0 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.0 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.4.x file to 6.0, as you will lose some Release 6.0 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what a setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.
  If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.
Line: 102 to 102
  It is not necessary to convert all your applications at once. For example, if you have a test version and a test database, you may want to just migrate those initially.
When this step completes, you can proceed to installing the migrated applications in Release 6.
When this step completes, you can proceed to installing the migrated applications in Release 6.0.

6. Install the migrated applications

To install the migrated applications, simply copy the folder(s) from the 'ConversionResults' path to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.

For example, let's assume our conversion results path was R:\appx\data\ConversionResults. We converted 2 applications, both in version GA. The migrated applications will be in R:\appx\data\ConversionResults\GA. Our Release 6 version is installed in R:\appx600new\, so I would copy (or move) the 'GA' folder to 'R:\appx600new\data'. If I converted more than one version at a time, there would be multiple folders in the conversion results folder, and they would all be copied/moved to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.

The migration tool does not copy Resources. If you are using any, you must manually copy the Resource folder from the Release 5 location to the Release 6 location.
The migration tool does not copy Resources. If you are using any, you must manually copy the Resource folder from the Release 5.4.x location to the Release 6.0 location.
The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6 for every application.
The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6.0 for every application.
  The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.

7. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0

Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5 and Release 6, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.
Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5.4.x and Release 6.0, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.0.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5 & Release 6 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6.0 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5.4.x & Release 6.0 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has it's own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6 so that it's files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.
If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has its own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6.0 so that its files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.
Do not copy the 'Struct' folders, or alternatively, delete them after copying. For example, to copy a database '123', we would copy all the files in R:\appx\data\123 to R:\appx600\data\123. After the copy is complete, we would delete all the Struct folders in R:\appx600\data\123.
Do not copy the 'Struct' folders, or alternatively, delete them after copying. For example, to copy database '123', we would copy all the files in R:\appx\data\123 to R:\appx600\data\123. After the copy is complete, we would delete all the Struct folders in R:\appx600\data\123.
  To create the new Structure files, we have to run 'Create Files' for each application in the database. The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Databases/Applications' in System Administration, choose the Database, then click 'Related Applications'. For each application in the list, click 'Database Management', then 'Create Files.
Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6, subject to the application issues in the next section.
Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6.0, subject to the application issues in the next section.

8. Make any required changes to your applications

There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.

1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data.

2. Older subroutines in --- have various issues:
2. Older subroutines in 0LA have various issues:
  • STREAM READ - will not work
  • STREAM WRITE - will not work
  • FIND STRING LENGTH - limited to strings of 32k
  • INSERT STRING - limited to strings of 32k
  • REMOVE STRING - limited to strings of 32k
You should use the newer .STREAM READ/.STREAM WRITE API's for stream I/O, and the .TEXT routines for string functions.
You should use the newer .STREAM READ/.STREAM WRITE APIs for stream I/O, and the .TEXT routines for string functions.
  3. Any direct CALL statements to engine ,RT functions will have to be reviewed and possibly changed.

4. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time.

5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character.
5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character. If you were already using APPX_END_PARAGRAPH to set the line feed to 0x10, this is no longer necessary and your data is already using a LF.


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META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6sa_menu.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519334847" name="6sa_menu.png" path="6sa menu.png" size="427519" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6ad_menu.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519353799" name="6ad_menu.png" path="6ad menu.png" size="393982" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6ad_select.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519354030" name="6ad_select.png" path="6ad select.png" size="251038" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6sa_menu_new.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519401238" name="6sa_menu_new.png" path="6sa menu new.png" size="375482" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META TOPICMOVED by="JeanNeron" date="1519407266" from="Sandbox.APPX600UpgradeInstallation" to="Main.APPX600UpgradeInstallation"

Revision 42018-02-23 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Appx600Installation"

APPX 6 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 21 to 21
  1. Run the migration utility for your applications
  2. Install the migrated applications
  3. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
  1. Final tasks
  1. Make any required changes to your applications
 This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.0 installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.

The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.0 applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.

Line: 127 to 127
 To create the new Structure files, we have to run 'Create Files' for each application in the database. The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Databases/Applications' in System Administration, choose the Database, then click 'Related Applications'. For each application in the list, click 'Database Management', then 'Create Files.

Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6, subject to the application issues in the next section.


8. Final Tasks


8. Make any required changes to your applications

TEMP fields Unicode
There are some differences in Release 6 that may have an impact on your applications.
1. All --- TEMP fields are now Unicode fields. If you are using --- TEMP to interface with external programs or O/S level subroutines, this may have an impact if they not expecting to receive UTF-32 encoded data.
direct RT
2. Older subroutines in --- have various issues:

  • STREAM READ - will not work
  • STREAM WRITE - will not work
  • FIND STRING LENGTH - limited to strings of 32k
  • INSERT STRING - limited to strings of 32k
  • REMOVE STRING - limited to strings of 32k
You should use the newer .STREAM READ/.STREAM WRITE API's for stream I/O, and the .TEXT routines for string functions.

3. Any direct CALL statements to engine ,RT functions will have to be reviewed and possibly changed.

4. A group field containing a Unicode field can only be moved to or from another group field. A Unicode field cannot be moved to or from a Group. This is detected at compile time.

5. APPX now uses a LF character (ASCII 10) instead of a ¶ (ASCII 182) as a line feed character in text fields. Existing text data will display the ¶ character instead of a new line. To correct this, you need to search any text fields for a ¶ and replace it with a LF character.



Revision 32018-02-23 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Appx600Installation"

APPX 6 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 16 to 16
 The basic approach we will use for upgrading is:
  1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  2. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.x installation
  1. Run the migration for your System Administration files
  1. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files
  1. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.0 installation & confirm all is well
  1. Run the migration for your applications
  1. Run the migration utility for your applications
  1. Install the migrated applications
  2. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
  1. Final tasks
 This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.0 installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.

The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.0 applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.

Line: 44 to 45
  1. Create Data Files for Database 6SA, Application 6SA
  2. Create Data Files for Database 6AD, Application 6AD
You are now ready to migrate your System Administration files.

3. Run the migration for your System Administration files


3. Run the migration utility for your System Administration files

  Before migrating your System Admin files, you should verify the integrity of the files and correct any errors. The Verify step can be found in System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management -> Verify Files. Correct any errors before proceeding.
Line: 55 to 56
 Click the 'Convert' button to proceed. A report will be produced showing the files that were converted. If any errors are shown, fix them before continuing.

The conversion step creates a new set of System Administration files in Release 6.0 format. These are located in $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data.


4. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.0 installation

  You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.0 folder. Follow these steps:
  1. Make sure no Release 6.0 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server.
  1. Make sure no Release 6.0 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server if it's running.
  1. Copy $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data/* from your 5.x folder to $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your 6.0 folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  1. Check permissions of $APPXPATH/0SA/Data to make sure APPX users have read/write access
  1. Check permissions of $APPXPATH/0SA/Data to make sure APPX users have read/write access.
  1. Delete these specific .key files in $APPXPATH/0SA/Data:
    • EDITMSG.key
    • SCJOB.key
Line: 76 to 78
 If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.

If all is well, continue with migrating your Applications.


Preliminary Tasks

  1. Ask all users to log off
  2. Verify the integrity of all files in your system and correct any errors.
    • System Administration Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > System Setup (Option 1) > System Administration File Management (Option 2) > Select All (Option 2) > END > Verify Files (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1) Should be on file system path similar to \Appx\data\0SA\Data\*
        • Each file should have a status of OK, or Skipped: Temporary or Non-indexed File.
    • Design Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > Design File Management (Option 5) > Enter the Application and Version number for each application that you want upgraded to APPX 5 > Select all files > Verify Files (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1) Should be on a file system path similar to \Appx\data\00\TGL\Data\*. Look for failures. Skips are okay.
    • Data Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Database / Applications (Option 2) > Select the database (RETURN, RETURN) > For each application select Database Management (Option 5) > Select All (Option 2) > END > Verify Files Menu (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1. Look for failures. Skips are okay. Path will be similar to \Appx\data\TGL\TGL\Data\*
  3. Backup your system
  4. Obtain a new Release 5.0 License from your Reseller or Distributor

Convert Your System Administration Files


5. Run the migration utility for your applications

The first step of upgrading your APPX 4.2.a installation to APPX 5 is to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5 format. The System Administration files for APPX 4.2.a are not compatible with APPX 5 and must be converted to the APPX 5 format. Follow the directions below to convert your System Administration files.
You are now ready to begin migrating your applications. This is a good time to review your applications and decide which ones need to be migrated. For example, it's possible you have old applications that are not used any longer.

Configure the Upgrade Application

Once you have decided which applications you will migrate, you should run 'Verify Files' on each application and address any errors.
After installing the Upgrade Application, you must run APPX as an APPX System Administrator and configure the Upgrade Application.
When you are ready to proceed run Database 6AD from the main APPX menu:
Add the upgrade application (5SA 00) to the Applications file.
System Administration (Option 3) > Database / Application (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Applications (Option 1)
The path shown will be different on your system. You can choose a different path by clicking 'Edit ConversionResults Pathname'.

When you are satisfied with the location, click 'Select Applications and Convert':
Create the Design Files for Application 5SA.
On this screen you can enter individual Application/Versions, or you can use the 'Load All Apps for Specific Version' button to automatically load all the applications for the entered version.
The Create Files menu selection above should report "File Already Exists" for each file as shown below. If not, the application was not installed in the correct location. Repeat the installation steps above, specifing the correct location
When you are ready to proceed, click the 'Process' button.
The applications will be processed and a report produced showing the applications and files that were processed. Check the report for any error messages. Note that not every application uses all possible design files, so the 'FI_STRUCT_NOT_FOUND' message is not necessarily an error.
Add the database (5SA) for the Upgrade Application to the Databases file.
It is not necessary to convert all your applications at once. For example, if you have a test version and a test database, you may want to just migrate those initially.
System Administration (Option 3) > Database / Application (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Databases / Applications (Option 2)
When this step completes, you can proceed to installing the migrated applications in Release 6.

6. Install the migrated applications


To install the migrated applications, simply copy the folder(s) from the 'ConversionResults' path to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.
Run Database Management for the Upgrade Application and Database.
For example, let's assume our conversion results path was R:\appx\data\ConversionResults. We converted 2 applications, both in version GA. The migrated applications will be in R:\appx\data\ConversionResults\GA. Our Release 6 version is installed in R:\appx600new\, so I would copy (or move) the 'GA' folder to 'R:\appx600new\data'. If I converted more than one version at a time, there would be multiple folders in the conversion results folder, and they would all be copied/moved to $APPXPATH in Release 6.0.

The migration tool does not copy Resources. If you are using any, you must manually copy the Resource folder from the Release 5 location to the Release 6 location.
Run Create Files.
The migration tool does not create the structure files or process the Data Dictionary. This must be done in Release 6 for every application.


Run the Upgrade Application

The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Applications' in System Administration and select the first migrated application. Then choose 'Design File Management', and from there, run 'Create Files', then 'Process Data Dictionary'. Repeat this for each migrated application.

7. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0

After configuring the Upgrade Application, you must run the Upgrade Utility to convert your System Administration files.
Next, we must copy the end user data to our Release 6.0 installation. As mentioned previously, the Structure files are completely different between Release 5 and Release 6, so we must create new Structure files in Release 6.
Run an Application (Option 1). 5SA.
If you are using an FMS group to redirect APPXIO files from their standard location, then you will have to change the Release 6 FMS group to point to a different location, otherwise Release 5 & Release 6 will be accessing the same Structure files and that will not work.
If you are using an FMS group to point to an RDBMS it will technically work, since each release of APPX has it's own Structure files but this is not recommended. Instead, change the FMS group in Release 6 so that it's files are unique. For example, you could add a prefix to the table naming scheme and then use the RDBMS utilities to copy the existing data to the new naming scheme.
Click on the "Convert" button to run the conversion utility.
Do not copy the 'Struct' folders, or alternatively, delete them after copying. For example, to copy a database '123', we would copy all the files in R:\appx\data\123 to R:\appx600\data\123. After the copy is complete, we would delete all the Struct folders in R:\appx600\data\123.
To create the new Structure files, we have to run 'Create Files' for each application in the database. The easiest way to do this is to go to 'Databases/Applications' in System Administration, choose the Database, then click 'Related Applications'. For each application in the list, click 'Database Management', then 'Create Files.
The conversion utility will create a log. Specify the appropriate disposition options to print the conversion log.
Once this step is complete, you should be able to run your applications under Release 6, subject to the application issues in the next section.

8. Final Tasks


TEMP fields Unicode
The conversion log will inform you of any problems that may have been encountered while running the conversion utility.


Install the Upgraded System Administration Files

direct RT
Before you install the APPX Utility, you must first replace your old System Administration files with the new System Administration files that were created when you ran the upgrade utility to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5.0.0 structure. You can use a copy command similar to the example below to replace your old System Administration with the upgraded files. Be sure to edit the copy command to reference the directory where APPX is installed on your system if APPX is not installed in "C:\Appx"

COPY C:\Appx\data\5SA\5SA\Data\ C:\Appx\data\0SA\Data\*

If you are prompted to overwrite any files answer Yes or All.

You should also remove the System Administration structure files. You can use a delete command similar to the example below to remove your System Administration structure files. Be sure to edit the command to reference the directory where APPX is installed on your system if APPX is not installed in "C:\Appx".

DEL C:\Appx\data\0SA\Struct\*

You are now ready to install Release 5 on top of your existing installation. Before installing APPX you should:

  1. Stop the APPX Connection Manager service(s).
  2. Terminate (kill) any APPX sessions that are still active (there shouldn't be any if everyone has logged off)
  3. Terminate (kill) the APPX License Server session
Then follow these steps:


Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character mode) installer. Most sites will use the GUI Installer, the character mode installer is intended for sites using Windows Core Server (Windows without a GUI). The same installer is used for both methods. The installer will automatically detect if it is being run as a command or from a GUI Desktop, although in some cases you may have to add "-c" to the command line to force the character installer. Regardless of which installation method is used, the result is the same. A typical APPX installation on a system where APPX has not been previously installed performs the following steps:

  1. Creates the destination directory and installs APPX into it.
  2. Sets the appropriate permissions
  3. Runs APPX to allow you to complete the configuration
    • Add APPX System Administrators to the APPX user file
    • Configure and start the APPX Login Manager service
    • Configure and start the APPX Audit Manager service
    • Install the license key

GUI Installation on Windows

Log in to your system as an administrative user.

Download and run the APPX GUI installer (appxsetup-windows.exe) from the APPX web site or the APPX ftp server.

After a few moments, the APPX Setup Wizard should display the Welcome screen. Click on the "Next" button to continue. If you are presented with a Security Warning dialog, click on the "Run" button to continue with the installation.


Read and accept the license agreement.


Specify the Destination Directory into which APPX is to be installed. As a matter of convention, APPX is usually installed into C:\appx but may be installed into the drive and directory of your choice, but do not choose a directory with spaces in the name.


You will be warned if the destination directory already exists. Otherwise, the APPX Setup Wizard will create it.

The APPX Setup Wizard can optionally create a Start Menu. You must specify the appropriate options. If you don't know what to specify on this screen, simply accept the recommended options by clicking on the "Next" button to proceed with the installation.


APPX will then be installed into the specified destination directory.


Finally, you may specify whether or not you want the APPX Setup Wizard to create a shortcut on your desktop and/or a quick launch icon on the taskbar. After specifying the appropriate options, click on the "Finish" button to end the APPX Setup Wizard.


Character Mode Installation

If you are running Windows Core Server, you can run the Appx installer in character mode by appending "-c" to the command line. After a few moments, the Appx Setup Wizard should display the Welcome message. Press Enter to continue the installation.

C:\Appx>setup.exe -c

Unpacking JRE ...
Preparing JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
This will install Appx on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]

Next, read and accept the License agreement. Press Enter as each page is displayed.

Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement before continuing with the installation.

Software License

APPX Utility - Release 5.0.0

_ Important! _

Please read this carefully before you click on the Accept button.


"Software License Agreement (SLA)" shall mean this Software License document and the associated *License Key document collectively.


After the agreement has been displayed, enter 1 to accept the license agreement, or 2 to cancel the installation.

For inquires regarding this agreement, please contact: APPX Software, Inc., 11363 San Jose Blvd., Suite 301, Jacksonville, Florida 32223, USA

I accept the agreement

Yes [1], No [2]

Choose the directory where APPX should be installed and the other installation options.

Where should Appx be installed?


Create a desktop icon?

Yes [y, Enter], No [n]

Create a Quick Launch icon?

Yes [y, Enter], No [n]

Install a new APPX 5.x License Key

Double click the C:\Appx\AppxDesktopClient.exe file to start the Appx Desktop Client. Click on the 'Local' tab, enter the location of the APPX engine (the appx.exe file) and click the connect button. You should be presented with the following System Registration screen. Notice that the Effective Date field on this registration is blank. Starting with APPX 5.0.0, all License Keys include an Effective Date. You must install an updated License Key before you will be able to run APPX 5.x. Note that in Release 5 and higher you can copy your registration to the clipboard, and APPX will detect it when you choose "Typical Import" from the "Import Menu" below.


After installing a new 5.x License Key, your System Registration screen should include an Effective Date.


Configure the new APPX Login Manager

APPX 5 includes the new APPX Login Manager service. This service replaces the Connection Manager (AppxdSvc) which was included with APPX releases prior to APPX 5.0.0. The old Connection Manager will not work with APPX 5 and higher, and should not be used. You should remove the services installed by appxdsvc using the '-remove' keyword:

C:\Appx\tools>appxdsvc -remove -name=Appx8060

To configure and start the new APPX Login Manager service, log in as an administrative user and execute a command similar to the following:

C:\Appx>CD services
C:\Appx\services>appxLoginMgr.exe -install -name=appx8060 -displayName=appx8060 -port=8060 -engine=C:\Appx\appx.exe

You should see the following messages:

appx8060 Created
appx8060 Configured

appx8060 Started
appx8060 will start automatically each time you boot your system

After executing the above command, users should be able to use the APPX 5.0.0 Desktop Client to successfully login on port 8060. For additional information on managing APPX Login Services, please refer to the complete documentation.

Final Tasks

  1. Review your 'appx.env' file. Ensure any settings from 4.2.x are still there. Remove any obsolete settings.
  2. Update the SYSDIR.
    1. System Administration (Option 3), System Setup (Option 1), System Administration File Management (Option 2), Update SYSDIR (Option 14).
    • update-sysdir.png
  3. Create the new System Administration files ("System Administration/File Management/System Admin Files" on pull down menu).
    • Final-Steps-01-Create-New-SA-Files.png
  4. Upgrade Design Files
    • Remove the Em, Dbg and Structure files for each of your applications. It is not necessary to do this to the applications supplied with Appx (0AD, 0LA, 0DB, 0SA, 1EX, DMO, etc)
      • For example, your GL application's path for Em, Dbg and Struct files might look similar to: C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Struct\* and C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Em\* and C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Dbg\*
    • Run Create Files for each of your applications
      • System Administration (Option 3), Database / Applications (Option 3), Design File Management (Option 5). Specify your Application and Version, Create Files (Option 3).
      • create-design-files.png
      • create-design-files2.png
    • Run 'Sync Widget Elements' for each of your applications from the Utilities Menu in Application Design. This is optional, as APPX will force you to do this the first time you go into an application after installing Release 5.0
      • sync-widgets.png
    • Run 'Load Initial Audit History' for each of your applications. This is optional, as APPX will automatically build the history as you make changes to your application. For example, the first time you go into INPUTs, APPX will see that the audit history is missing and it will create it as it reads the input process records. Regardless of whether you run this, APPX will start keeping a detailed audit history of changes in applications from this point on. However, you should decide now whether to run this step now or not. If audit information already exists in the audit file when you run this step, it will duplicate the data
    • Run 'Sync Design Elements' for each of your applications.
  5. If you are using Custom Fonts in your applications (i.e., bar codes, etc) and you have not already updated your Resources for the new method, follow these steps, otherwise they will not print.
  6. Install the new APPX Desktop Client for all users
  7. If you were using Appx/ODBC, you must install the new version. The old version is not compatible with Release 5 and will not work. See this page for installation instructions.
  8. Configure new features as desired


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

Line: 221 to 142
-- SteveFrizzell - 2 Nov 2009
-- Jean Neron - 2018-02-15
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6sa_menu.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519334847" name="6sa_menu.png" path="6sa menu.png" size="427519" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6ad_menu.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519353799" name="6ad_menu.png" path="6ad menu.png" size="393982" user="JeanNeron" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6ad_select.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519354030" name="6ad_select.png" path="6ad select.png" size="251038" user="JeanNeron" version="1"

Revision 22018-02-22 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Appx600Installation"

APPX 6 Upgrade Instructions

Line: 9 to 9
  Release 6.0 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.0. Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.0.
You can upgrade from any version in the Release 5.x series, but you may have additional steps at the end of the process if you are upgrading from an early release of 5.x.
You can upgrade from any version in the Release 5.x series, but you may have additional steps at the end of the process if you are upgrading from an early release of 5.x. You cannot upgrade from Release 4.x or earlier.
  The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.0 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose.
Line: 23 to 23
  1. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.0 installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.

To upgrade your existing APPX Windows installation from APPX 4.2.a to APPX 5, you must complete the following steps:
The entire process may take a few hours, depending on the amount of data involved. Users can continue to work with your Release 5.0 applications and data while you are migrating, subject to the usual requirement of not copying files that others are actively updating.
  1. Complete the preliminary tasks
  2. Convert Your System Administration Files
  3. Install the APPX Utility upgrade
  4. Install a new APPX 5.0.0 License Key
  5. Configure the new APPX Login Manager
  6. Final Tasks
It is assumed the reader is familiar with APPX System Administration concepts and knows how to define new applications, new databases, etc. It is also assumed the reader knows how to copy files, set/check permissions, etc.

1. Install APPX 6.0.0 in a new folder

Install a fresh copy of APPX in a new folder on your server. Refer to APPX600LinuxNewInstallation for Linux/Unix servers and APPX600WindowsNewInstallation for Windows servers.

2. Install the Migration Applications in Release 5.x

There are 2 migration applications: 6SA for the System Administration files, and 6AD for Application Design files. Download the Migration Utility and follow these steps:

  1. Add application 6SA/00 to your Applications file.
  2. Create the Design Files for 6SA/00.
  3. Add application 6AD/00 to your Application file.
  4. Create the Design Files for 6AD/00.
  5. Define Database 6SA, with a startup application of 6SA/00.
  6. Define Database 6AD, with a startup application of 6AD/00.
Now you are ready to install the applications from the downloaded file. The applications are supplied in a zip file format. Save this file in your $APPXPATH/00/ folder, and unzip from there. When prompted, replace all existing files. If you do not get this warning, you have unzipped the file in the wrong location.

Once the applications are unzipped, continue with:

  1. Create Data Files for Database 6SA, Application 6SA
  2. Create Data Files for Database 6AD, Application 6AD
You are now ready to migrate your System Administration files.

3. Run the migration for your System Administration files

Before migrating your System Admin files, you should verify the integrity of the files and correct any errors. The Verify step can be found in System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management -> Verify Files. Correct any errors before proceeding.

Continue by running Database 6SA from the APPX Main Menu. You will see this menu:


Click the 'Convert' button to proceed. A report will be produced showing the files that were converted. If any errors are shown, fix them before continuing.

The conversion step creates a new set of System Administration files in Release 6.0 format. These are located in $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data.

You are now ready to install the new System Administration files in your Release 6.0 folder. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure no Release 6.0 APPX sessions are running. In particular, make sure to terminate the License Server.
  2. Copy $APPXPATH/6SA/6SA/Data/* from your 5.x folder to $APPXPATH/0SA/Data in your 6.0 folder. Do NOT copy the Struct folder.
  3. Check permissions of $APPXPATH/0SA/Data to make sure APPX users have read/write access
  4. Delete these specific .key files in $APPXPATH/0SA/Data:
    • EDITMSG.key
    • SCJOB.key
    • SCPROJ.key
    • SCSTE.key
    • SCTASK.key
    • SECDEPT.key
    • SECROLE.key
    • SECWG.key
Log on to APPX, go to System Administration -> System Setup -> System Administration File Management and run 'Create Files'. This will create new .key files for the ones you just deleted. This is necessary because the keys in those flies contain Unicode fields. Release 5.0 cannot create a Unicode aware key file, so we must recreate it under 6.0

Finally, compare your Release 5.0 'appx.env' file to your Release 6.0 'appx.env' file, and add any necessary settings to the Release 6.0 version. Do not simply copy your Release 5.0 file to 6.0, as you will lose some Release 6.0 settings. This is a good time to review these settings to see if they are still required. If you are not sure what an setting is used for, use the Environment Variable Wizard to check it.

If you changed your 'appx.env' file, log off & on again. Check your System Administration files to make sure everything was migrated correctly, i.e., Users, Printers, Forms, Applications, Databases, etc.

If all is well, continue with migrating your Applications.


Preliminary Tasks

  1. Ask all users to log off
  2. Verify the integrity of all files in your system and correct any errors.
Line: 38 to 83
      • System Administration (Option 3) > System Setup (Option 1) > System Administration File Management (Option 2) > Select All (Option 2) > END > Verify Files (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1) Should be on file system path similar to \Appx\data\0SA\Data\*
        • Each file should have a status of OK, or Skipped: Temporary or Non-indexed File.
    • Design Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > Design File Management (Option 5) > Enter the Application and Version number for each application that you want upgraded to APPX 5 > Select all files > Verify Files (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1) Should be on a file system path similar to \Appx\data\00\TGL\Data\*. Look for failures. Skips are okay.
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > Design File Management (Option 5) > Enter the Application and Version number for each application that you want upgraded to APPX 5 > Select all files > Verify Files (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1) Should be on a file system path similar to \Appx\data\00\TGL\Data\*. Look for failures. Skips are okay.
    • Data Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Database / Applications (Option 2) > Select the database (RETURN, RETURN) > For each application select Database Management (Option 5) > Select All (Option 2) > END > Verify Files Menu (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1. Look for failures. Skips are okay. Path will be similar to \Appx\data\TGL\TGL\Data\*
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Database / Applications (Option 2) > Select the database (RETURN, RETURN) > For each application select Database Management (Option 5) > Select All (Option 2) > END > Verify Files Menu (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1. Look for failures. Skips are okay. Path will be similar to \Appx\data\TGL\TGL\Data\*
  1. Backup your system
  2. Obtain a new Release 5.0 License from your Reseller or Distributor

Convert Your System Administration Files

The first step of upgrading your APPX 4.2.a installation to APPX 5 is to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5 format. The System Administration files for APPX 4.2.a are not compatible with APPX 5 and must be converted to the APPX 5 format. Follow the directions below to convert your System Administration files.


Install the Upgrade Application

Two different methods are provided to install the upgrade application on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character mode) installer. Most sites will use the GUI Installer, the character mode installer is intended for sites using Windows Core Server (Windows without a GUI). The same installer is used for both methods. The installer will automatically detect if it is being run as a command or from a GUI Desktop, although in some cases you may have to add "-c" to the command line to force the character installer. Regardless of which installation method is used, the result is the same.


GUI Installation

Log in to your system as an administrative user.

Download and run the installer for the APPX 4.2.a to APPX 5 upgrade application Appx4to5upgrade-windows.exe from the APPX web site or the APPX ftp server. After a few moments, the APPX 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application Setup Wizard should display the Welcome screen. Click on the "Next" button to continue.


Read the Installation Instructions and then click on the "Next" button to continue.


Specify the Destination Directory into which the upgrade utility is to be installed. The directory that you specify must be the directory where APPX 4.2.a is installed on your system.


The APPX Upgrade Application (5SA Version 00) will then be installed into the specified destination directory.


When the installation wizard displays the final screen, click on the Finish button to end the installation wizard.



Character Mode Installation

If you don't have access to a GUI, you can run the this installer i<script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js" title="Linkification: http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js">http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js</a>"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikibuttons/langs/en.js" title="Linkification: http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikibuttons/langs/en.js">http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikibuttons/langs/en.js</a>"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikiimage/langs/en.js" title="Linkification: http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikiimage/langs/en.js">http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikiimage/langs/en.js</a>"></script>n character mode by appending "-c" to the command line. After a few moments, the Appx Setup Wizard should display the Welcome message. Press Enter to continue the installation.

C:\Appx>Appx4to5upgrade_windows -c
Unpacking JRE ...
Preparing JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
This will install Appx 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]

Next, the installation and conversion instructions will be displayed. Press Enter when you are ready to continue.

Installation Instructions

This conversion utility is an Appx application that will read your
existing 4.2 System Administration files and write new 5.0 System
Administration files into a work directory. Once Appx 5.0 is installed
you can copy the System Administration files from this work directory
into place as your live System Administration files.
Here are the steps involved in installing and using this utility

1. Install conversion application into your current appx installation path.
2. Add application 5SA version 00 in System Administration - Applications.
3. Add database 5SA connected to Application 5SA 00 in System Administration - Databases.
4. Process the Data Dictionary for application 5SA 00.
5. Create data files for Database 5SA, application 5SA.
6. Run application 5SA, database 5SA and follow the on screen instructions.

Choose the location for the installation.

Where should Appx 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application be installed?

The files will then be copied to your hard disk. When this is finished, you are ready to continue with 'Configure the Upgrade Application'


Configure the Upgrade Application

Line: 152 to 147
  Before you install the APPX Utility, you must first replace your old System Administration files with the new System Administration files that were created when you ran the upgrade utility to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5.0.0 structure. You can use a copy command similar to the example below to replace your old System Administration with the upgraded files. Be sure to edit the copy command to reference the directory where APPX is installed on your system if APPX is not installed in "C:\Appx"
COPY C:\Appx\data\5SA\5SA\Data\ C:\Appx\data\0SA\Data\*
COPY C:\Appx\data\5SA\5SA\Data\ C:\Appx\data\0SA\Data\*
  If you are prompted to overwrite any files answer Yes or All.
Line: 204 to 199
    • Remove the Em, Dbg and Structure files for each of your applications. It is not necessary to do this to the applications supplied with Appx (0AD, 0LA, 0DB, 0SA, 1EX, DMO, etc)
      • For example, your GL application's path for Em, Dbg and Struct files might look similar to: C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Struct\* and C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Em\* and C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Dbg\*
    • Run Create Files for each of your applications
      • System Administration (Option 3), Database / Applications (Option 3), Design File Management (Option 5). Specify your Application and Version, Create Files (Option 3).
      • System Administration (Option 3), Database / Applications (Option 3), Design File Management (Option 5). Specify your Application and Version, Create Files (Option 3).
      • create-design-files.png
      • create-design-files2.png
Line: 227 to 222

-- SteveFrizzell - 2 Nov 2009 \ No newline at end of file

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="6sa_menu.png" attr="h" comment="" date="1519334847" name="6sa_menu.png" path="6sa menu.png" size="427519" user="JeanNeron" version="1"

Revision 12018-02-22 - JeanNeron

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Appx600Installation"

APPX 6 Upgrade Instructions

This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 5.x installation to APPX 6.


Release 6.0 has significant changes to the format & content of the System Administration files and Application Design files. As a result, these files must be migrated to the new format. A migration utility for the System Admin (6SA) and Application Design (6AD) is provided. This should be installed in your Release 5.0. Locked applications cannot be migrated, they must be unlocked, migrated and then re-locked in 6.0.

You can upgrade from any version in the Release 5.x series, but you may have additional steps at the end of the process if you are upgrading from an early release of 5.x.

The Structure files are incompatible between 6.x and all previous releases. After installing 6.0 and migrating your applications, you will have to create new Struct files for all end user data files. This also means you cannot share the APPXIO files between Release 5 & 6. Files that are stored in an RDBMS can be shared if you choose.

The basic approach we will use for upgrading is:

  1. Install APPX 6.0 in a new folder as if it was a new installation
  2. Install the migration applications in your existing 5.x installation
  3. Run the migration for your System Administration files
  4. Install the migrated System Admin files in your new 6.0 installation & confirm all is well
  5. Run the migration for your applications
  6. Install the migrated applications
  7. Copy the end user data to Release 6.0
This approach allows you to maintain your existing 5.x installation while migrating/installing Release 6.0. You can test Release 6.0 independently of your existing 5.0 installation. When you are ready to switch you just need to refresh the end user data.

To upgrade your existing APPX Windows installation from APPX 4.2.a to APPX 5, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the preliminary tasks
  2. Convert Your System Administration Files
  3. Install the APPX Utility upgrade
  4. Install a new APPX 5.0.0 License Key
  5. Configure the new APPX Login Manager
  6. Final Tasks

Preliminary Tasks

  1. Ask all users to log off
  2. Verify the integrity of all files in your system and correct any errors.
    • System Administration Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > System Setup (Option 1) > System Administration File Management (Option 2) > Select All (Option 2) > END > Verify Files (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1) Should be on file system path similar to \Appx\data\0SA\Data\*
        • Each file should have a status of OK, or Skipped: Temporary or Non-indexed File.
    • Design Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > Design File Management (Option 5) > Enter the Application and Version number for each application that you want upgraded to APPX 5 > Select all files > Verify Files (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1) Should be on a file system path similar to \Appx\data\00\TGL\Data\*. Look for failures. Skips are okay.
    • Data Files
      • System Administration (Option 3) > Database/Applications (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Database / Applications (Option 2) > Select the database (RETURN, RETURN) > For each application select Database Management (Option 5) > Select All (Option 2) > END > Verify Files Menu (Option 12) > Verify Integrity of APPXIO Files (Option 1. Look for failures. Skips are okay. Path will be similar to \Appx\data\TGL\TGL\Data\*
  3. Backup your system
  4. Obtain a new Release 5.0 License from your Reseller or Distributor

Convert Your System Administration Files

The first step of upgrading your APPX 4.2.a installation to APPX 5 is to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5 format. The System Administration files for APPX 4.2.a are not compatible with APPX 5 and must be converted to the APPX 5 format. Follow the directions below to convert your System Administration files.

Install the Upgrade Application

Two different methods are provided to install the upgrade application on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character mode) installer. Most sites will use the GUI Installer, the character mode installer is intended for sites using Windows Core Server (Windows without a GUI). The same installer is used for both methods. The installer will automatically detect if it is being run as a command or from a GUI Desktop, although in some cases you may have to add "-c" to the command line to force the character installer. Regardless of which installation method is used, the result is the same.


GUI Installation

Log in to your system as an administrative user.

Download and run the installer for the APPX 4.2.a to APPX 5 upgrade application Appx4to5upgrade-windows.exe from the APPX web site or the APPX ftp server. After a few moments, the APPX 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application Setup Wizard should display the Welcome screen. Click on the "Next" button to continue.


Read the Installation Instructions and then click on the "Next" button to continue.


Specify the Destination Directory into which the upgrade utility is to be installed. The directory that you specify must be the directory where APPX 4.2.a is installed on your system.


The APPX Upgrade Application (5SA Version 00) will then be installed into the specified destination directory.


When the installation wizard displays the final screen, click on the Finish button to end the installation wizard.



Character Mode Installation

If you don't have access to a GUI, you can run the this installer i<script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js" title="Linkification: http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js">http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js</a>"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikibuttons/langs/en.js" title="Linkification: http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikibuttons/langs/en.js">http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikibuttons/langs/en.js</a>"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="<a href="http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikiimage/langs/en.js" title="Linkification: http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikiimage/langs/en.js">http://wiki.appx.com/wiki/pub/TWiki/TinyMCEPlugin/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/twikiimage/langs/en.js</a>"></script>n character mode by appending "-c" to the command line. After a few moments, the Appx Setup Wizard should display the Welcome message. Press Enter to continue the installation.

C:\Appx>Appx4to5upgrade_windows -c
Unpacking JRE ...
Preparing JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
This will install Appx 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]

Next, the installation and conversion instructions will be displayed. Press Enter when you are ready to continue.

Installation Instructions

This conversion utility is an Appx application that will read your
existing 4.2 System Administration files and write new 5.0 System
Administration files into a work directory. Once Appx 5.0 is installed
you can copy the System Administration files from this work directory
into place as your live System Administration files.
Here are the steps involved in installing and using this utility

1. Install conversion application into your current appx installation path.
2. Add application 5SA version 00 in System Administration - Applications.
3. Add database 5SA connected to Application 5SA 00 in System Administration - Databases.
4. Process the Data Dictionary for application 5SA 00.
5. Create data files for Database 5SA, application 5SA.
6. Run application 5SA, database 5SA and follow the on screen instructions.

Choose the location for the installation.

Where should Appx 4.2 to 5.0 Upgrade Application be installed?

The files will then be copied to your hard disk. When this is finished, you are ready to continue with 'Configure the Upgrade Application'

Configure the Upgrade Application

After installing the Upgrade Application, you must run APPX as an APPX System Administrator and configure the Upgrade Application.

Add the upgrade application (5SA 00) to the Applications file.

System Administration (Option 3) > Database / Application (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Applications (Option 1)


Create the Design Files for Application 5SA.


The Create Files menu selection above should report "File Already Exists" for each file as shown below. If not, the application was not installed in the correct location. Repeat the installation steps above, specifing the correct location


Add the database (5SA) for the Upgrade Application to the Databases file.

System Administration (Option 3) > Database / Application (Option 3) > File Maintenance - Databases / Applications (Option 2)


Run Database Management for the Upgrade Application and Database.


Run Create Files.


Run the Upgrade Application

After configuring the Upgrade Application, you must run the Upgrade Utility to convert your System Administration files.

Run an Application (Option 1). 5SA.


Click on the "Convert" button to run the conversion utility.


The conversion utility will create a log. Specify the appropriate disposition options to print the conversion log.


The conversion log will inform you of any problems that may have been encountered while running the conversion utility.


Install the Upgraded System Administration Files

Before you install the APPX Utility, you must first replace your old System Administration files with the new System Administration files that were created when you ran the upgrade utility to convert your System Administration files to the new APPX 5.0.0 structure. You can use a copy command similar to the example below to replace your old System Administration with the upgraded files. Be sure to edit the copy command to reference the directory where APPX is installed on your system if APPX is not installed in "C:\Appx"

COPY C:\Appx\data\5SA\5SA\Data\ C:\Appx\data\0SA\Data\*

If you are prompted to overwrite any files answer Yes or All.

You should also remove the System Administration structure files. You can use a delete command similar to the example below to remove your System Administration structure files. Be sure to edit the command to reference the directory where APPX is installed on your system if APPX is not installed in "C:\Appx".

DEL C:\Appx\data\0SA\Struct\*

You are now ready to install Release 5 on top of your existing installation. Before installing APPX you should:

  1. Stop the APPX Connection Manager service(s).
  2. Terminate (kill) any APPX sessions that are still active (there shouldn't be any if everyone has logged off)
  3. Terminate (kill) the APPX License Server session
Then follow these steps:


Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character mode) installer. Most sites will use the GUI Installer, the character mode installer is intended for sites using Windows Core Server (Windows without a GUI). The same installer is used for both methods. The installer will automatically detect if it is being run as a command or from a GUI Desktop, although in some cases you may have to add "-c" to the command line to force the character installer. Regardless of which installation method is used, the result is the same. A typical APPX installation on a system where APPX has not been previously installed performs the following steps:

  1. Creates the destination directory and installs APPX into it.
  2. Sets the appropriate permissions
  3. Runs APPX to allow you to complete the configuration
    • Add APPX System Administrators to the APPX user file
    • Configure and start the APPX Login Manager service
    • Configure and start the APPX Audit Manager service
    • Install the license key

GUI Installation on Windows

Log in to your system as an administrative user.

Download and run the APPX GUI installer (appxsetup-windows.exe) from the APPX web site or the APPX ftp server.

After a few moments, the APPX Setup Wizard should display the Welcome screen. Click on the "Next" button to continue. If you are presented with a Security Warning dialog, click on the "Run" button to continue with the installation.


Read and accept the license agreement.


Specify the Destination Directory into which APPX is to be installed. As a matter of convention, APPX is usually installed into C:\appx but may be installed into the drive and directory of your choice, but do not choose a directory with spaces in the name.


You will be warned if the destination directory already exists. Otherwise, the APPX Setup Wizard will create it.

The APPX Setup Wizard can optionally create a Start Menu. You must specify the appropriate options. If you don't know what to specify on this screen, simply accept the recommended options by clicking on the "Next" button to proceed with the installation.


APPX will then be installed into the specified destination directory.


Finally, you may specify whether or not you want the APPX Setup Wizard to create a shortcut on your desktop and/or a quick launch icon on the taskbar. After specifying the appropriate options, click on the "Finish" button to end the APPX Setup Wizard.


Character Mode Installation

If you are running Windows Core Server, you can run the Appx installer in character mode by appending "-c" to the command line. After a few moments, the Appx Setup Wizard should display the Welcome message. Press Enter to continue the installation.

C:\Appx>setup.exe -c

Unpacking JRE ...
Preparing JRE ...
Starting Installer ...
This will install Appx on your computer.
OK [o, Enter], Cancel [c]

Next, read and accept the License agreement. Press Enter as each page is displayed.

Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement before continuing with the installation.

Software License

APPX Utility - Release 5.0.0

_ Important! _

Please read this carefully before you click on the Accept button.


"Software License Agreement (SLA)" shall mean this Software License document and the associated *License Key document collectively.


After the agreement has been displayed, enter 1 to accept the license agreement, or 2 to cancel the installation.

For inquires regarding this agreement, please contact: APPX Software, Inc., 11363 San Jose Blvd., Suite 301, Jacksonville, Florida 32223, USA

I accept the agreement

Yes [1], No [2]

Choose the directory where APPX should be installed and the other installation options.

Where should Appx be installed?


Create a desktop icon?

Yes [y, Enter], No [n]

Create a Quick Launch icon?

Yes [y, Enter], No [n]

Install a new APPX 5.x License Key

Double click the C:\Appx\AppxDesktopClient.exe file to start the Appx Desktop Client. Click on the 'Local' tab, enter the location of the APPX engine (the appx.exe file) and click the connect button. You should be presented with the following System Registration screen. Notice that the Effective Date field on this registration is blank. Starting with APPX 5.0.0, all License Keys include an Effective Date. You must install an updated License Key before you will be able to run APPX 5.x. Note that in Release 5 and higher you can copy your registration to the clipboard, and APPX will detect it when you choose "Typical Import" from the "Import Menu" below.


After installing a new 5.x License Key, your System Registration screen should include an Effective Date.


Configure the new APPX Login Manager

APPX 5 includes the new APPX Login Manager service. This service replaces the Connection Manager (AppxdSvc) which was included with APPX releases prior to APPX 5.0.0. The old Connection Manager will not work with APPX 5 and higher, and should not be used. You should remove the services installed by appxdsvc using the '-remove' keyword:

C:\Appx\tools>appxdsvc -remove -name=Appx8060

To configure and start the new APPX Login Manager service, log in as an administrative user and execute a command similar to the following:

C:\Appx>CD services
C:\Appx\services>appxLoginMgr.exe -install -name=appx8060 -displayName=appx8060 -port=8060 -engine=C:\Appx\appx.exe

You should see the following messages:

appx8060 Created
appx8060 Configured

appx8060 Started
appx8060 will start automatically each time you boot your system

After executing the above command, users should be able to use the APPX 5.0.0 Desktop Client to successfully login on port 8060. For additional information on managing APPX Login Services, please refer to the complete documentation.

Final Tasks

  1. Review your 'appx.env' file. Ensure any settings from 4.2.x are still there. Remove any obsolete settings.
  2. Update the SYSDIR.
    1. System Administration (Option 3), System Setup (Option 1), System Administration File Management (Option 2), Update SYSDIR (Option 14).
    • update-sysdir.png
  3. Create the new System Administration files ("System Administration/File Management/System Admin Files" on pull down menu).
    • Final-Steps-01-Create-New-SA-Files.png
  4. Upgrade Design Files
    • Remove the Em, Dbg and Structure files for each of your applications. It is not necessary to do this to the applications supplied with Appx (0AD, 0LA, 0DB, 0SA, 1EX, DMO, etc)
      • For example, your GL application's path for Em, Dbg and Struct files might look similar to: C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Struct\* and C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Em\* and C:\Appx\data\01\DGL\Dbg\*
    • Run Create Files for each of your applications
      • System Administration (Option 3), Database / Applications (Option 3), Design File Management (Option 5). Specify your Application and Version, Create Files (Option 3).
      • create-design-files.png
      • create-design-files2.png
    • Run 'Sync Widget Elements' for each of your applications from the Utilities Menu in Application Design. This is optional, as APPX will force you to do this the first time you go into an application after installing Release 5.0
      • sync-widgets.png
    • Run 'Load Initial Audit History' for each of your applications. This is optional, as APPX will automatically build the history as you make changes to your application. For example, the first time you go into INPUTs, APPX will see that the audit history is missing and it will create it as it reads the input process records. Regardless of whether you run this, APPX will start keeping a detailed audit history of changes in applications from this point on. However, you should decide now whether to run this step now or not. If audit information already exists in the audit file when you run this step, it will duplicate the data
    • Run 'Sync Design Elements' for each of your applications.
  5. If you are using Custom Fonts in your applications (i.e., bar codes, etc) and you have not already updated your Resources for the new method, follow these steps, otherwise they will not print.
  6. Install the new APPX Desktop Client for all users
  7. If you were using Appx/ODBC, you must install the new version. The old version is not compatible with Release 5 and will not work. See this page for installation instructions.
  8. Configure new features as desired


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.


-- SteveFrizzell - 2 Nov 2009

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