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Cross Reference for Literal Values

A new Cross Reference for Literals option has been added.


You can now run a cross reference for literals.


On the 'Tools' tab, under 'Cross Reference', click the 'Literals' button. Fill in the literal you want to search for, or enter * for all literals. The 'Match Type' column allows you to choose the type of matching to be performed:

EQ - the literal must match exactly as entered.
IN - the literal must occur somewhere in the target
RI - the literal must match the case insensitive regular expression. For example, to find a literal "Error", regardless of case, search for "^error$" using this match type.
RS - the literal must match the case sensitive regular expression. This is the same as above, but case sensitive.

Literals will also be cross referenced when you use the 'Browse Reference' option of the Toolbox in Application Design.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- JeanNeron - 2012-04-13

Topic revision: r1 - 2012-04-13 - JeanNeron
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