Installation Tips
This page describes some installation tips.
- If your server does not already have PHP installed, download and install PHP from
or get the XAMPP package (see below). Note that that precompiled Windows version might only be available in 32 bit format. This will run on a Windows 64 bit server, but it means you must download & install the 32 bit version of Chart Director, even if you are running a 64 bit Windows server.
- Some users have reported problems using PHP 5.4 or greater. Try installing version 5.3
- If you are using a Windows server, the XAMPP package includes Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl all in one easy to install package. This is easier than installing IIS and PHP separately. Version 1.7.7 was the last version of XAMPP that included PHP 5.3, you can download it from
- Download Chart Director from
. There are several versions there, you should get 'Chart Director for PHP'. Select the appropriate download for your server.
- Unzip the file, read and follow the installation instructions. You may have to change your php configuration to support dynamic extensions. If so, you may have to restart either IIS or apache for the changes to take effect.
- Test the installation by trying to display the sample charts in your web browser.
- If you are running on Linux, note that php may have 2 php.ini files, depending on if php is invoked from apache or the command line. Appx will be invoking it from command line, so any changes you make to /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini should also be made to /etc/php5/cli/php.ini (paths may be different on your system).
- You are now ready to try to run the examples in 1CD. Go into Application Design & review the paths in the SET IMAGE PATH subroutine. Change as required. The sample charts will still display if this path is incorrect, they will just be missing some icons.
- Run the menu in 1CD, and follow the instructions.
- If you are running on Windows and if .CHART RENDER ERROR contains "'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." you should reboot your server so that changes made to the PATH variable during PHP installation can take full effect.
Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.
ChartDirector includes a phpinfo file by default (or at least, it did when we installed it), which reveals a lot of info about your server. It might be best to remove this file.
Erik Gimbergh - 2018-02-13
JeanNeron - 2012-03-23