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Sets the brightness of the "current" Color Object.


      PASS         <brightness>               FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       0CD .COLOR SET BRIGHTNESS      NE


Sets the brightness of the "current" Color Object.

<brightness> can range from 0 to 255. A brightness less than 1 means the color is darkened, while a brightness greater than 1 means the color is brightened. For example, a brightness of 0.5 means the color is half as bright as the original color. If the original color is red, the color will become dark red. Conversely, a brightness of 2 means the color is twice as bright as the original color. If the original color is red, the color will become light red.

See ColorSpec for more information on working with colors.


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-- JeanNeron - 2011-11-16

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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-02-22 - JeanNeron
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