Various API's allow you to pass a 'color_spec_name' or 'color_value' to set a color. A 'color_spec_name' refers to a previously defined color. You can create and define different colors, and then refer to them by name. A color spec name can be from one to 30 characters long, and can only contain numbers and letters.
Alternatively, a 'color_value' allows you to directly specify which color you want.
color_value can be in one of the following forms:
You can define your own colors and then refer to them by name. First, use .COLOR INITIALIZE to create an empty color, using whatever name you want. Then you can use the .COLOR SET routines to set the RGB values, intensity, and other settings. You can then use this color_spec_name instead of a color_value.
This gives you a way to define something similar to 'styles'. You can write a subroutine that creates color specs for Text, Borders, Background, etc, and use those names on all your charts. To change the look of your charts, you just have to change the named color spec, and all charts that use that name will use the new color specification.
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-- JeanNeron - 2011-09-22