Difference: ColorSpec (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52011-11-15 - JeanNeron

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Working with Color Specifications

Various API's allow you to pass a 'color_spec_name' or 'color_value' to set a color. A 'color_spec_name' refers to a previously defined color. You can create and define different colors, and then refer to them by name. Alternatively, a 'color_value' allows you to directly specify which color you want.
Various API's allow you to pass a 'color_spec_name' or 'color_value' to set a color. A 'color_spec_name' refers to a previously defined color. You can create and define different colors, and then refer to them by name. A color spec name can be from one to 30 characters long, and can only contain numbers and letters.

Alternatively, a 'color_value' allows you to directly specify which color you want.



color_value can be in one of the following forms:

  • 0xRRGGBBAA where RR,GG,BB refer to the hex values for the Red, Green, Blue colors and AA refers to the transparency color
  • 0xRRGGBBAA where RR,GG,BB refer to the hex values for the Red, Green, Blue colors and AA refers to the transparency of the color (0-fully transparent, FF - fully opaque).
  • 0xRRGGBB, same as above but without the transparency color
  • #RRGGBBAA, same as above but with a leading '#' instead of '0x' (web style).
  • #RRGGBB, same as above but with a leading '#' instead of '0x' (web style), no transparency
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