These subroutines allow you to set or change the color of the "current object". In most cases, you have to have assigned a color to an object via some other API first. These API's allow you to further change that color. You can also pre-define the colors you want to use in your charts, and then refer to them by name. See ColorSpec for more information on working with colors.
Initialize a Color Object.
Set the "current" Color Object to be a previously initialized Color Object.
Get the name of the "current" Color Object.
Clear the "current" Color Object.
Set the color of the "current" Color Object.
Set the individual colors of the "current" Color Object.
Set the Red value of the "current" Color Object.
Set the Green value of the "current" Color Object.
Set the Blue value of the "current" Color Object.
Set the Alpha value of the "current" Color Object.
A complex shading effect that emulates tinted glass or semi-transparent plastic material.
Assigns a special shading effect that looks like gradient coloring to the "current" color object.
Set the "current" Color Object to be Transparent.
Set the "current" Color Object to be Opaque.
Set the direction for brightness modulation to create a Metal color effect for the "current" Color Object.
Sets the color of the "current" Color Object to be Yellow (FFEE44) and sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Gold Metal color effect.
Sets the color of the "current" Color Object to be Grey (DDDDDD) and sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Silver Metal color effect.
Set the strength of the texture to create a Brushed Metal Effect for the "current" Color Object.
Set the brightness of the "current" Color Object.
Set the intensity of the "current" Color Object to be one half of the normal intensity.
Set the dash line pattern for the "current" Color Object.
Changes the "current" color object to have a two-point linear gradient color.
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-- JeanNeron - 2011-11-24