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Assigns a special shading effect that emulates tinted glass or semi-transparent plastic material to the "current" color object.


      PASS         <glaresize>                FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <direction>                FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <raised>                   FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       0CD .COLOR SET GLASS           NE


Assigns a special shading effect that emulates tinted glass or semi-transparent plastic material to the "current" color object.

<glaresize> is the amount of glare. Must be one NormalGlare, ReducedGlare or NoGlare. With NormalGlare and ReducedGlare, the glare will cover around 50% and 35% of the object. If NoGlare is used, there will be no glare and the effect will not look like glass at all, but is equivalent to the soft lighting effect (.COLOR SET SOFT). Usually, NormalGlare is best for thin objects with lightly colored background, while ReducedGlare is best for dark background objects or not-so-thin objects (eg. text boxes using white text on a dark background, or with more than 1 line of text). If not passed or blank, it will default to NormalGlare.

<direction> is the direction of the glare, which must be one of Top, Bottom, Right or Left. If blank or not passed, it will default to Top.

<raised> is the 3D depth in pixels. With GLASS lighting effect, the object will appear to have some 3D depth, this controls the amount of 3D depth. If blank or not passed, it will default to 4.

Use this after setting the bar edge colors via .XY SET BAR EDGE CLR to have the effect apply to all the bars on the chart, or after setting the text box background color via .TEXT SET BX BG CLR to affect the selected text box. Note that this setting overrides any edge effect (.TEXT SET BX EDGE EFF) and width (.TEXT SET BX EDGE W) you may have set.

See ColorSpec for more information on working with colors.


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-- JeanNeron - 2012-01-17

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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-02-22 - JeanNeron
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