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CALL Statement


  • The initial implementation of Unicode will not allow passed arguments to be UNICODE Alpha fields or NATIONAL Alpha fields. A runtime error should occur if a UNICODE Alpha value argument is passed to a CALL statement.
  • This decision will break any applications which happen to use a TEMP field to pass arguments to a CALL statement.

After further review, it was decided that no checking will be done by the CALL statement, therefore there are no changes to CALL for unicode.

Test Plan

Do non UNICODE or NATIONAL arguments still work correctly?

Are proper errors thrown when passing UNICODE or NATIONAL fields to a CALL operation?

Does the CALL statement itself allow for UNICODE or NATIONAL fields to define the call function name?


  1. Does not appear to test for Unicode or National fields, so it allows them to be passed. Tested by passing TEMP 80 to RT_SLCT_AP.

-- JeanNeron - 2011-03-09

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Topic revision: r4 - 2011-04-06 - JeanNeron
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