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APPX QUERY Report Writer


APPX Query (formerly known as APPX SQL) is an enduser oriented Report Generator. It allows endusers trained in its use to define their own reports, without programmer assistance.

APPX Query is bundled with APPX, and is automatically installed when APPX itself is installed. This document steps you through the process of configuring the APPX Query environment.

Following is an Overview of the 10 steps to configure APPX Query, followed by Detailed Instructions on each of the 10 steps.

For those who have installed this before, there are 'fast-track' instructions on configuring APPX Query.

If you have any questions about any of these steps please email us at support@appx..com, or phone in for technical support.


APPX Query is configured as follows:

  1. Create an Application ID for APPX Query
  2. Create an APPX Query Default Application ID.
  3. Create Source Files for Application ID SQA.
  4. Define the Databases/Applications Combination.
  5. Create the Query manager ID - APX.
  6. Create APPX Query Data Files.
  7. Attach APPX Query to a Menu.
  8. Enter Query Manager ID - APX.
  9. Enter Default Application ID - SQA.
  10. Enter Application ID's per user.

Detailed Instructions:

  1. Create an Application ID for APPX Query.

    From the Main Menu, select the following options:

    3) System Administration 
    3) Databases/Applications
    1) Applications

    Add APPX Query as a new application as follows:

    Application Test Database 
    ID Ver Description ID
    --- --- ------------------------------ ---
    SQL 00 APPX Query - Executables (leave blank)

    APPX Query requires that you create this application with a version number of "00". If you maintain other versions of applications on your system and plan to access these applications via APPX Query, add an additional SQL application record (with the appropriate version number) for each application version. (i.e., SQL 99, SQL Applications - Version 99).

  2. Create an APPX Query Default Application ID.

    The purpose of adding this Application ID is to establish the location where queries that you wish to save and reuse will be stored. You will be asked to enter this Default Application ID during the Installation Process. From the same screen as the previous step, enter the following information:

    Application Test Database 
    ID Ver Description ID
    --- --- ------------------------------ ---
    SQA 00 APPX Query - Query Repository (leave blank)

    Enter a default application record for each version, i.e., one record for each record created in the previous step. (i.e., SQA/99, SQL Default Application, Version 99). We are using SQA in our example.

  3. Create Source Files for Application ID SQA and SQL.

    From the 3) Databases/Applications menu, select 5) Design File Management. When prompted for Application/Version, enter "SQA 00". Select 3) Create Files to create the SQA/00 design files.

    Repeat this step to create the design files for any additional versions of SQA added in the previous steps as well as for all versions of SQL. When running Create Files for SQL, the design files should already exist.

  4. Define the Databases/Applications Combination.

    Select the option for Databases/Applications from the Databases/Applications menu and add the following Databases/Applications combination:

    Database Startup Startup Application
    ID Description ID Ver

    The Database ID must be the letter "Q" followed by the application version. (i.e., 'Qvv' where 'vv' is the version number.) Repeat this step for each version entered in previous steps.

    There are no additional "Related Applications" for this entry (other that the default entry of SQL, automatically generated).

    NOTE: A Database ID of "Q00" is mandatory.

  5. Create an APPX Query Manager (APX).

    From the APPX Main Menu, select the following options:

    3) System Administration 
    4) Security
    1) Users

    Create a user with a User ID of 'APX', who will be defined during the Installation process as the APPX Query Manager. (You may want to may the User 'System ID' of "appx", which is not normally otherwise used as an active User ID, the APX.) Immediately after entering the information below, you will be prompted to enter a Security Profile for User APX. A User Profile must exist before any user can be created. For further information regarding User Profiles, refer to the APPX System Administration manual.

    Create the User ID with the following information:

    User ID Sys Adm Name System ID Alpha Sort
    NOTE: You must also create an Operating System ID for user APX.

  6. Create APPX Query Data Files.

    From the APPX Main Menu, select Option 4) Database Management for:

    Database Q00 Application SQL

    Run 3) Create Files.

    If you are using non-'00' version numbers, it is necessary to create the APPX Query data files for each non-00 combination of Database/Applications entered in step 4 above.

  7. Attach APPX Query to a Menu.

    From the APPX Main Menu, select the following options:

    2) Application Design 
    2) Process management
    1) Menus

    To access APPX Query from an Application, create a new menu or attach a new option to an existing menu as follows:

    Opt. App Process Type Process Name
    (next avail #) SQL INPUT APPX SQL

  8. Enter APPX Query Manager ID (APX).

    You should now be able to access APPX Query from the menu defined in step 7. Upon entering APPX Query for the first time, you will be presented with an installation screen.

    A special User ID is designated as the APPX "Query Manager". The Query Manager has access to special APPX Query management functions.

    All "common" queries (queries shared by all users) will be owned by this User ID. The Query Manager will be the only user who can modify these common queries. This user will not own any "personal" queries.

    It is recommended that this User ID be used only by specified individuals and only when it is necessary to perform those operations reserved for the APPX Query Manager.

    When prompted to "Enter the User ID for the Query Manager", enter APX.

  9. Enter Default Application ID - SQA.

    When prompted to "Enter the Default Application ID", enter SQA.

    Queries for all APPX Query users are stored under a designated Application ID. Because the Default Application ID is being specified here, it will not be necessary to enter an Application ID for specific users (see next step).

  10. Enter Application ID's per user.

    When asked "Do you want to enter Application ID's for specific users?", enter "N". By answering "N" to this question, all queries will be stored under the default Application ID "SQA".

    You can choose to have individual users store their queries in different Application IDs, in which case you have to repeat steps 2 and 3 for each Application Id you want to use.

    After completing the installation information, you will return to the menu previously accessed. The next time you attempt to run APPX Query, the APPX Query main menu will display. An online tutorial will walk you through using APPX Query.

'Fast-Track' Configuration Instructions ...

    1. Enter APPLICATION record for "SQL/00" (or SQL/vv), leaving Test ID blank.
    2. Enter APPLICATION record for "SQA/00" (or SQA/vv), leaving Test ID blank.
    3. Run 5)Design File Mgmt, 3)Create Files for SQA/00 (or SQA/vv) and SQL/00 (or SQL/vv).
    4. Create DATABASE 'Q00' (or Qvv), with a Startup Application of SQL/00 (or SQL/vv).
    5. Set up a user to be "APPX Query Manager" (APX). Logon ID 'appx' is a good choice. Set the 3-letter APPX User ID in Security equal to 'APX'.
    6. Enter 4)Database Management for Q00/SQL (Qvv/SQL), then 3)Create Files.
    7. Create Link to SQL from one of your Application Menus: Application ID = SQL, Process Type = INPUT, Process Name = 'APPX SQL'.
    8. Enter Query Manager ID = APX.
    9. Enter Default Application ID = SQA.
    10. Application ID's for specific users? = 'N'.


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