APPX 4.2.9, MySQL, and UnixODBC on 64-bit Debian 5
APPX, MySQL, and UnixODBC will all work under 64-bit Debian, but because Debian is 64-bit and APPX is 32-bit, it will require two sets of drivers and some additional 32-bit libraries.
Installing MySQL
MySQL client and server can be found in apt-get. The packages are mysql-client and mysql-server.
apt-get install mysql-client mysql-server
Installing UnixODBC
The unixODBC packages you will need are unixodbc, unixodbc-bin, and unixodbc-dev.
apt-get install unixodbc unixodbc-bin unixodbc-dev
Installing the ODBC Connectors
The 64-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded
. Untar the bundle and copy the drivers from the lib directory within it to /usr/lib/odbc/.
The 32-bit ODBC connectors can be downloaded
. Untar that bundle as well and copy the drivers from the lib directory within it to /emul/ia32-linux/lib/.
Configuring odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini
The odbcinst.ini file, found in /etc, must be configured to point to the 64-bit MySQL ODBC Connector driver, which was placed in /usr/lib/odbc. Here's an example of what it should look like, but check your system to make sure the path to the driver is correct.
debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbcinst.ini
#[MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver]
Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/
UsageCount = 1
The odbc.ini file is another one that may need to be configured. It is also found in /etc. Make sure all the information there is correct. The databse should match the database you are trying to connect to. Here's an example of what this file should look like, but check to make sure it is correct for your system.
debian-64:/usr/local/appx.429# cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description = mysql
Driver = mysql
Server = localhost
Database = test
Port =
Socket =
Option =
Stmt =
Configuring appx.env
The appx.env file needs to be configured to point APPX to the 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connector drivers. To do this, open up the file, located in the data directory of APPX, and edit the APPX_ODBC_LIB line to point to the 32-bit driver that was placed in /emul/ia32-linux/lib. It should look something like this:
Additional 32-bit Libraries
Because APPX is 32-bit, it will need some libraries that aren't found in 64-bit Debian by default. They can be copied from the /lib and /usr/lib directories of a 32-bit installation or 32-bit live cd of Debian. Copy them into the /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ directory of your 64-bit Debian install. Here's a list of all the libraries APPX will need to work properly:
- libltdl.a
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