APPX & External Databases
The APPX/ODBC Connection allows APPX Applications, through a Windows ODBC Server, to access and operate upon data stored in a non-APPX data format, such as SQL-Server or MS-Access database.
The APPX/ODBC Connection allows APPX Applications, through a Windows ODBC Server, to access and operate upon data stored in a non-APPX data format, such as SQL-Server or MS-Access database.
This document provides instructions on setup and operation of the APPX/Oracle connection, to store and retrieve Oracle data files in APPX version 4.x
This document provides instructions on setup and operation of the APPX/Oracle connection, to store and retrieve Oracle data files in APPX version 5.x
Using the APPX/Sybase Connection
This document provides instructions on setup and operation of the APPX/Oracle connection, to store and retrieve Sybase data files.
This document describes how to access data stored under Windows SQL Server while running APPX for Unix.
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ChrisBrower - 2011-06-08