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RUN in Series or Parallel

When you RUN from APPX/Unix, APPX won't resume running until the shell object called has completed. They execute in series.

When you RUN from APPX for Windows, the RUN command by default spawns a separate thread and APPX immediately resumes execution.

The RUN statement (under APPX for Windows) now uses the same syntax as the DOS "start" command. Examples:


C:\> start "\Program Files\MS Office\Excel" payroll.dat 

... will start Excel and open the payroll.dat spreadsheet

RUN "\Program Files\MS Office\Excel" payroll.dat 

... will do the same thing in APPX



C:\> start /w confidential.doc 

... will start MS Word (or whatever application is associated with .doc files) and open confidential.doc, the start command will wait (/w) until MS Word finishes

RUN /w confidential.doc 

... will do the same thing in APPX


C:\> start mailto:korry@appx.com?subject=Cool&body=This%20is%20neat 

... will open your mail client, address an email, fill in the subject, fill in the body text, and wait for you to complete the message. The start command will not wait for the email client to complete (no /w flag).

RUN mailto:korry@appx.com?subject=Cool&body=This%20is%20neat 

... will do the same thing in APPX.


By the way, if you specify that you want to wait for the command to complete, --- RETURN CODE will be set to the exit status of the program that you are executing.

NOTE: Remember that the RUN statement executes on the APPX Server. These examples are only useful if the client and server are running on the same machine. If you want to run a program on the user's desktop, refer to .CLIENT LOAD URL (requires the APPX Desktop or HTML Client).


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Topic revision: r4 - 2020-05-12 - JeanNeron
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