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This subroutine returns the path name of the requested Appx file.


      PASS         <file_path>                FIELD            SHARE? Y
      PASS         <app_id>                   FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <file_name>                FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <error_msg>                FIELD            SHARE? Y
      PASS         <database>                 FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <version>                  FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for errors
      IF       --- .ENV GET PATH NAME         NE


This subroutine returns the path name of the requested Appx file. The first three parameters are required, if any are missing the subroutine will CANCEL. The remaining parameters are optional, depending on the type of file (see below).

<file_path> returns the path and file name of the requested file (Required). This must be PASSed with Share "Y" to return the value. Note that this will not include the '.dat' extension

<app_id> is the application id of the file you are interested in (Required).

<file_name> is the Data Dictionary name of the file you are interested in (Required).

<error_msg> will contain any additional error information (optional).

<database> is the name of the database that contains the file you are interested in. If not PASSed, it will default to the current database.

<version> is the version that contains the file you are interested in. If not PASSed, it will default to the version used by <database>, unless you are checking a Design File (see below).

This will only work for permanent disk based files. You cannot use this on Appx/Net files, or files stored in a RDBMS.

There are 3 types of files you can inquire on. Each type has it's own requirements for the parameters that must be passed:

Normal Data Files

  • <app_id> must be supplied
  • <database> is optional and will default to the current database
  • <version> is optional and will default to the start up version of the specified database
System Administration Files
  • <app_id> can be blank, the contents will be ignored.
  • <database> must be 0SA
  • <version> can be blank, the contents will be ignored.
Application Design Files
  • <app_id> must be filled in.
  • <database> must be 0AD
  • <version> must be filled in.
If the field you passed in <file_path> is too short to contain the data, --- .ENV GET PATH NAME will be set to "Data was truncated".


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-- JeanNeron - 2012-01-27

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Topic revision: r4 - 2012-03-20 - JeanNeron
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