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This subroutine returns immediately to a previously marked process, closing all processes in between.


      PASS         <mark name>                FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for errors
      IF       --- .UTIL MARK REWIND          NE


This subroutine returns immediately to a previously marked process, closing all processes in between. The <mark name> parameter is required, if it is missing, the subroutine will CANCEL.

<mark name> is a label you previously marked on a process with .UTIL MARK SET. (Required).

If the label does not exist, Appx will continue with the statement following the invocation and .UTIL MARK REWIND will contain an error mesage. If the label does exist, Appx will close all the processes that have been invoked since the label was marked, including the current process. In this case, the statement following the invocation is NOT executed, however, the End of Process event point will run for each process in the process family.

This can be useful as a way to give the user a quick way to return to the main menu in your application. For example, you could mark the main menu with .UTIL MARK SET, then put an option on the other menus or inputs to invoke .UTIL MARK REWIND to quickly return to the menu, without having to END all the processes in between.


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-- JeanNeron - 2013-05-28

Topic revision: r1 - 2013-05-28 - JeanNeron
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