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APPX 5.0.0 & Open SSL

This page describes how APPX uses Open SSL.


UPDATE: Most of this is obsolete, as the required SSL libraries are included with the APPX installation. You should not have to do anything to use SSL.

Starting with Release 5.0.0 of APPX, APPX may require that you install Open SSL on your server. APPX has two features which require Open SSL libraries. The APPX Client now allows SSL connections between the client and the server and APPX can also optionally encrypt APPXIO files on your server. Both the APPX engine and the APPX Login Manager service require access to the SSL libraries.

Specifying the SSL Library Name

If any of the features that require SSL are enabled, APPX will attempt to dynamically locate and link with the necessary Open SSL libraries. In the event that your system has non-standard library names or if the Open SSL libraries are installed in a non-standard location, you can set an environment variable to identify the name of the Open SSL library that APPX should use. If only a library name is provided, APPX will look in the usual directories for the SSL library. If a fully qualified pathname is provide, APPX will look for the named library in the specified directory.

Here is an example of a shell command to specify a SSL library name.

export APPX_SSL_LIB=libssl.so

Here is an example of a shell command to specify a SSL library with a fully qualified pathname.

export APPX_SSL_LIB=/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8b


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

By default APPX will look for "libssl.so" on linux. The OpenSSL package used to create this link when installed. It seems to no longer do that. The easiest way to deal with this issue is to create the symbolic link to libssl.so if it is not already there.

For example: ln -s /lib/libssl.so.0.9.8b /lib/libssl.so

-- PeteBrower - 25 Nov 2008

-- SteveFrizzell - 25 Sep 2008

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Topic revision: r4 - 2009-12-08 - JeanNeron
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