Environment Variables are used to modify the behavior of APPX at runtime. They may be set in the Windows or Unix operating system before APPX in invoked, or may be established in a special APPX environment variable file named 'appx.env'.
Information on setting Environment Variables can be found in Setting Environment Variables.
Typically used environment variables are defined and explained in the 'appx.env' distributed with each APPX release. This file is found in the $APPXPATH directory.
Additional detailed information on specific Environment Variables may be found at APPX Environment Variable List.
Environment Variables are used to control the behavior of APPX from the outside. Some uses of APPX Environment Variables are:
When starting up, APPX captures environment variables currently active in the operating system.
In Unix, these can be defined in /etc/profile, the user's ~/.profile, or in a script invoked on the way into APPX. The form these typically take is:
export APPXPATH=/usr/appx/data # ksh or bash shells
APPXPATH=/usr/appx/data # sh or Bourne shell
In Windows, the form these typically take is:
set APPXPATH=C:\usr\appx\data
Once the OS environment variables are determined, APPX overlays them with $APPXPATH/appx.env environment variables. After these are evaluated, APPX then overlays them with overrides in the Unix user's home directory. In Windows, APPX looks in C:\.
If you are running APPX Client/Server, environment variables are evaluated both at the Server and at the Client. The following environment variables are evaluated at the APPX/Client:
All other environment variables are evaluated at the APPX/Server.
When upgrading to newer releases of APPX, you must be careful that any modifications you have made to $APPXPATH/appx.env (as well as start-appxd.sh, appx_print, appx_submit, and your .gdef files) do not get overlaid. Be sure you can restore from backup copies of these files, prior to upgrading APPX.
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