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Troubleshooting Tips

This page describes some troubleshooting tips.


  • When creating a new chart, find an example chart that is close to the layout you want and use that as a starting point.
  • If an API is not doing what you expect, check the return code. Checking the return codes is probably not necessary once your chart is working, but during development can help you track down a problem. For example, 0x00ff000 looks like a valid color code at first glance, but it's not and if you pass it to a color routine, the routine will return an error code.
  • You should always check the result code from .CHART RENDER. If an error occurs, your program may display a previously rendered chart instead of the one you expect. In particular the result code "Error Creating Image" means there was an error in the generated PHP script. This could be a possible CDML formating error in your process or an API bug. The work field .CHART RENDER ERROR may contain additional information, so try displaying this as well. It might be in HTML format, so use an HTML VIEWER control to display the field.
  • If you cannot determine why your chart doesn't render, you can set the variable 0CD SESSION VIEW PHP to Y and try again. This will download and display the generated PHP code to your desktop. You can then review the code yourself, or paste it into a file & run it thru PHP directly. This will show you the exact line the error is occuring on. Note that 0CD SESSION VIEW PHP is a detached variable, so all charts will do this until you either turn it off or log off.


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-- JeanNeron - 2012-01-24

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Topic revision: r4 - 2013-05-06 - JeanNeron
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