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COMPUTE / TOTAL Statements


The COMPUTE statement can work with Alpha fields when used with the P and M operators. It should continue to replace the non numeric characters with zeros and perform the computation on the result.

Test Plan

  1. Test P operators with raw alpha fields.
  2. Test P operators with National fields.
  3. Test P operators with Unicode fields.
  4. Test M operators with raw alpha fields.
  5. Test M operators with National fields.
  6. Test M operators with Unicode fields.


  1. COMPUTE does not work with National / Unicode fields. A value of 'P100RT' added to --- X results in a total of 1 instead of 100. * FIXED* July 4 engine
  2. TOTAL does not work correctly with Unicode fields, hash totals come out zero. See job TOTAL UNICODE in TST.** FIXED** July 4 engine
  3. C-assert in module PMPDF.C.7115, 0LA/Output - STANDARD SUBTOTAL, [1504] PDF_stringwidth: Invalid UTF-8 string when trying to TOTAL Raw fields. Appx session then crashes. To replicate, add a record to BEGRAW file (using (ViEW) BEGRAW), then run job TOTAL RAW and choose PDF output). - NOT A PROBLEM WITH TOTAL; comment out the TOTAL statements in this output process and the problem still occurs. * FIXED * whatever the problem was, does not occur in July 11 engine.

-- PeteBrower - 2011-03-21

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Topic revision: r8 - 2011-07-28 - JeanNeron
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