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This subroutine is called to create a new pic chart sector spec.


      PASS         <sector_data_point>        FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <sector_label>             FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <text_spec_name>           FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       0CD .PIE SECT ADD NEXT         NE


This subroutine creates a new pic chart sector spec for the "current" chart, and optionally adds a label. This is an easy way to add data and labels to your pie chart simutaneously. If you want to change the attributes of the sector just added (ie, 3D Depth, Color, etc), do that before adding the next sector. Any changes you made to the attributes of the newly added sector will be inherited by the next sector you add, unless you pass 'initialize' as the <text_spec_name> parameter (see below).

The <sector_data_point> parameter is optional. If a <sector_data_point> is received, then the corresponding data point record is created or updated.

The <sector_label> parameter is optional. If a <sector_label> is received, that label will be used on your pie chart and a text spec will be created for the label. You can use the .TEXT routines to change the attributes of the text associated with this data point. Remember that any changes you make will be inherited by the next sector you add, unless you pass 'initialize' as the <text_spec_name> parameter

The <text_spec_name> parameter is optional. If a <text_spec_name> is received, that text spec will be used to create the label. You can also pass "current" to use the "current" text spec, or "initialize" to reset the text spec back to defaults before adding the sector. The "initialize" value is useful if you have changed the attributes on the previous sector and you want the next one(s) to use default values. If you do not pass a <text_spec_name>, the previous text spec will be used.

The newly added data point is set to be the "current" data point, the newly added sector is set to be the "current" sector spec, and if a <text_spec_name> is provided, it becomes the "current" text spec.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

I ran into the problem that <sector_dat_point> in my application (because of system parameters) the decimal notation is a comma instead of a dot. If you give this parameter a value with a comma in it, you get two sectors instead of one. After I set the value in an alpha field and changed the comma to a dot, the problem was over and I got a nice "one-sector". I believe this is reported to ASI.

-- Wim Jongejan - 2015-03-06

-- JeanNeron - 2011-10-03

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Topic revision: r5 - 2015-03-06 - WimJongejan
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