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Speed II to APPX Conversion Instructions

The following steps are necessary to migrate SPEED II applications into APPX:

Please note that these instructions assume that you are converting from Speed II Release 7.3. If you are migrating from an earlier 7.x release, then replace the "73" version number and portion of library names with "07". For conversion of Release 6.x, use "06".

Please also note that Speed II Design Files must be imported into no release newer than APPX 4.0.a. If you are using APPX Release 4.1 or above, refer to the steps at the bottom of this page.

1. Download onto your VS the following libraries:

$$73oox+ $$73ooy+ $$73ooz+
$o73oox0 $o73ooy0 $o73ooz0

2. Create within Installation Control:

5) Companies: Company "o73", starting up in application OOX/73. (That's the letter "O", followed by the digits "73".)
6) Applications: Applications OOX/73, OOY/73, and OOZ/73 .

7) Company/Appl: Company/Application pairs o73/OOx, o73/OOy, and o73/OOx.

3. From the SPEED II main menu, 4) Database Mgmt., run "3) Create Files" for Company="o73", Application={blank}. (This gives all applications for the current company.)

4. From within Application Design for OOX/73, run "Select Test Company" for company o73, and perform "1) Execute Conversion" for your target application.

5. From the Conversion Menu, perform "2) Scratch Export Library".

6. "3) Create Export Files" will tell you to run "15) Export Files" within Data File Mgmt for Company = o73, Appl = oox. This will create library "$o73ooxx".

7. If you are converting multiple applications, you may want to rename this library to something like "$#vvaaaX" (where aaa/vv is your appl/version#).

8. Convey these libraries from your VS to your APPX Server. When moving the files, make sure you move them in "binary" (as opposed to "text") mode, as APPX won't properly import "text" mode transferred files, which usually have truncated trailing spaces. (Note: if you use FTP to transfer files through a TCP/IP controller on the VS directly to your APPX server, use "ASCII" mode instead of "binary".) Place the transported export files into $APPXPATH/vv/aaa/Portdata. Make sure they do not have any suffixes on the file names.

9. To convert the migrated files from ASCII format into *.dat (brf) format, run $APPXPATH/../tools/convert.sh on the files in $APPXPATH/vv/aaa/Portdata.

( Moving APPX Files Between Platforms describes in more depth the issues involved in converting from ASCII into brf format.)

10. Within SysAdmin, "3) Database/Applications", "1) Applications", create Application records for all of your target applications.

11. Within "5) Design File Management", run "3)Create Files" and "7)Import" for all of your target applications. It is IMPORTANT that you import all of your target applications before attempting to enter Application Design for any of them, so that cross Application Domains (Same-As) will reconcile properly.

12. After all applications for a given version# have been 7)Imported, go into each migrated application. It will tell you that you must convert the application from 1.8 format. Go ahead and do so (even though you are converting from SPEED II release 7 format).

13. After initially processing each application, run 3)Utilities, 6)Toolbox, 11)Conversion Utilities, 1)Synchronize Design Elements.

14. Process your data dictionaries.

15. To migrate your data from the VS, go into the Company/Application's Data File Management, and run "15) Export Files". This will create a library "$cccaaaX" (where 'ccc' is your company ID and 'aaa' is your application ID.

16. Convey "$cccaaaX" from the VS to the Unix library $APPXPATH/ddd/aaa/Portdata. ('ddd' stands for "Database", which is the APPX equivalent to a SPEED II "Company".).

17. To convert the migrated files from ASCII format into *.dat (brf) format, run $APPXPATH/../tools/convert.sh on the files in $APPXPATH/ddd/aaa/Portdata.

18. Within APPX's Database management, run 3)Create Files and 7)Import to bring your data into the APPX database.

Remember that your Design Files must be brought into APPX Release 4.0.a - nothing newer. To import into Release 4.1 or later, complete the import to 4.0.a as above, then take the following steps:

  1. Copy the contents of the Data directory (APPXPATH/data/vv/aaa/Data) for each application from the 4.0.a installation to the 4.1.a installation (not the Struct directory, and not the enduser data files).
  2. Create design files for each application through Design File Management (to create the Structure files - a response of "File Already Exists" is appropriate).
  3. Run the "Update Design Files to 4.1" utility from the Design File Management menu.
Enduser data files (APPXPATH/data/ddd/aaa/) may be imported directly into APPX 4.1.x, or imported into APPX 4.0.x and copied to 4.1.x, as you prefer. No special processing is required on these data files.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2016-04-05 - JeanNeron
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