APPX 5 Special Installation Instructions for upgrading within the APPX 5.x series
This page provides special instructions when upgrading an existing APPX 5.0 installation to a newer APPX 5.x release.
Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading from APPX 5.0.0, 5.0.1, or 5.0.2 to APPX 5.0.3 or later
All customers who are running APPX Release 5.0.0 or 5.0.1 are urged to upgrade to the newest release for their particular platforms. Those first two releases in Version 5.0 should not be run in production environments, at the risk of potential data loss. The procedure to upgrade from APPX 5.0.0 or 5.0.1 requires the following additional steps:
- Before upgrading, you must run a special utility in each application on your system. Use Option-99 from within Application Design to run the following job:
Application: 0AD (that starts with a numeric zero, not the letter O)
Version: 00 (zero-zero)
Database ID: (leave blank)
Process Type: JOB
- Customers upgrading to APPX 5.0.3 or later from 5.0.0, 5.0.1. or 5.0.2, need to scratch the following files:
You can scratch them from the command line, or by using the Scratch Files option (for only those two files, SCTRACK and SCNOTE) in System Administration File Management.
After installing 5.0.3 or later, use System Administration File Management to re-create the following files:
You can simply run Create Files for all of the System Administration files - APPX will only create those that are missing.
Run 'Sync Design Elements' for each of your applications.
Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading to APPX 5.2.0
- After upgrading to APPX 5.2.0 from any prior release of APPX, you will need to scratch the following folder:
- After performing step 1 above, you will need to run Create Files for all of the System Administration files. This will create a new Struct folder and will create a new structure file for each of the System Administration files. This step will also create several new files in System Administration which are needed for Role Based Security feature which is new to APPX 5.2.0.
- Remove Struct/ from all of your applications, followed by a create files for all your design files.
Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading to APPX 5.3.1
- There were significant changes to the Data Exchange utility in 5.3.1. If you were using it in version 5.3.0, you must do the following:
- Restructure or Initialize the 0DX datafiles for each Database using it. The mapping has changed significantly, review the documentation for 5.3.1 to see if it's worth the trouble of changing your existing mappings or if it's easier to start over.
- Regenerate your Import subroutines. The new subroutine takes advantage of the new fields in XVALUE. The old subroutines will not be compatible.
Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading to APPX 5.4.2
- The internal header of 64 bit pointer files (FMS type 9) has changed in 5.4.2 (see bug Release 5.4.2 will not be able to access 64 bit files created in a previous version until you run the recover process. From a command line, invoke APPX with the '-recover' flag as follows:
$ /appx -recover PROSPECT.dat PROSPECTNEW.dat
APPX Recover Utility:
Input Filename = PROSPECT.dat
Output Filename = PROSPECTNEW.dat
File Header Information:
File Organization = 3 ( Fixed Length Records )
Record Length = 698
File offset size = 32 bits
UnixIO Version = 2
Freelist Starting Address = 0
End of File Address = 6938
Recover Completion Information:
Active Records Copied = 9
Deleted Records Removed = 0
Overhead Records Removed = 0
File Errors Found = 0
New Eof Seek Location = 6938
Space Allocation Reduction = 0 bytes
*** You MUST create a new '.key' file that matches your new '.dat' file!
After the new file is created, rename or delete the original file, rename or delete the associated key file, and rename the new file back to the original name. Finally, run 'Create Files' to build a new key file. This must be done for every 64 bit pointer file on your system. Accessing an unconverted 64 bit pointer file in 5.4.2 or higher will result in a 'Key Specification Mismatch' error.
Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading to APPX 5.4.3
Bug 3450 was caused by a flag not getting set correctly during the compile of the Data Dictionary. To fix the problem, you should process the DD in your applications (but don't process the DD of the 0-Apps). Note that this bug only applies to the language translation feature, so you may skip this step if you are not using it.
Special Upgrade Instructions when upgrading to APPX 5.4.4
Release 5.4.4 includes new SSL certificates that are not compatible with older clients. In order for an older client to connect to 5.4.4 (or higher) you must set SSL to 'disabled' in the Advanced preferences. Alternatively, you can install the new 5.4.4 client first, it will still connect using the older SSL certificate. After all desktops have been upgraded, you can upgrade the engine.
Special Upgrade Instructions after upgrading to APPX 5.5.x from a release earlier than 5.4.x
You only need to perform these tasks manually if you are upgrading to 5.5.x from a release prior to 5.4.0. When upgrading to 5.5 from release 5.4.0 or higher, the installer will automatically handle these tasks.
These steps should be performed immediately after installing 5.5.x.
- Scratch all the files in the 0SA Struct folder:
- In Windows: del <appxpath>\0SA\Struct/*
- In Linux: rm -r <appxpath>/0SA/Struct/*
- Log on on APPX and from the main APPX menu, click on System Administration ->File Management -> System Admin Files and click on 'Create Files'. This will create new Structure files for those that have changed, and create new files for the new features.
- Scratch the Structure files for the DOCUMENT and STMT file in all your applications. For ease of use, you can scratch the Structure file for all applications, including the 0-apps, and then create all applications in the next step. Commands like 'rm -f <appxpath>/??/???/Struct/DOCUMENT.dat' and 'rm -f <appxpath>/??/???/Struct/STMT.dat' will do this in Linux.
- Run 'Create Files' for all your applications. This will create the new Structure files for DOCUMENT and STMT. Log on on APPX and from the main APPX menu, click on System Administration ->File Management -> Design Files. When prompted, blank out the Application and Version. This will select all applications, all versions. Then you can just click 'Create Files' to create the missing Structure files.
- The data files for DMO and 1EX are now in large file format (FMS Type 9). Your installation has them flagged as FMS 1, and you will not be able to run those applications. To change the FMS type, log on on APPX and from the main APPX menu click on System Administration ->File Management -> Database Files. Enter DMO/DMO for the Database and Application, then click 'Change FMS'. Enter 9 as the new FMS type and uncheck the 'Convert Files' flag. The files are already in FMS 9 format and do not need to be converted. Click 'Proceed' to change the FMS type, and then repeat for 1EX/1EX.
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-- JoeOrtagus - 2010-07-14