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.AXIS LABEL ADD NEXT This subroutine adds the specified label to the `current` Axis of the `current` chart.. Usage: PASS axis label...
.AXIS SET AXIS SCALE This subroutine sets the top extension, bottom extension, and zero affinity values that are to be used when auto scaling the `current` axis....
.AXIS SET AXIS CLR This subroutine sets the color of the `current` axis Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE? N...
.AXIS SET AXIS VAL DIR This subroutine sets the direction for the values of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS val dir FIELD...
.AXIS SET AXIS L This subroutine sets the length of the `current` axis Usage: PASS axis length FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.AXIS SET AXIS MARGIN This subroutine reserves margins at the end of the `current` axis Usage: PASS top margin FIELD SHARE...
.AXIS SET AXIS MODE This subroutine sets the axis mode of the `current` axis to be INDENTED or DEFAULT. Usage: PASS axis mode FIELD...
.AXIS SET AXIS OFFSET This subroutine sets the offset (x and y) of the `current` axis Usage: PASS x offset FIELD SHARE...
.AXIS SET AXIS RND MAX This subroutine controls whether or not the maximum value of the `current` axis should be rounded to correspond with a tick value. Usage...
.AXIS SET AXIS RND MIN This subroutine controls whether or not the minimum value of the `current` axis should be rounded to correspond with a tick value. Usage...
.AXIS SET AXIS W This subroutine sets the width of the `current` axis Usage: PASS axis width FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.AXIS SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to set the specified axis (`x`, `y`) of the `current` chart to be the `current` axis. Usage: PASS axis...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT CLR This subroutine sets the font color for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT IDX This subroutine sets the font index for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font index FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT NAM This subroutine sets the font name and font number for the `current` label of the `current` Axis. Usage: PASS font name...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT SZ This subroutine sets the font size for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font height FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FONT STL This subroutine sets the font style for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font style FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL FORMAT This subroutine sets format for the `current` label on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS lbl format FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL GAP This subroutine sets the gap between the labels and the axis for the `current` axis. Usage: PASS title gap FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL OFFSET This subroutine sets the offset of the labels for the the `current` axis. Usage: PASS lbl offset FIELD...
.AXIS SET LBL ROTATION This subroutine sets the rotation angle for the `current` label of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS rot angle...
.AXIS SET TICK MIN INC This subroutine sets the minimum tick increment of the ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS tick inc...
.AXIS SET TICK CLR This subroutine sets the color of the major and/or minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.AXIS SET TICK DENSITY This subroutine sets the distance in pixels between major ticks and minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS maj tick...
.AXIS SET TICK L This subroutine sets the length of the major and/or minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS maj tick len FIELD...
.AXIS SET TICK OFFSET This subroutine sets the offset of the ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS tick offset FIELD...
.AXIS SET TICK W This subroutine sets the length of the major and/or minor ticks on the `current` axis. Usage: PASS maj tick width FIELD...
.AXIS SET TITLE This subroutine is called to set the title for the `current` axis. Usage: PASS axis title FIELD SHARE?...
.AXIS SET TTL ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment of the axis title for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS title alignment...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT CLR This subroutine sets the font color for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT IDX This subroutine sets the font index for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font index FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT NAM This subroutine sets the font name and font number for the title of the `current` Axis. Usage: PASS font name...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT SZ This subroutine sets the font size for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font height FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL FONT STL This subroutine sets the font style for the title of the `current` axis. Usage: PASS font style FIELD...
.AXIS SET TTL GAP This subroutine sets the gap between the axis title and the axis for the `current` axis. Usage: PASS title gap...
.AXIS SWAP XY This subroutine is called to swap the X Y axis of the `current` chart. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .AXIS SWAP XY Check for error...
.AXIS SYNC Y AXIS This subroutine sets a linear formula to synchronize the secondary y axis scale to the primary y axis scale. Usage: PASS slope...
.AXIS Y ON RIGHT This subroutine is called to interchange the position of the primary y axis and the secondary y axis. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .AXIS Y ON RIGHT...
Base Chart Routines These subroutines allow you to set various attributes of your chart, regardless of the type of chart you are creating. Base Chart Routines General...
Color Routines These subroutines allow you to set or change the color of the `current object`. In most cases, you have to have assigned a color to an object via some...
Data Routines These subroutines allow you supply the data you want on your chart. See Datasets Overview for an overview on using these subroutines. Dataset Routines...
Chart Director API for APPX These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to create business charts within an APPX application. Installation Tips Overview Data Routines...
Installation Tips This page describes some installation tips. Description: If your server does not already have PHP installed, download and install PHP from...
Known Issues The Linear Meter chart type has a few problems: The pointer files (PTR1/2) are not initialized when .CHART INITIALIZE is called, so each...
Overview Release 5.1.0 of the APPX Utility includes a new designer API which can be used to create charts within an APPX application. This API provides APPX Designers...
Overview Resumen Release 5.1.0 APPX incluye una API del dise...
Pie Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create a Pie chart. Pie Chart Routines General .PIE SET DATASET Associate a dataset with the pie chart. .PIE...
Text Object Routines All the text that you place on the chart is considered a `text object`, such as axis labels, chart titles, legends, etc. These subroutines allow...
XY Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create an XY chart. General .XY SET PLOT AREA Set the position and size of the plot area. .XY SET PLOT AREA:X Set...
.CHART GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y GOSUB...
.CHART INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
! WYSIWYG content do not remove this comment, and never use this identical text in your topics .CHART INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize...
.CHART RENDER This subroutine is called to render a chart for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y SUBR...
.CHART SET BG COLOR This subroutine sets the background color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET BG SIZE This subroutine sets the background size (width and height) of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD...
.CHART SET BG SIZE:H This subroutine sets the background height of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET BG SIZE:W This subroutine sets the background width of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET CNR EXT CLR This subroutine sets the exterior color for rounded corners for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS color spec name...
.CHART SET CNR R This subroutine sets the radius of the corners of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner tl FIELD...
.CHART SET CNR R:BL This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom left corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner bl...
.CHART SET CNR R:BR This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom right corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner br...
.CHART SET CNR R:TL This subroutine sets the radius of the top left corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner tl FIELD...
.CHART SET CNR R:TR This subroutine sets the radius of the top right corner of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS corner tr FIELD...
.CHART SET CNR STYLE This subroutine sets the corner style of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS cnr style FIELD SHARE...
.CHART SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to switch the context of the `current` chart spec to a previously initialized chart spec. Usage: PASS...
.CHART SET DROP SHADOW This subroutine turns the drop shadow effect on or off for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS drop shadow sw...
.CHART SET DS BLUR RAD This subroutine sets the blur radius of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS blur radius...
.CHART SET DS COLOR This subroutine sets the color of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.CHART SET DS LOC:X This subroutine sets the X offset of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS x offset FIELD...
.CHART SET DS LOC This subroutine sets the location of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS x offset FIELD...
.CHART SET DS LOC:Y This subroutine sets the Y offset of the drop shadow for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS y offset FIELD...
.CHART SET EDGE COLOR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET EDGE EFFECT This subroutine sets the edge effect of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CHART SET EDGE WIDTH This subroutine set the width of the 3D border for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS chart edge width FIELD...
.CHART SET BG IMAGE This subroutine sets the background image of the `current` chart spec. If you want the image to be tiled across the background, use .CHART SET...
.CHART SET IMAGE PATH This subroutine sets a search path for images for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS image pathname FIELD...
.CHART SET LEGEND BOX This subroutine is called to create a legend box on your chart. Usage: PASS x coordinate FIELD SHARE...
.CHART SET SHAPE AA This subroutine turns anti aliasing mode on or off for shapes and lines on the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS shape aa sw...
.CHART SET TXT AA MODE This subroutine sets the anti aliasing mode for text on the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS text aa FIELD...
.CHART SET TITLE This subroutine is called to set the title for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.CHART SET TRANS COLOR This subroutine sets the transparency color for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.CHART SET TRANS TYPE This subroutine sets the transparency type for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS trans type FIELD...
.CHART SET BG WALLPAPR This subroutine sets the background image of the `current` chart spec. The image will be tiled across the background of the chart, if you want...
.COLOR GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` color object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.COLOR INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a color object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.COLOR SET BRIGHTNESS Sets the brightness of the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS brightness FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET BRUSH METAL Sets the strength of the texture to create a Brushed Metal Effect for the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS texture strength...
.COLOR SET COLOR Sets the color of the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB 0CD...
.COLOR SET COLOR:A Sets the transparency value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS alpha FIELD SHARE? N...
.COLOR SET COLOR:B Sets the blue value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS blue color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET COLOR:G Sets the green value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS green color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET COLOR:R Sets the red value of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS red color value FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.COLOR SET COLOR:RGB Sets the individual colors of the `current` Color object. Usage: PASS red FIELD SHARE? N...
.COLOR SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to set the `current` Color Object to be a previously initialized Color Object. Usage: PASS color spec...
.COLOR SET DASH LINE Sets the dash line pattern for the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS dash line pattern FIELD SHARE? N...
.COLOR SET DEFAULT Clear the `current` Color Object. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .COLOR SET DEFAULT Check for error IF 0CD .COLOR SET DEFAULT...
.COLOR SET GLASS Assigns a special shading effect that emulates tinted glass or semi transparent plastic material to the `current` color object. Usage: PASS...
.COLOR SET GRADIENT Changes the `current` color object to have a two point linear gradient color. Usage: PASS start x FIELD...
.COLOR SET HALF COLOR Sets the intensity of the `current` Color Object to be one half of the normal intensity. Usage: PASS half color...
.COLOR SET METAL Sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Metal color effect for the `current` Color Object. Usage: PASS brightness...
.COLOR SET GOLD Sets the color of the `current` Color Object to be Yellow (FFEE44) and sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Gold Metal color effect...
.COLOR SET SILVER Sets the color of the `current` Color Object to be Gray (DDDDDD) and sets the direction for brightness modulation to create a Silver Metal color...
.COLOR SET OPAQUE Sets the `current` Color object to be opaque. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .COLOR SET OPAQUE Check for error IF 0CD .COLOR...
.COLOR SET TRANSPARENT Sets the `current` Color object to be transparent. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .COLOR SET TRANSPARENT Check for error IF...
.COLOR SET SOFT Assigns a special shading effect that looks like gradient coloring to the `current` color object. Usage: PASS direction...
.DATASET GET NAME This subroutine gets the name of the `current` Dataset. Usage: PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? Y GOSUB...
.DATASET INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize a dataset. Usage: PASS number of dimensions FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.DATASET INITIALIZE Esta subrutina es llamada para inicializar un conjunto de datos. Usage: PASS number of dimensions FIELD SHARE?...
.DATASET SET CURRENT This subroutine sets the `current` Dataset to be a previously initialized Dataset. Usage: PASS dataset name FIELD...
.LAYER ADD DATA GROUP This subroutine adds a Data Group to the current chart layer. Usage: PASS data group name FIELD SHARE...
.LAYER ADD DATA GROUP Esta subrutina se agrega un grupo de datos a la capa de tabla actual. Usage: PASS data group name FIELD...
.LAYER ADD DATASET This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD SHARE...
.LAYER ADD DATASET TM This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD...
.LAYER ADD DATASET TM Esta subrutina se suma una plantilla de conjunto de datos en el grupo de datos actual. Usage: PASS data set name...
.LAYER LINK DATASET This subroutine links a Data Set to a Data Set Template. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? N Opt...
.LAYER LINK DATASET TM This subroutine links a Data Set to a Data Set Template. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? N...
.LAYER LINK DATASET TM Esta subrutina enlaces un conjunto de datos a una plantilla de conjunto de datos. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD...
.LEGEND KEY ADD NEXT This subroutine adds a new legend key to the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS legend text FIELD SHARE...
.LEGEND KEY INTIALIZE This subroutine adds a new legend key to the `current` Legend Box at the specified priority. Usage: PASS entry priority...
.LEGEND KEY SET LN W This subroutine sets the line width of the legend key at the specified priority on the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS entry...
.LEGEND SET KEY COLS This subroutine sets the number of columns to be used with the `autogrid` Key Layout method for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS...
.LEGEND SET KEY GAP This subroutine sets the horizontal gap between two legend entries for horizontal legend layout and the vertical gap (line spacing) between the...
.LEGEND SET KEY GAP:H This subroutine sets the horizontal gap between two legend entries for horizontal legend layout for the `current` Legend Box. Usage:...
.LEGEND SET KEY GAP:V This subroutine sets the vertical gap between two legend entries for `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS vert gap...
.LEGEND SET ICON E CLR This subroutine sets the icon edge color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.LEGEND SET ICON E EFF This subroutine sets the icon edge effect of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS icon edge effect FIELD...
.LEGEND SET ICON E W This subroutine sets the width of the icon edges in the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.LEGEND SET ICON GAP This subroutine sets the distance between legend key icons and the legend text for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon...
.LEGEND SET ICON SZ:H This subroutine sets the height of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon height...
.LEGEND SET ICON SZ This subroutine sets the width and height of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon width...
.LEGEND SET ICON SZ:W This subroutine sets the width of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon width...
.LEGEND SET KEY LAYOUT This subroutine sets the layout style for the `current` legend. Usage: PASS template FIELD SHARE...
.LEGEND SET KEY ORDER This subroutine sets the key order to be ascending or descending for the `current` Legend Box.. Usage: PASS key order...
.LEGEND SET KEY STYLE This subroutine sets the icon key style of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS key style FIELD...
.LEGEND SET TEMPLATE This subroutine sets the template for the style for the `current` legend. Usage: PASS template FIELD...
.LINE INITIALIZE This subroutine initializes a line on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS line spec name FIELD SHARE? N...
.LINE SET CLR This subroutine sets the color of the `current` line object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE? N...
.LINE SET END XY This subroutine changes the ending co ordinates of the `current` line. Usage: PASS end x FIELD SHARE...
.LINE SET START XY This subroutine changes the starting co ordinates of the `current` line. Usage: PASS start x FIELD...
.LINE SET W This subroutine sets the width of the `current` line object. Usage: PASS line width FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
Chart Design Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for creating a simple chart. Description: Designing a chart can be as simple...
Chart Design Overview Esta p...
Chart Rendering Overview This page describes the process for rendering a chart and using it in your Appx program. Description: After you have initialized your chart...
Chart Rendering Overview Resumen Representaci...
Datasets Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for supplying data to the charting routines. Description: Data and the presentation...
Key Concepts This page describes de key concepts you should know before using the API`s. Description: The API`s have been designed so that you have a minimum number...
Troubleshooting Tips This page describes some troubleshooting tips. Description: When creating a new chart, find an example chart that is close to the layout...
Consejos para solucionar problemas Esta p...
.PIE SECT ADD NEXT This subroutine is called to create a new pic chart sector spec. Usage: PASS sector data point FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SECT INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a pie sector spec. Usage: PASS chart spec name FIELD...
.PIE SECT SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to select a new `current` pie sector spec. Usage: PASS sector no FIELD...
.PIE SET 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the 3D Depth for all pie sectors. Usage: PASS pie 3D depth FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.PIE SET 3D MODE This subroutine sets the 3D mode of a pie chart. Usage: PASS pie 3d mode FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.PIE SET SECT 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the sector 3D Depth for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the current pie sector....
.PIE SET 3D VIEW ANGLE This subroutine sets the 3D view angle of the `current` pie chart. Usage: PASS 3D view angle FIELD...
.PIE SET DATASET This subroutine associates a dataset with the `current` pie chart. Usage: PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS This subroutine sets the upper and lower bounds for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS top bound...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:B This subroutine sets the lower bound for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS bottom bound FIELD...
.PIE SET LBL BOUNDS:T This subroutine sets the upper bound for drawing labels on the `current` chart. Usage: PASS top bound FIELD...
.PIE SET LBL DISTANCE This subroutine sets the label layout for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie sector....
.PIE SET LBL FORMAT This subroutine sets format for pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie...
.PIE SET LBL JN LN CLR This subroutine sets the color of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie...
.PIE SET LBL JN LN W This subroutine sets the width of the lines that join the pie sector perimeter with the pie sector labels for all pie sectors, a range of pie...
.PIE SET LBL LAYOUT This subroutine sets the label layout for all pie sectors, a range of pie sectors, an individual pie sector, or the `current` pie sector. Usage...
.PIE SET ORIGIN This subroutine sets the x and y coordinates (horizontal and vertical) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS...
.PIE SET ORIGIN:X This subroutine sets the x coordinate (horizontal) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS pie X coord...
.PIE SET ORIGIN:Y This subroutine sets the y coordinate (vertical) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS pie Y coord...
.PIE SET RADIUS This subroutine sets the radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS outer radius FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET RADIUS:INNER This subroutine sets the inner radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS inner radius FIELD...
.PIE SET RADIUS:OUTER This subroutine sets the outer radius of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS outer radius FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT BG CLR This subroutine sets the background color of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS color spec name...
.PIE SET SECT EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT EDGE W This subroutine sets the edge width of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT EXP DIST This subroutine sets the distance between exploded sectors for the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS exp dist...
.PIE SET SECT LABEL This subroutine sets the label for the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS sector label FIELD...
.PIE SET LAYOUT This subroutine sets the starting angle of the first sector and the direction for subsequent sectors for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS...
.PIE SET LAYOUT:DIR This subroutine sets the direction for drawing sectors for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS layout clockwise FIELD...
.PIE SET SECT POSITION This subroutine sets the position (Normal or Exploded) of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS sector pos...
.PIE SET SECT SHADING This subroutine sets the shading method of the `current` or specified sector specs. Usage: PASS shade method FIELD...
.PIE SET LAYOUT:ANGLE This subroutine sets the starting angle of the first sector for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS starting angle...
.PIE SET SHAPE This subroutine is called to set the shape of the pie chart to be Standard or Donut. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET VIEW This subroutine sets the view of the `current` pie chart to be 2D or 3D. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.POINT ADD NEW This subroutine adds a new Point to the `current` Dataset. Usage: PASS dataset point value1 FIELD SHARE? N...
.POINT ADD NEW Esta subrutina agrega un nuevo punto al `actual` conjunto de datos. Usage: PASS dataset point value1 FIELD SHARE...
.POINT SET VALUE This subroutine changes the value of an existing data point. Usage: PASS dataset point value1 FIELD SHARE...
.SHAPE GET NAME Gets the name of the `current` Shape Object. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD SHARE? Y GOSUB OCD .SHAPE GET...
.SHAPE INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a shape spec. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD SHARE?...
.SHAPE SET CURRENT Set the `current` Shape Object to be a previously initialized Shape Object. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.SHAPE SET DEFAULT Clear the `current` Shape Object. Usage: GOSUB OCD .SHAPE SET DEFAULT Check for error IF OCD .SHAPE SET DEFAULT...
.SHAPE SET NEXT POINT This subroutine is called to create a custom shape. Usage: PASS x point FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.SHAPE SET POINTS CNT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS no of points...
.SHAPE SET SHAPE ID This subroutine changes the shape id of the `current` shape. Usage: PASS shape id FIELD SHARE? N...
.SHAPE SET SIDES CNT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS no of points...
.SHAPE SET WIDTH PCT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS width percent...
.TEXT BX ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment (position) of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS box alignment FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a text object. Usage: PASS text spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX BG CLR This subroutine sets the background color for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R This subroutine sets the radius of the corners of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top left radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:BL This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom left corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS bottom left radius...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:BR This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom right corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS bottom right radius...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:TL This subroutine sets the radius of the top left corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top left radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:TR This subroutine sets the radius of the top right corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top right radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR STYLE This subroutine sets the corner style of the `current` text object. Usage: PASS corner style FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE EFF This subroutine sets the edge effect for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS edge effect FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE W This subroutine sets the edge width for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX LOC This subroutine sets the offset (x and y) of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS X location FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX LOC:X This subroutine sets the X offset of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS X location FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX LOC:Y This subroutine sets the Y offset of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS Y location FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX SZ This subroutine sets the size (height and width) of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx height FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX SZ:H This subroutine sets the height of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx height FIELD SHARE?...
.TEXT SET BX SZ:H This subroutine sets the width of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx width FIELD SHARE? N...
.TEXT SET BX Z ORDER This subroutine sets the Z order for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS z order FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to set the `current` Text Object to be a previously initialized Text Object. Usage: PASS text spec name...
.TEXT SET FONT CLR This subroutine sets the font color for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT INDEX This subroutine sets the font index for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font index FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT NAME This subroutine sets the font name and font number for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font name FIELD...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ This subroutine sets the font size for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font height FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ:H This subroutine sets the font height for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font height FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ:W This subroutine sets the font width for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font width FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT STYLE This subroutine sets the font style for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font style FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET TEXT This subroutine is called to set the text for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text string FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET TXT ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment of the text in the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text alignment FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT LAYOUT This subroutine sets the layout direction of the text(horizontal or Vertical) in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS font...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN This subroutine sets the margins for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS left margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:B This subroutine sets the bottom margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS bottom margin...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:L This subroutine sets the left margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS left margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:R This subroutine sets the right margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS right margin...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:T This subroutine sets the top margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS top margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ This subroutine sets the maximum size (width and height) of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ:H This subroutine sets the maximum height of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS max...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ:W This subroutine sets the maximum width of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS max text...
.TEXT SET TXT ROTATION This subroutine sets the rotation angle for the text in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS rotation angle FIELD...
.XY SET BAR OLAP This subroutine sets overlapping among bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap ratio FIELD...
.XY ADD BAR LAYER This subroutine adds a Bar layer to the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS data combine method FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY ADD BAR LAYER Esta subrutina agrega un bar layer a la especificaci...
.XY PACK PLOT AREA This subroutine adjusts the size and position of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS left x FIELD...
.XY SET AG LABEL This subroutine turns aggregate labels on or off for the `current` chart layer. Usage: PASS ag total sw FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR This subroutine sets the color of the bars at the current level or at the data point. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DG This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data group. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DP This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data point. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:DS This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` data set template. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR Esta subrutina establece el color de las barras en el nivel actual o en el punto de datos. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR CLR:LR This subroutine sets the color of the bar at the `current` layer. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the color of the bar borders at the `current` layer. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR EDGE EFF This subroutine sets the edge effect of the bars on the `current` layer. Usage: PASS bar edge effect FIELD...
.XY SET BAR EDGE WIDTH This subroutine set the width of the 3D border for bars on the `current` layer. Usage: PASS bar edge width FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GAP This subroutine sets the gap between the bars or a bar group in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS bar gap FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GAP:BTW This subroutine sets the gap between the bars in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS bar gap FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR GAP:WITHIN This subroutine sets the gap between the bars or a bar group in a bar chart layer. Usage: PASS subBar gap FIELD...
.XY SET BAR GRADIENT This subroutine applies a special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars. Usage: PASS start bright FIELD...
.XY SET BAR LBL MIN SZ This subroutine sets the minimum height (or width for horizontal bars) of the bar segments below which data labels will be hidden. Usage...
.XY SET BAR 3D DEPTH This subroutine sets the 3D Depth of the current bar layer. Usage: PASS 3D depth FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY SET BAR LEGEND ISZ This subroutine sets the width and height of the legend key icons for the `current` Legend Box. Usage: PASS icon width...
.XY SET LINE GAP CLR Sets the color of the line connecting 2 data points when there is a `NoValue` data point in between. Usage: PASS color spec...
.XY SET BAR OLAP:ORDER This subroutine sets the order among overlapping bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap order...
.XY SET BAR OLAP:RATIO This subroutine sets the overlap ratio among bars within a bar group in a multi bar chart. Usage: PASS olap ratio...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Point, Data Set Template, Data Group, or XY Bar Layer. Usage: PASS...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DG This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Group. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DP This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Point. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:DS This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Data Set Template. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD...
.XY SET BAR SHAPE:LR This subroutine sets the shape of the bars in the current Layer. Usage: PASS shape name FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET BAR W This subroutine sets the bar and subBar width in a chart layer. Usage: PASS bar width FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY SET BAR W:GROUP This subroutine sets the bar width in a chart layer. Usage: PASS bar width FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.XY SET BAR W:WITHIN This subroutine sets the subBar width in a chart layer. Usage: PASS subBar width FIELD SHARE? N...
.XY SET DATA LABEL This subroutine turns data labels on or off for the `current` chart layer. Usage: PASS data total sw FIELD...
.XY SET DATA LABEL:DS This subroutine turns data labels on or off for the `current` dataset template. Usage: PASS data total sw FIELD...
.XY SET LEGEND TXT This subroutine sets the name to be included in the Legend box. Usage: PASS legend name FIELD SHARE?...
.XY SET PLOT AREA This subroutine sets position and size of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS x coord FIELD...
.XY SET PA BG CLR This subroutine sets the background colors of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET PA EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.XY SET PA HGRID CLR This subroutine sets the horizontal grid color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:H This subroutine sets the height of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS plot area height FIELD...
.XY SET PA VGRID CLR This subroutine sets the vertical grid color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:W This subroutine sets the width of the plot area for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS plot area width FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:X This subroutine sets the x coordinate of the plot area position for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS x coord FIELD...
.XY SET PLOT AREA:Y This subroutine sets the y coordinate of the plot area position for an XY type chart. Usage: PASS y coord FIELD...
CGI Techniques to Create Webpages This document covers all of the aspects of connecting an APPX application to a Web Server to act as an Internet Application Server...
Calling Inquiries from Scrolling INPUTs `I have a scrolling INPUT on a set of data. I would like the Automatic Child to jump to a full screen display of the full...
Calling O/S API Functions By using the PASS and CALL statements in APPX, O/S libraries and functions can easily be accessed from APPX subroutines. This paper discusses...
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Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px; background image: url(/Main/UserProfileHeader/gradient...
Character Encoding Character encoding wasn...
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Edit personal data Edit text Create Edit text
Client Side Processes File Transfers This page is intended for APPX Release 5.0 and earlier. In Release 5.1 various API`s were introduced to perform these functions...
APPX Client Always On Top This client setting turn on the Always On Top setting in the Operating System for this window. Overview This client property will set...
APPX Client Control Double Click Behavior This client setting allows you to control the behaviour of a double click. Overview This client property allows you to...
APPX Client Arrow Key in Scrolling Regions This client setting causes use of the arrow keys in a scrolling process to scroll records up or down the screen. Overview...
APPX Client Borderless Mode This client setting turns off the outermost client border. Overview This client property turns off the outermost client window border...
APPX Client Command Line Options The following is a partial list of the command line options that can be appended to the `Target:` line of the Appx Desktop Client...
APPX Client Turn the Block Cursor On or Off This client setting lets you control the block cursor. Overview This client property allow you to control the block...
APPX Client Draw Border around Active Scrolling Region This client setting turns on or off the blue border we draw around the active scrolling record. Overview...
APPX Client Duplicate Session Hot Key This feature allows a user to easily start an additional APPX Client session. Overview The Duplicate Session Hot Key (Alt...
APPX Client Duplicate Session Hot Key This feature allows a user to easily start an additional APPX Client session. Overview The Duplicate Session Hot Key (Alt...
APPX Client Map End, Tab, and Option keys This client setting allows you to map the End, Tab, and Option functions to different keyboard keys. Overview The property...
APPX Client Support for Multiple Displays If you have more than one monitor, you can tell the APPX Client which one to use for new sessions. Overview When...
APPX Client Support for Multiple Displays If you have more than one monitor, you can tell the APPX Client which one to use for new sessions. Overview When using...
APPX Client New Scan Button This client setting replace the scan button with a smaller scan button. Overview This client property replaces the standard Scan button...
Process ID is part of Client Title The Process ID is now part of the default Client Title. Overview By default, the title for the client window now includes the...
APPX Client Presentation Mode Footer Size This client setting controls the size of the footer in Presentation Mode. Overview This client property controls the size...
APPX Client Presentation Mode The APPX Client supports a special presentation mode for running a full screen APPX session without a window. Overview Presentation...
APPX Client Presentation Mode The APPX Client supports a special presentation mode for running a full screen APPX session without a window. Overview Presentation...
APPX Client Presentation Remote This client setting allows you to use certain keystrokes used by presentation remotes to trigger selected Appx options. Overview...
Tech Tip Client Side Printing by Gary Rogers, APPX Director of Training and Consulting With the advent of the APPX Desktop Client, a broad range of features were...
APPX Client Single Sign On (Windows Only) This allows the Appx Client to automatically use your Windows Active Directly desktop authenticated credentials to log into...
Client Startup Preferences File You can now specify a preferences file for the client on the command line. Overview This setting allows you to set any client preference...
APPX Client Swipe/Drag Scrolling This client setting causes mouse drag and touchscreen swipe actions to translate into Appx Panning and Scrolling options. Overview...
APPX Client Use Main Title Bar This client setting moves the processes title bar text to the Appx Client titlebar. Overview This client property takes the text...
APPX Client Scroll Navigation Bar This client setting replace the scrollbar with a new navigation bar. Overview This client property replace the standard Scroll...
Passing data to a Client Session This client setting allows you to pass custom data into a new Appx Client session. Overview This client property allows you to...
APPX Client Semi Transparent Mode This client setting controls the transparency of the entire client window as it appears on the desktop. Overview This client property...
.COLOR SET COLOR This subroutine is called to set a color (RGB) into the `current` color spec. A single parameter is passed and may be in any one of the following...
Working with Color Specifications Various API`s allow you to pass a `color spec name` or `color value` to set a color. A `color spec name` refers to a previously defined...
Combining CGI Script and APPX ILF Now that you are generating HTML from within APPX, wouldn`t it be nice to generate the new documents directly in response to web...
Configuring APPX for Unix Configuring the Login Manager This document explains how to configure the new login manager in APPX 5.0 higher Unix HASP Installation...
Configuring APPX for Windows APPX Presentation Server WinAppxD This document includes questions and hints about installing and running APPX/Server on Windows...
Convert SSL Certificate from IIS formatted (PKCS#12/.pfx) This document assumes your IIS server is already configured with an SSL certificate from either a public...
Converting Arrays to Scalar Data At present, only the `CNV TEXT` stmt addresses an Alpha array as if it were a single scalar variable. (Unfortunately, it also adjusts...
Copying Files Between Databases To copy all CUSTOMER records from one database to another: SET NEXT DATABASE DB1 OPEN TAR CUSTOMER...
My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...
Customizing the Runtime Environment The APPX environment includes a number of standard processes. This page describes how you can customize them. Overview Your...
Number of topics: 326

Topic revision: r83 - 2023-10-30 - BrianRyan
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