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CGI Techniques to Create Webpages

This document covers all of the aspects of connecting an APPX application to a Web Server to act as an Internet Application Server.

It would be appreciated if web pages created through this technique would display the "Powered by APPX" logo (above), and perhaps a link to our website.

Introduction to Web Server

As a general introduction to web server concepts, this section is intended to provide a reasonable base upon which the following sections will build.

Generating HTML from APPX

This section deals with different ways of getting APPX data into a format that can be displayed using a web browser.

Combining CGI Script and APPX ILF

With some simple CGI scripting and some special APPX ILF routines, you can easily use APPX as a realtime backend to any web server.

Advanced Topics

Now that you understand the techniques involved, here are some features, techniques, and tricks to make the process a little easier.

-- JoeOrtagus - 2012-02-13

Topic revision: r1 - 2012-02-13 - JoeOrtagus
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