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Designer Questions WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager. 3.1) How do I...
System Administrator Questions WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager....
Installation of WinAppxD WinAppxD was replaced by the APPX Login Manager in Release 5.0.0. See this page for installing configuring the Login Manager....
APPX Presentation Server WinAppxD APPX Release 4.2.a and earlier This document includes questions and hints about installing and running APPX/Server on Windows...
APPX E mail Support APPX Support List The APPX Support List is a membership mailing list, open only to supported customers with current maintenance agreements at...
Java Client Keymap We welcome any input on what our standard keymap should be. This one tries to be like a Windows keymap for other standard Windows Applications....
The APPX Client APPX/Linux Client Here`s how to set up an APPX/Linux Client (character based, and as opposed to a Windows or Java Client) to run against a Windows...
Accessing APPX Data From VB Using AppxODBC The Appx ODBC client allows you to access APPXIO data from external applications such as Excel, Crystal Reports, and other...
Speed II to APPX Conversion Instructions The following steps are necessary to migrate SPEED II applications into APPX: Please note that these instructions assume...
Foreign Language Translation Following are known issues with the Foreign Language Translation utility: 1) The mechanism that determines when an EM must be rebuilt...
APPX Client/Server Installation and Configuration Overview: This information only applies to very old versions of APPX (pre 4.2). Consult the installation instructions...
Using CGI to Interface with the Web APPX understands how to parse CGI data into APPX variables. It picks apart the CGI data string and looks for variable NAMEs that...
Advanced Topics Now that you understand the technique described above, there are some existing and soon to be released features to make the process a little easier...
Introduction to Web Server Before running out and trying to attach your APPX application to a Web Server, you need to understand the basic concepts used to get information...
Debugging Print Problems How many times have you gotten this call: ...
Tech Tip How to create a PDF Form Overlay by Gary Rogers, APPX Director of Training and Consulting There have been a lot of inquiries on how to create a form overlay...
Tech Tip by Gary Rogers, Director of Training, APPX Software, Inc. In this article we will talk about how to take advantage of any extra room by designing scrolling...
Customizing the Runtime Environment The APPX environment includes a number of standard processes. This page describes how you can customize them. Overview Your...
HTML Client Remote Troubleshooting If you`re having trouble with remote HTML Client connections, here are some things you can try. Client doesn...
.UTIL GET HOOK RECORDS This subroutine copies the engine Hook records into a temporary file for modification. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL GET HOOK RECORDS...
APPX Desktop Client Launched via Java Web Start This document will explain how to start the APPX Desktop Client via Java Web Start Technology. Overview When you publish...
Moving APPX Applications and Data Between Platforms The above title is not accurate, but it does represent a typical migration that these instructions are designed...
.STREAM WRITE This subroutine is called to write data to a file stream. Usage: PASS write buffer FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.STREAM READ This subroutine is called to read a file stream. Usage: (Option 1) PASS read buffer FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.STREAM OPEN This subroutine is called to open a file stream. Usage: PASS stream name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Linux Requirements The Appx Desktop Client should run on most varieties of Linux, however due to the sheer number of distributions...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Windows Requirements The Appx Desktop Client runs on all versions of desktop Windows, including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7....
APPX 5.x Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
.UTIL SUBR DELETE This utility deletes a subroutine from the Application. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS process name FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL SUBR CLOSE This utility closes the subroutine you created. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: GOSUB .UTIL SUBR CLOSE Check for errors IF...
.UTIL GET MESSAGES This subroutine populates the MESSAGES file with any messages that were issued. Added in 5.2.0. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL GET MESSAGES...
.WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC This subroutine reloads the data in a Table Widget. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD...
.UTIL KILL SESSION Cancels the specified process. Added in 5.4.4 Usage: PASS PID FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
Runtime (,RT ) Calls WARNING: These are UNSUPPORTED features used to call operating system functions, and they may be changed or removed at any time. Although these...
Scoping Rules Subprocess/Related/Detached `Scoping` refers to what workfields and temporary files (both disk and memory) are available to a given process. There...
APPX Background Processing This document discusses APPX background processing. Overview Background processes refers to the ability of APPX to spawn another session...
Dynamic Linking and the CALL Statement Contents : Calling External Functions from APPX ILF Code It is possible for system integrators to develop and compile functions...
Using the APPX/TMUNIX Scripting Feature The following information is only applicable when running APPX in character mode (ie, not using the APPX Desktop or HTML clients...
APPX Keystroke Process Recording Playback The following information is only applicable when running APPX in character mode (ie, not using the APPX Desktop or...
Accessing Query Parameters Overview: The Query specifications used to produce a report are stored in three memory files, defined in the application. You can find...
The Use of Cached Files APPX 4.1 introduces the ability to create and access a cached instance of a file in memory. The CREATE, OPEN, SCRATCH, and IF EXIST statements...
The Pre Display/Verify Event Point `As far as I can see the reason that the pre display / verify event point exists is because the access/verify in Speed II was...
APPX Process Stack Running an APPX application consists of a series of processes calling each other. For example, the Main Menu might call a submenu, which might call...
Importing Consecutive Files APPX Versions 5.1 higher In 5.1 a number of APIs were introduced that make the task of importing data easier. For example, if we have...
Displaying Date/Time Stamps `APPX has a convention of Option 98 for audit information. We would like to continue with that convention within our design. How do...
Running Windows Functions from APPX Invoking Windows Shell Functions In order to invoke a Windows shell function (such as a batch file or executable) from APPX...
Passing Fields or File Names To pass FIELD(s): PASS fieldname1 FIELD PASS fieldname2 FIELD RUN ScriptName $ The `$ ` allows `ScriptName` to receive all the...
Converting Arrays to Scalar Data At present, only the `CNV TEXT` stmt addresses an Alpha array as if it were a single scalar variable. (Unfortunately, it also adjusts...
APPX Printing This document will explain how to best perform APPX server side PDF printing on a Windows server. This applies to APPX 4.2.0 and above when APPX Server...
Determining the Windows Serial Number When installed on a Windows server or stand alone PC, the APPX license is tied to the serial number of the C drive of the machine...

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