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Option Numbers in Design Mode

When in Design Mode, the option numbers assigned can be displayed on the image.


The option numbers assigned on an image can be displayed within User Mode and now also within Design Mode. The existing pull-down menu for Options and "Show Option Numbers" will control the option numbers displaying on the image for both modes.

Also, during Design Mode within the Image Editor, a right-click anywhere on the image provides the choice to "Toggle Option Numbers;" this choice operates the exact same as the "Show Option Numbers."

With the option numbers displayed in Design Mode Image Editor, you can easily determine what option numbers have been assigned to each button and what option numbers are available for new buttons.


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-- WimJongejan - 2012-09-24 works fine. great it is finally there

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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-10-25 - SherriMcCormack
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