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APPX/ODBC Revised for APPX Release 5.0

There have been significant changes in the installation and operation of APPX/ODBC, effective with the release of APPX 5.0.2. Please refer to this wiki page for installation details.



Accessing APPX data from non-APPX ODBC Clients

APPX/ODBC Server allows Windows application clients (such as DI-Diver, Excel, Access, and Crystal Reports) to view and operate upon AppxIO datafiles. APPX/ODBC Server is a standard feature of APPX. No additional license fees are required to use it. (If you're interested in using APPX to access data stored in a non-APPX data formats, such as SQL-Server or MS-Access' Jet database, see APPX/ODBC Connection Instructions .)

APPX data can be stored on a local PC, or remotely on an NT or UNIX server using APPX/Net connecting to an APPX/Server. With APPX/ODBC Server, data is accessed by other PC applications directly from APPX databases, without time-consuming transfer processes.


The AppxODBC Manual contains detailed installation, configuration, and use information for APPX/ODBC Server. The Dharma Interface Manual explains how our ODBC interface works and details supported SQL statements and syntax.

Other APPX/ODBC Documents

Installing the APPX/ODBC Driver contains step-by-step instructions for installing APPX/ODBC Server.

Frequently Asked Questions cover a variety of topics on operation and installation.

The APPX/ODBC Checklist can help if you're having difficulty accessing AppxIO data from an external application.

Debugging APPX/ODBC is the place to go if you've been through the above documents and you're still having problems.


Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments.

-- ChrisBrower - 2011-06-08

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Topic revision: r6 - 2012-06-21 - GaryRogers
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