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Recent Changes in Main Web retrieved at 21:19 (GMT)

.UTIL CLEAR PASS LIST This subroutine clears any unfilled PASS requests. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL CLEAR PASS LIST Check for errors IF...
.FILE MOVE This subroutine will move a file or directory from one location to another, creating any required directories. Usage: PASS error message...
.FILE MAKE DIR This subroutine is called to create a directory in the filesystem. Usage: PASS error message FIELD SHARE? Y...
.FILE DELETE This subroutine is called to remove a file from the filesystem. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
Overview Release 5.1.0 of the APPX Utility includes a new designer API which can be used to create charts within an APPX application. This API provides APPX Designers...
.STREAM CLOSE ALL This subroutine is called close all file streams and free up their resources. Usage: GOSUB .STREAM CLOSE ALL check for errors...
Color Routines These subroutines allow you to set or change the color of the `current object`. In most cases, you have to have assigned a color to an object via some...
.XY SET BAR EDGE EFF This subroutine sets the edge effect of the bars on the `current` layer. Usage: PASS bar edge effect FIELD...
.XY SET BAR EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the color of the bar borders at the `current` layer. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.XY SET DATA LABEL:DS This subroutine turns data labels on or off for the `current` dataset template. Usage: PASS data total sw FIELD...
.XY SET AG LABEL This subroutine turns aggregate labels on or off for the `current` chart layer. Usage: PASS ag total sw FIELD...
Data Routines These subroutines allow you supply the data you want on your chart. See Datasets Overview for an overview on using these subroutines. Dataset Routines...
Unicode STD File The STD file has been changed to include unicode values Overview The following fields in the STD record are now defined as Unicode fields:...
Unicode COMPARE File Certain fields in the COMPARE file are now Unicode Overview The following field in the COMPARE file are now Unicode fields: COMPARE...
Unicode TEMP Fields All TEMP fields are now UNICODE Overview The following TEMP fields are now Unicode fields: TEMP 1 TEMP 132 TEMP 2 TEMP...
.AXIS Y ON RIGHT This subroutine is called to interchange the position of the primary y axis and the secondary y axis. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .AXIS Y ON RIGHT...
.AXIS SYNC Y AXIS This subroutine sets a linear formula to synchronize the secondary y axis scale to the primary y axis scale. Usage: PASS slope...
.AXIS SWAP XY This subroutine is called to swap the X Y axis of the `current` chart. Usage: GOSUB 0CD .AXIS SWAP XY Check for error...
.LAYER ADD DATASET This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD SHARE...
Pie Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create a Pie chart. Pie Chart Routines General .PIE SET DATASET Associate a dataset with the pie chart. .PIE...
Unicode Text Printing Text printing now generates UTF 8 report files. Overview Text output files are now encoded using UTF 8. Test Plan: Bugs: 1 Reports do...
ERROR / WARNING / MESSAGE / CANCEL / REFRESH Statements Overview 1 The internal storage type of all messages created by these statements must be UTF 32. 1 These...
Alignment Specification This chart explains the positioning when using the various `align` routines in the Chart Director API. Constant Description BottomLeft...
Font Specifications Font Location In Chart Director, the font name is simply the file name that contains the font. For example, under the Windows platform, the `Arial...
Working with Color Specifications Various API`s allow you to pass a `color spec name` or `color value` to set a color. A `color spec name` refers to a previously defined...
Unicode Client Communications Client/server data flow has be reworked to support unicode data. Overview Initially, Only the Java Client will communicate using unicode...
.LAYER LINK DATASET This subroutine links a Data Set to a Data Set Template. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? N Opt...
.SHAPE SET POINTS CNT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS no of points...
My Links ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete...
My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki .TWikiUsersGuide...
.ENV GET PATH SEPARATR This subroutine is called to inspect the path seperator character of the operating system APPX is running on. Usage: PASS path...
My Links ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete...
Top Menu of Main Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Main web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Users Groups...
COMPUTE / TOTAL Statements Overview The COMPUTE statement can work with Alpha fields when used with the P and M operators. It should continue to replace the non numeric...
VERIFY Statement Overview The Verify statement has been enhanced to verify characters within an alpha field based on the encoding type. RAW All 256 characters...
DEFINE/UNDEFINE Statement Overview DEFINE and UNDEFINE should allow National and Unicode fields to be defined and undefined. Test Plan 1 DEFINE/UNDEFINE a National...
Header of User Profile Pages Note: This is a maintenance topic, used by the TWiki Administrator. The part between the horizontal rules gets included at the top...
Change Profile Picture of 1 ` .profileBox { border: solid #dddddd 1px; padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px; background image: url(/Main/UserProfileHeader/gradient...
PRINT Statement Overview The PRINT statement should handle all three types of alpha fields, Raw, National and Unicode. Test Plan 1 Test PRINT with a Raw, National...
SET DAY / SET MNTH Statements Overview These statements have been revised to support all three encoding types for the destination alpha field The text for...
CNV TEXT Statement Overview Converting To and From alpha fields Both fields are RAW No change in behavior Both fields are UNICODE or NATIONAL...
PACK / UNPACK Statements Overview Not defined in spec document. Test Plan These statements were never fully implemented, so nothing needs to be done re: Unicode...
PASS Statement Overview When used with RECEIVE statement UNICODE and NATIONAL fields are supported. When used with a RUN statement UNICODE and NATIONAL fields are...
RUN Statement Overview The alpha operand of the RUN statement will be transcoded to the encoding of the OS shell environment before being executed . The RUN statement...
RECEIVE / LOCAL Statements Overview RECEIVE statements should follow the same rules as defined for a SET statement. LOCAL statements should follow the same rules...
Emergency Licenses thru OCSS Do you need an APPX License for an emergency system down situation? Be sure to have a copy of your current APPX Registration Key, and...
APPX FAQ System The APPX FAQ System is a large and varied database of frequently asked questions and their answers on a wide range of APPX topics, including installation...
Web Message Board APPX Software, Inc. is the host of a web based message board, which allows users in the APPX community instant access to the experience and expertise...
Winprint Notes Do Winprint width and length work? Is there any special consideration that we should take in order to use this facility? Should we use escape...

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