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Backlinks to APPXRuntimeSubroutineAPI in Main Web (Search all webs)

Results from Main web retrieved at 23:09 (GMT)

.BEGIN INITIAL SET UP This subroutine changes the current application to the `Initial Setup` phase. Usage: GOSUB .BEGIN INITIAL SET UP...
.BEGIN LIVE OPERATIONS This subroutine changes the current application to the `Live Operations` phase. Usage: GOSUB .BEGIN LIVE OPERATIONS...
.BEGIN RECOVERY This subroutine changes the current application to the `Recovery Processing` phase. Usage: GOSUB .BEGIN RECOVERY Check...
.SELECT DATABASE This subroutine switches to the specified database. Usage: PASS database FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CLIENT CHECK FOR GUI This subroutine returns a flag to indicate if the user is running the Desktop Client. Usage: PASS gui...
.CLIENT CHECK VERSION This subroutine returns the version of the Desktop Client. Usage: PASS version text FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT DOWNLOAD FILE This subroutine will download a file to the user`s PC. Usage: PASS status code FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT GET CLIPBOARD This subroutine gets the current content of the system clipboard. Usage: PASS clip data FIELD SHARE...
.CLIENT GET CONSTANT This subroutine returns the value of a client constant. Usage: PASS client value FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT LOAD URL This subroutine loads a URL, document, runs a command on the user`s PC or changes a client setting. Usage: PASS url...
.CLIENT PLAY SOUND This subroutine plays a .wav file on the user`s PC. Usage: PASS wave file FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CLIENT SET CLIPBOARD This subroutine puts data on the system clipboard. Usage: PASS clip data FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.CLIENT UPLOAD FILE This subroutine will upload a file from the Client to the server. Usage: PASS status code FIELD SHARE...
.CONVERT BYTES TO HEX This subroutine converts a field to hexidecimal characters. Usage: PASS hex result FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CONVERT FROM BASE64 This subroutine converts Base64 data to Appx raw data (Release 6.2.0 higher). Usage: PASS raw data FIELD...
.CONVERT HEX PR TO NUM This subroutine converts a hex pair of alpha characters to a decimal number. Usage: PASS decimal number FIELD...
.CONVERT NUM TO HEX PR This subroutine converts a decimal number to a hex pair of alpha characters. Usage: PASS hex pair FIELD...
.CONVERT SPLIT NUMBER This subroutine splits a number into its whole number and fractional parts. Usage: PASS whole number FIELD...
.CONVERT TEXT TO HTML This subroutine converts a text field to HTML encoding. Usage: PASS html FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CONVERT TO BASE64 This subroutine converts Appx raw data to Base64 data (Release 6.2.0 higher). Usage: PASS base64 data FIELD...
.CONVERT TRANSLATE This subroutine converts a string from one language to another using the Application and System Dictionaries. Usage: PASS trans...
.ENV GET APPXPATH This subroutine returns the path to the location of Appx data files. Usage: PASS appxpath FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET CMD LINE PARM This subroutine returns the value of a command line parameter. Usage: PASS param value FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET CONFIG INFO This subroutine populates PDF fields with configuration information. Usage: GOSUB .ENV GET CONFIG INFO Check for...
.ENV GET ENV VARIABLE This subroutine returns the value of a environment variable. Usage: PASS env value FIELD SHARE?...
.ENV GET OS TYPE This subroutine returns the type of operating system Appx is running on. Usage: PASS os type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET PARENT PROC This subroutine returns the name and type of the parent process. Usage: PASS parent type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET PATH NAME This subroutine returns the path name of the requested Appx file. Usage: PASS file path FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET PATH SEP This subroutine returns the directory separator character of the host operating system. Usage: PASS path separator FIELD...
.ENV GET PATH SEPARATR This subroutine is called to inspect the path seperator character of the operating system APPX is running on. Usage: PASS path...
.ENV GET SCREEN SIZE This subroutine returns the size of the Appx screen in rows and columns. Usage: PASS rows FIELD...
.ENV SET ENV VARIABLE This subroutine sets the value of a environment variable. Usage: PASS env value FIELD SHARE? Y...
.ENV VIEW LICENSE INFO This subroutine displays the APPX license info for the current application. Usage: GOSUB .ENV VIEW LICENSE INFO...
.FILE COPY This subroutine will copy a file from one location to another, creating any required directories. Usage: PASS error message...
.FILE CREATE This subroutine will create the specified file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.FILE CREATE ARCHIVE This subroutine creates an archive of the specified files, in either TAR or TGZ format. Usage: PASS error message...
.FILE DELETE This subroutine is called to remove a file from the filesystem. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.FILE EXISTS This subroutine is called to check if a file exists in the filesystem. Usage: PASS exists? FIELD SHARE...
.FILE EXTRACT ARCHIVE This subroutine extracts all the files from a previously created archive. Usage: PASS error message FIELD...
.FILE MAKE DIR This subroutine is called to create a directory in the filesystem. Usage: PASS error message FIELD SHARE? Y...
.FILE MOVE This subroutine will move a file or directory from one location to another, creating any required directories. Usage: PASS error message...
.FILE RESTRUCT This subroutine will restructure the specified file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.FILE SPLIT FILENAME This subroutine is called to separate a filename into it`s name and extension parts. Usage: PASS FIELD...
.FILE SPLIT PATHNAME This subroutine is called to separate a full pathname into its path and name parts. Usage: PASS path part FIELD...
.IMPORT CGI DATA This subroutine populates Appx variables from STDIN. Usage: GOSUB .IMPORT CGI DATA Test for Error IF .IMPORT...
.STREAM CLOSE This subroutine is called close a file stream and free up it`s resources. Usage: PASS stream name FIELD SHARE...
.STREAM CLOSE ALL This subroutine is called close all file streams and free up their resources. Usage: GOSUB .STREAM CLOSE ALL check for errors...
.STREAM OPEN This subroutine is called to open a file stream. Usage: PASS stream name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.STREAM READ This subroutine is called to read a file stream. Usage: (Option 1) PASS read buffer FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.STREAM WRITE This subroutine is called to write data to a file stream. Usage: PASS write buffer FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.TEXT CREATE PAD This subroutine fills a field with a single character. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.TEXT CUT AT POS This subroutine removes characters from a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT FIND This subroutine finds the position of text in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text position FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT FIND AND REPLACE This subroutine finds and replaces text in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT GET LENGTH This subroutine determines the length of a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text len FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT INSERT AT POS This subroutine inserts characters into a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text field FIELD SHARE? Y...
.TEXT LOWER TO UPPER This subroutine converts lower case to upper case in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS converted text FIELD...
.TEXT PARSE LINE This subroutine parses a string into separate fields. Usage: PASS text to parse FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.TEXT UPPER TO LOWER This subroutine converts upper case to lower case in a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS converted text FIELD...
.UTIL ADD HOOK This subroutine adds a record to the Hook file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS HOOK...
.UTIL ADD USER This subroutine adds a user to the Appx User file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL CHECK SECURITY This subroutine is called to check the security code for the specified user. Usage: PASS result FIELD...
.UTIL CHG AUX PASS This subroutine changes the auxiliary password for the specified user. Usage: PASS user id FIELD...
.UTIL CHG HOOK This subroutine changes fields on the Hook file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL CHG USER This subroutine changes fields on the Appx User file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL CLEAR PASS LIST This subroutine clears any unfilled PASS requests. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL CLEAR PASS LIST Check for errors IF...
.UTIL COMPILE PROC This subroutine compiles the specified Process Type/Name or Application. Usage: PASS application FIELD...
.UTIL DEL HOOK This subroutine deletes a record from the Hook file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL DEL USER This subroutine deletes a record from the Appx User file. Usage: PASS error msg FIELD SHARE? Y PASS...
.UTIL FIELD GET This subroutine is called to retrieve the value of the specified field name. Usage: PASS value FIELD...
.UTIL FIELD SET This subroutine is called to set a value into a specified field name. Usage: PASS App Id FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL GET EM NAME This subroutine is called to get the Em name of the specified Process Type/Name. Usage: PASS em name FIELD...
.UTIL GET HOOK RECORDS This subroutine copies the engine Hook records into a temporary file for modification. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL GET HOOK RECORDS...
.UTIL LOAD STACK FILE This subroutine loads STACK with the current process stack. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL LOAD STACK FILE Check for errors...
.UTIL MAKE DYNAMIC KEY This subroutine is not implemented. Usage: Description: Not implemented, just returns. Comments: Read what other users have said about...
.UTIL MOD SCROLL BEHAV This subroutine allows the user to select a record on a scrolling display by just clicking it. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL MOD SCROLL BEHAV...
.UTIL PROCESS DD This subroutine processes the Data Dictionary for the selected Application or File. Usage: PASS application FIELD...
.UTIL PROCESS QRY REC This subroutine adds the current PCF record to the query pointer file. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL PROCESS QRY REC Description: This subroutine...
.UTIL PUT HOOK RECORDS This subroutine copies hook records from the temporary file back to the Appx engine. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL PUT HOOK RECORDS...
.UTIL SLEEP This subroutine pauses for the specified number of seconds. Usage: PASS seconds FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.UTIL SLEEP WITH TIMER This subroutine pauses for the specified number of seconds and displays a countdown timer. Usage: PASS seconds...
.UTIL SWITCH USER This subroutine changes to a different user. Usage: PASS user id FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.UTIL TIMEOUT EXIT This subroutine exits the current process or logs a user off after a set timeout period. Usage: PASS action...
.UTIL TIMEOUT SET This subroutine sets the keyboard timeout value. Usage: PASS seconds FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.WIDGET APPLY THEME This subroutine applies a GUI Theme to the the current image. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET APPLY THEME Check for errors...
.WIDGET CNV CLR TO RGB This subroutine converts an alpha/hex color code to decimal. Usage: PASS clr binary FIELD SHARE...
.WIDGET CNV RGB TO CLR This subroutine converts a decimal color code to alpha/hex. Usage: PASS clr alpha FIELD SHARE?...
.WIDGET DEL BY NAME This subroutine deletes selected widgets. Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.WIDGET DEL MODE BTN This subroutine deletes the mode buttons from the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET DEL MODE BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET DEL SCROLL BTN This subroutine deletes the scroll buttons from the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET DEL SCROLL BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET DEL STD MENUS This subroutine deletes the standard pull down menus. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET DEL STD MENUS Check for errors...
.WIDGET HIDE BY NAME This subroutine hides selected widgets. Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.WIDGET HIDE MODE BTN This subroutine hides the mode buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET HIDE MODE BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET HIDE SCROL BTN This subroutine hides the scroll buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET HIDE SCROL BTN Check for errors...
.WIDGET HIDE STD MENUS This subroutine hides the standard pull down menus. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET HIDE STD MENUS Check for errors...
.WIDGET MISSING THEME This subroutine finds all Inputs/Menus that do not use .WIDGET APPLY THEME. Usage: PASS app id FIELD...
.WIDGET SET FROM MWDGT This subroutine copies the memory file to WIDGET. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SET FROM MWDGT Check for errors...
.WIDGET SET INTO MWDGT This subroutine copies the current WIDGET file to a memory file. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SET INTO MWDGT Check for...
.WIDGET SET THEME This subroutine sets the current theme. Usage: PASS theme name FIELD SHARE? N PASS application...
.WIDGET SHOW BY NAME This subroutine shows previously hidden widgets. Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.WIDGET SHOW MODE BTN This subroutine shows the previously hidden mode buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SHOW MODE BTN Check...
.WIDGET SHOW SCROL BTN This subroutine shows the previously hidden scroll buttons on the toolbar. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SHOW SCROL BTN...
.WIDGET SHOW STD MENUS This subroutine shows the previously hidden standard pull down menus. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET SHOW STD MENUS Check...
.WIDGET VIEW RUNTIME This subroutine shows properties of the current WIDGET file. Usage: GOSUB .WIDGET VIEW RUNTIME Check for errors...
.UTIL UPDATE DOCUMENT This subroutine is called to update documentation via ILF. Usage: PASS app id FIELD SHARE? N...
APPX 5.1.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.1.0. Follow the links below to learn more....
APPX Runtime Subroutine API Overview Over 100 new subroutines are available for designers to use. Overview: Release 5.1 contains over 100 subroutines for designers...
Developer Tips Displaying Google Maps in the HTML client If you want to display a Google map using the HTML client, follow this tip. Environment / Widget File Wizards...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 110

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