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Searched: SteveFrizzell

Results from Main web retrieved at 07:59 (GMT)

Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Main web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have...
Unicode Test Plan This document outlines a plan for testing the Unicode enhancements in APPX 6.0. Overview Release 6.0.0 of the APPX Utility includes support for...
SET TEMP Statement Overview All TEMP fields in have been changed to have an encoding type of UNICODE. Since all TEMP fields are now UNICODE fields, SET TEMP will...
SET Statement Overview The SET statement has been extended to take the Encoding Type attribute of an alpha field into consideration. All Alpha fields in existing...
APPEND Statement Overview Append RAW Alpha or Group or Literal to RAW Alpha or Group This is the current implementation no changes needed here. Append UNICODE...
List of TWiki users Below is a list of users with accounts. If you want to edit topics or see protected areas of the site then you can get added to the list by...
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook. My links: My home page My activities edit
My Links .ATasteOfTWiki view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners .WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki .TWikiUsersGuide...
SELECT ILF Statement Release 5.0.0 of APPX implements the SELECT ILF statement. SELECT Statement The SELECT statement allows the access path of in input process...
SELECT ILF Statement Release 5.0.0 of APPX implements the SELECT ILF statement. SELECT Statement The SELECT statement allows the access path of in input process...
PUSH POP ILF Statements Release 5.0.0 of APPX implements the PUSH and POP ILF statements. PUSH Statement The PUSH statement saves a field or record value on an...
PUSH POP ILF Statements Release 5.0.0 of APPX implements the PUSH and POP ILF statements. PUSH Statement The PUSH statement saves a field or record value on an...
YanaLorne 08 Aug 2007 Appxd and appxdsvc.exe have been `fixed` as of release 4.2.8 so that an APPX session can more reliably detect that the TCP connection to...
HTML Elements in PDF Output Effective with Release 5.0.0, a variety of html elements are now available for use in formating text within individual data fields in...
HTML Elements in PDF Output Effective with Release 5.0.0, a variety of html elements are now available for use in formatting text within individual data fields in...
.COLOR SET COLOR This subroutine is called to set a color (RGB) into the `current` color spec. A single parameter is passed and may be in any one of the following...
APPX Client Presentation Mode The APPX Client supports a special presentation mode for running a full screen APPX session without a window. Overview Presentation...
APPX Client Presentation Mode The APPX Client supports a special presentation mode for running a full screen APPX session without a window. Overview Presentation...
APPX Client Support for Multiple Displays If you have more than one monitor, you can tell the APPX Client which one to use for new sessions. Overview When using...
APPX Client Support for Multiple Displays If you have more than one monitor, you can tell the APPX Client which one to use for new sessions. Overview When...
APPX Client Duplicate Session Hot Key This feature allows a user to easily start an additional APPX Client session. Overview The Duplicate Session Hot Key (Alt...
APPX Client Duplicate Session Hot Key This feature allows a user to easily start an additional APPX Client session. Overview The Duplicate Session Hot Key (Alt...
.PIE SET VIEW This subroutine sets the view of the `current` pie chart to be 2D or 3D. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.PIE SET SHAPE This subroutine is called to set the shape of the pie chart to be Standard or Donut. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE...
.PIE SET ORIGIN This subroutine sets the x and y coordinates (horizontal and vertical) of the center of the pie for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS...
Chart Design Overview Esta p...
Chart Design Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for creating a simple chart. Description: Designing a chart can be as simple...
.CHART SET TITLE This subroutine is called to set the title for the `current` chart. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
.CHART SET EDGE WIDTH This subroutine set the width of the 3D border for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS chart edge width FIELD...
.CHART SET EDGE EFFECT This subroutine sets the edge effect of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CHART SET EDGE COLOR This subroutine sets the edge color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to switch the context of the `current` chart spec to a previously initialized chart spec. Usage: PASS...
.CHART SET BG SIZE:W This subroutine sets the background width of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET BG SIZE:H This subroutine sets the background height of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART SET BG SIZE This subroutine sets the background size (width and height) of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD...
.CHART SET BG COLOR This subroutine sets the background color of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART RENDER This subroutine is called to render a chart for the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y SUBR...
! WYSIWYG content do not remove this comment, and never use this identical text in your topics .CHART INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize...
.CHART INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? N...
.CHART GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` chart spec. Usage: PASS FIELD SHARE? Y GOSUB...
Chart Director API for APPX These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to create business charts within an APPX application. Installation Tips Overview Data Routines...
APPX User Resources: SteveFrizzell 12 Jul 2007
APPXStaffGroup Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP SteveFrizzell Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
APPX Source Code Control System This page describes the Source Code Control System feature of APPX Application Design. Concepts Suites / Versions / Applications...
APPX Source Code Control System This page describes the Source Code Control System feature of APPX Application Design. The Source Code Control System in APPX...
APPX Monitor Effective with Release 5.0.0, APPX System Administration includes a utility that allows an APPX System Administrator to monitor all APPX sessions...
APPX Monitor Effective with Release 5.0.0, APPX System Administration includes a utility that allows an APPX System Administrator to monitor all APPX sessions...
APPX Login Manager For Windows This page describes how to install the APPX Login Manager command and how to use it to install, configure, and manage APPX Login Services...
APPX Login Manager For Unix/Linux This page describes how to install the APPX Login Manager command and how to use it to install, configure, and manage APPX Login...
APPX Login Manager For Unix/Linux This page describes how to install the APPX Login Manager command and how to use it to install, configure, and manage APPX Login...
Image Editor Layout Tools Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Image Editor offers several tools for aligning and resizing groups of widgets on an image. Overview...
Image Editor Layout Tools Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Image Editor offers several tools for aligning and resizing groups of widgets on an image....
APPXIO Data Encryption Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Utility includes an option to encrypt APPXIO data files. Overview Release 5.0.0 or higher of...
Output Process Design Raw Text Widget Effective with Release 5.0.0, Raw Text widgets on output images have a defined behavior. Overview Prior to Release 5.0....
Output Process Design Raw Text Widget Effective with Release 5.0.0, Raw Text widgets on output images have a defined behavior. Overview Prior to Release 5.0....
APPX ILF Debugger Effective with Release 5.0.0, the original character mode ILF Debugger has been replaced with a GUI ILF Debugger. Overview The APPX ILF debugger...
APPX ILF Debugger Effective with Release 5.0.0, the original character mode ILF Debugger has been replaced with a GUI ILF Debugger. Overview The APPX ILF...
APPX Historia de auditoria de Application Design Efectivamente en la version 5.0.0, APPX Application Design incluye una caracteristica de historia de auditoria....
APPX Application Design Audit History Effective with Release 5.0.0, APPX Application Design includes an audit history feature. Application Design Each APPX application...
APPX Database Interfaces The database interfaces in APPX 5.0.0 have been updated to support newer versions. Support for DB2 is now only available on the RS/6000 platform...
APPX Database Interfaces The database interfaces in APPX 5.0.0 have been updated to support newer versions. Support for Microsoft Access and DB2 has been discontinued...
Up/Down Cursor Keys Scroll ILF Code Effective with Release 5.0.0, the ILF editor allows the cursor up and down key to be used to navigate vertically within the event...
Up/Down Cursor Keys Scroll ILF Code Effective with Release 5.0.0, the ILF editor allows the cursor up and down key to be used to navigate vertically within the event...
APPX Desktop Client Encryption Efectivamente con la liberacion de la version 5.0.0, el APPX Desktop Client incluye una opcion para permitir SSL encryption para sesiones...
APPX Desktop Client Encryption Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Desktop Client includes an option to enable SSL encryption for `Remote` APPX Desktop Client...
APPX Audit Log Feature Esta pagina muestra el APPX Audit Log y prove informacion para seleccionar el APPX Audit Log feature. Overview APPX Audit Log caracteristicas...
APPX Audit Log Feature This page describes the APPX Audit Log feature and provides instructions for enabling the APPX Audit Log feature on either Linux or Windows...
APPX Client Application Design Toolbar Buttons Effective with Release 5.0.0, two new toolbar buttons are available in APPX Application Design. Overview There...
APPX Client Application Design Toolbar Buttons Effective with Release 5.0.0, two new toolbar buttons are available in APPX Application Design. Overview There...
APPX 5.2 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5.2. Notes There is an issue present in the 5.2.2 release of APPX that...
APPX 5.0.0 Windows XP New Installation Overview A typical APPX installation on a Windows XP system where APPX has not been previously installed performs the following...
APPX Windows APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions Esta pagina tiene la informacion para un upgrade de un APPX 4.2.a Windows para APPX 5. Overview Advertencia Estas instrucciones...
APPX Windows APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 4.2.a Windows installation to APPX 5. Overview Warning...
APPX 5 Windows New Installation Overview Hay dos metodos para instalar APPX en Windows. Hay un GUI installer y un Console Mode instalador (caracter mode). Los...
APPX 5.x Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
APPX 5.0.0 Open SSL This page describes how APPX uses Open SSL. Overview UPDATE : Most of this is obsolete, as the required SSL libraries are included with the...
APPX 5 New Installation Configure APPX Overview The first time that APPX is run after the installation wizard completes, you will need to complete the initial...
APPX Linux/Unix APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions Esta pagina tiene contenidos que usted necesita para hacer un upgrade de APPX 4.2.a para una instalacion de Linux/Unix...
APPX Linux/Unix APPX 5 Upgrade Instructions This page provides the information needed to upgrade an existing APPX 4.2.a Linux/Unix installation to APPX 5. Overview...
APPX 5 Linux/Unix New Installation Overview Hay modos diferentes para instalar APPX en Linux/Unix. Hay un GUI installer y un Console Mode instalador (caracter...
APPX 5 Linux/Unix New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Linux/Unix. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
APPX 5: Instrucciones de Instalaci...
APPX 5 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 5. Notes IMPORTANT: The APPX Desktop Client for Macs only runs on Intel...
Installation Instructions for APPX Server on Red Hat Linux Server This page provides instructions for installing APPX Server on a Red Hat Linux Server. APPX Server...
APPX 5.0.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.0.0. Follow the links below to learn more....
APPX Version 5 Guia de Instalacion Instalacion de APPX Version 5 Mejoras Indice de Mejoras en la version 5 de APPX Problemas Lista de problemas...
Web Browser Widget A Web Browser Widget has been implemented in APPX 5.2.0. Overview: The Web Browser Widget can be used to display a web page in an APPX text field...
New Widget Types For TEXT Fields Several new Widget types are included in this Release. Overview: Five new Widget types are included in this Release for TEXT fields...
Media Player Widget A Media Player Widget has been implemented in APPX 5.2.0. Overview: The text field should contain the pathname to a media file (avi, mp3, mp...
HTML Editor Widget A HTML Editor Widget has been implemented in APPX 5.2.0. Overview: The HTML Editor Widget can be used to enter and edit HTML in an APPX text...
Flash Player Widget A Flash Player Widget has been implemented in APPX 5.2.0. Overview: The text field should contain the pathname to a flash file (swf). The flash...
Code Viewer Widget A Code Viewer Widget has been implemented in APPX 5.2.0. Overview: The Code Viewer Widget can be used to display various types of source code...
Client Window Sizing New client property to give you more control over window sizing. Overview: There are two client settings which provide the user with control...
Number of topics: 96

Topic revision: r83 - 2023-10-30 - BrianRyan
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