Image Editor Layout Tools
Effective with Release 5.0.0, the APPX Image Editor offers several tools for aligning and resizing groups of widgets on an image.
The image editor layout tools are useful for manipulating groups of two or more widgets on an image. The tools provide the ability to align a group of widgets and resize a group of widgets.
Toolbar Buttons
To enable the toolbar buttons, you must first select two or more widgets that are to be aligned or resized. The last widget selected is highlighted with a blue selection border and is the "base" widget that is used to manipulate the other selected widgets. The following toolbar buttons can then be used to manipulate the selected widgets:

Align Tops of widgets

Align Bottoms of widgets

Align Left Sides of widgets

Align Right Sides of widgets

Make same vertical size

Make same horizontal size
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This was in our copy 4.2.a as well.
PaulKadue - 26 Jan 2009
SteveFrizzell - 30 Sep 2008