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.STREAM OPEN This subroutine is called to open a file stream. Usage: PASS stream name FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Linux Requirements The Appx Desktop Client should run on most varieties of Linux, however due to the sheer number of distributions...
APPX Desktop Client Installation Windows Requirements The Appx Desktop Client runs on all versions of desktop Windows, including Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7....
APPX 5.x Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
.UTIL SUBR DELETE This utility deletes a subroutine from the Application. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS process name FIELD SHARE...
.UTIL SUBR CLOSE This utility closes the subroutine you created. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: GOSUB .UTIL SUBR CLOSE Check for errors IF...
.UTIL GET MESSAGES This subroutine populates the MESSAGES file with any messages that were issued. Added in 5.2.0. Usage: GOSUB .UTIL GET MESSAGES...
.WIDGET RELOAD DATASRC This subroutine reloads the data in a Table Widget. Added in 5.2.0 Usage: PASS beg at name FIELD...
.UTIL KILL SESSION Cancels the specified process. Added in 5.4.4 Usage: PASS PID FIELD SHARE? N PASS...
Runtime (,RT ) Calls WARNING: These are UNSUPPORTED features used to call operating system functions, and they may be changed or removed at any time. Although these...
Scoping Rules Subprocess/Related/Detached `Scoping` refers to what workfields and temporary files (both disk and memory) are available to a given process. There...
APPX Background Processing This document discusses APPX background processing. Overview Background processes refers to the ability of APPX to spawn another session...
Dynamic Linking and the CALL Statement Contents : Calling External Functions from APPX ILF Code It is possible for system integrators to develop and compile functions...
Using the APPX/TMUNIX Scripting Feature The following information is only applicable when running APPX in character mode (ie, not using the APPX Desktop or HTML clients...
APPX Keystroke Process Recording Playback The following information is only applicable when running APPX in character mode (ie, not using the APPX Desktop or...
Accessing Query Parameters Overview: The Query specifications used to produce a report are stored in three memory files, defined in the application. You can find...
The Use of Cached Files APPX 4.1 introduces the ability to create and access a cached instance of a file in memory. The CREATE, OPEN, SCRATCH, and IF EXIST statements...
The Pre Display/Verify Event Point `As far as I can see the reason that the pre display / verify event point exists is because the access/verify in Speed II was...
APPX Process Stack Running an APPX application consists of a series of processes calling each other. For example, the Main Menu might call a submenu, which might call...
Importing Consecutive Files APPX Versions 5.1 higher In 5.1 a number of APIs were introduced that make the task of importing data easier. For example, if we have...

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