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Recent Changes in Main Web retrieved at 09:45 (GMT)

.TEXT GET LENGTH This subroutine determines the length of a text/alpha field. Usage: PASS text len FIELD SHARE? Y...
New Connection Manager A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to dropped sessions. Overview: A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4c/5.4.5 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4 and subsequent...
APPX 6.0.0 Windows New Installation Overview Two different methods are provided to install APPX on Windows. There is a GUI installer and a Console Mode (character...
APPX 6.0.0 Installation Instructions This page provides instructions for installing APPX 6.0.0 Notes IMPORTANT: This version includes new SSL certificates...
Installation Tips This page describes some installation tips. Description: If your server does not already have PHP installed, download and install PHP from...
Assigning Widgets to Layers Widgets now support layering. You can control how widget overlap and which shows up on top. Overview: All screen widgets now support...
Drop Shadows You can easily add drop shadow effects to your widgets. Overview: All widget types now support a drop shadow effect. You have full control over the...
APPX Login Manager For Unix/Linux This page describes how to install the APPX Login Manager command and how to use it to install, configure, and manage APPX Login...
APPX Login Manager For Windows This page describes how to install the APPX Login Manager command and how to use it to install, configure, and manage APPX Login Services...
ILF Callable Unicode Engine Functions Overview UC STRCASECMP Performs a case insensitive comparison of two UTF 32 values, returning 0 if the strings should be considered...
My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...
.FILE EXTRACT ARCHIVE This subroutine extracts all the files from a previously created archive. Usage: PASS error message FIELD...
.UTIL COMPUTE HASH This subroutine computes the SHA 2 hash value for the given string. APPX 5.4.5 higher only. Usage: PASS hash value returned...
.ENV GET ENCODINGS This subroutine populates the ENCODINGS memory file with a list of all known encodings. Added in 6.0. Usage: GOSUB .ENV GET ENCODINGS...
APPX 5.4.0/5.4.1/5.4.2/5.4.3/5.4.4c/5.4.5/5.4.6 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.4 and subsequent...
Uploading Spreadsheet Data to APPX You have data in a spreadsheet that you want to transfer into APPX data files. There are certainly several ways to go about doing...
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My Links WelcomeGuest starting points on TWiki TWikiUsersGuide complete TWiki documentation, Quick Start to Reference WebHome try out TWiki on...
.CONVERT TRANSLATE This subroutine converts a string from one language to another using the Application and System Dictionaries. Usage: PASS trans...

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