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Recent Changes in Main Web retrieved at 21:03 (GMT)

HTML Editor Improvements The HTML Editor has been changed to make it easier to use with small text fields. Overview: The HTML Editor has been changed to make it...
.CLIENT PLAY SOUND This subroutine plays a .wav file on the user`s PC. Usage: PASS wave file FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
.CLIENT LOAD URL This subroutine loads a URL, document, runs a command on the user`s PC or changes a client setting. Usage: PASS url...
.CLIENT DOWNLOAD FILE This subroutine will download a file to the user`s PC. Usage: PASS status code FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CLIENT CHECK FOR GUI This subroutine returns a flag to indicate if the user is running the Desktop Client. Usage: PASS gui...
.ENV GET PATH SEP This subroutine returns the directory separator character of the host operating system. Usage: PASS path separator FIELD...
.ENV GET PARENT PROC This subroutine returns the name and type of the parent process. Usage: PASS parent type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET OS TYPE This subroutine returns the type of operating system Appx is running on. Usage: PASS os type FIELD SHARE...
.ENV GET CONFIG INFO This subroutine populates PDF fields with configuration information. Usage: GOSUB .ENV GET CONFIG INFO Check for...
.CONVERT TEXT TO HTML This subroutine converts a text field to HTML encoding. Usage: PASS html FIELD SHARE? Y...
.CONVERT HTML TO TEXT This subroutine converts a HTML field to plain APPX text. Release 5.5. higher. Usage: PASS text FIELD...
.WIDGET CNV RGB TO CLR This subroutine converts a decimal color code to alpha/hex. Usage: PASS clr alpha FIELD SHARE?...
.WIDGET CNV CLR TO RGB This subroutine converts an alpha/hex color code to decimal. Usage: PASS clr binary FIELD SHARE...
Combining CGI Script and APPX ILF Now that you are generating HTML from within APPX, wouldn`t it be nice to generate the new documents directly in response to web...
.IMPORT CGI DATA This subroutine populates Appx variables from STDIN. Usage: GOSUB .IMPORT CGI DATA Test for Error IF .IMPORT...
.XML PURGE This subroutine purges the work files associated with an import session. Added in 5.3.0 Usage: SET 0DX .XML PURGE...
.XML IMPORT This subroutine processes an XML file and optionally imports it. Added in 5.3.0 Usage: SET 0DX .XML IMPORT PASS...
APPX 5.3.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.3.0. Follow the links below to learn more. Additional...
Data Exchange Application A new application (0DX) is included with 5.3. This application facilitates the exchange of data between Appx and external systems.This documentation...
APPX 5.2.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.2.0. Follow the links below to learn more....

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