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Assigning Widgets to Layers

Widgets now support layering. You can control how widget overlap and which shows up on top.


All screen widgets now support the concept of layers. If you have a complex screen and things aren't layering properly where they overlap, you can adjust the layering.

This option is specified as an @ macro entered into the Label or Tooltip widget fields.


@ Macro Specification:

* Set Layer Number - @SLN=# Assigns the Widget to that layer. Layer numbers can be any integer value. Lower numbered layers are closer to the front of the screen. Higher layer numbers push widget farther into the background. All widgets are assigned a default layer as follows:

  • 30 - Box Widgets
  • 20 - Labels, Pictures, and Lines
  • 10 - All other widgets


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Note that the default layer numbering sequence in APPX 5.1 is different from that in 5.0, where they were 3, 2, and 1 rather than 30, 20, and 10. If a screen was defined in APPX 5.0 where some widgets had @SLN specifications and others did not, that screen may very well not display correctly when viewed with a 5.1 client.

The 5.1 client has a preference setting (last item under Options) called "oldLayerNumbers" which can be turned on to use the pre-5.1 layer numbers. This flag should be set to "true" for any user who is connecting to an application that relies on the 5.0 layering scheme.

-- AlKalter - 2012-06-18

-- PeteBrower - 2012-03-29

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Topic revision: r4 - 2018-01-29 - AlKalter
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