Unicode Test Plan

This document outlines a plan for testing the Unicode enhancements in APPX 6.0.


Release 6.0.0 of the APPX Utility includes support for Unicode data types.

Major Features:

DD Changes:

Maximum Alpha Field Size increased to 4GB

Maximum Record Size increased to 4GB

Encoding Type Attribute added for Alpha fields

FMS Changes:

APPXIO Support for Unicode fields

Oracle Support for Unicode fields

ILF Support:

Literals**** (Tested/Ok)

SET **** (Tested/Bugs)

SET TEMP **** (Not fully Tested/Bugs)

IF / AND / OR**** (Tested/Bugs)

APPEND**** (Tested/Bugs)

STORE / RESTORE**** (Tested/Ok)

PUSH / POP**** (Tested/Ok)


BEG AT/ END AT **** (Tested/Bugs)

RUN**** (Tested/Bugs)

CALL**** (No Changes Required) ***

PASS**** (Tested/Bugs)

RECEIVE / LOCAL*** (Tested/Bugs)

CNV BIN**** (Tested/Bugs)




SET DAY / SET MNTH**** (Tested/Bugs)



IF DIFF**** (Tested/Ok)

COMPUTE / TOTAL**** (Tested/Bugs)





Misc Bugs

  1. New debugger does not work, crashes with error when trying to read --- WIDGET. * FIXED * April 24 engine
  2. Old debugger does not display entire contents of national/unicode fields, even though the data is there.
  3. Process Generation toolbox. I used the toolbox to generate a scrolling input on the file TST BEGUNI, which contains 2 unicode fields, a 10 character key and a 30 character description. The heading size over the description field is incorrect. It should have 30 ='s underneath it, but it only has enough for the word 'Description'. * FIXED* March 28 engine
  4. Invalid (blank) occurrence number in Image Editor after hitting F11 then attempting to edit Item. ** FIXED ** March 21 engine
  5. File Management functions (create, restruct, etc) crash with a 'Value Does Not Fit in Mask' error when setting MESSAGE2 MSG TXT into STAT2 MSG. * FIXED * April 24 engine
  6. Engine should be transcoding when fields are moved, and throwing a runtime error (like numeric overflow) if the encoding of the receiving field does not contain the necessary characters.
  7. The 'Global EPs for Images' is not highlighted when I add code to the global start of frame. None of the EP's in the Global section turn on highlighting when code is entered. * FIXED * rested with April 24 engine, seems to be ok now.
  8. Cross Reference display is messed up. Do an x-ref on APPEND NORMAL in App TST, then click 'References' to see what I mean. Retested with April 24 engine, better but still different from 4.2.a. In 4.2.a, in the 'Context' column the word RECORD is immediately followed by the frame & image information. In the Unicode version, the word RECORD is followed by many spaces, then the rest of the context.
  9. Put the field --- X on an input image, run the process & try to enter data. If you enter '12345', you will get 'Invalid Numeric Value' error. Add a decimal point to the end and it's accepted.
  10. The ILF editor does not accept valid characters in the 8859-15 character set, ie, the £ symbol exists in 8859-15, but I cannot enter it on an ILF command.
  11. Changing the value of a --- TEMP field in the new debugger during execution seems to corrupt the field.

Language Translation Support:

Translation Dictionary

Query Support:

Sort OrderSort Order based on Unicode Collating Sequence

Predefine Fields and Files:

TEMP xxxxx


STD Report Parameters File

Restructure Support:

Restructure APPXIO Files

Oracle Tables

Printing Support: **** (Not Fully Tested/Bugs)

Text Print Files

PDF Print Files

APPX Client Support **** (Not Fully Tested/Bugs):

UTF-8 data stream

Field validation based on Encoding Type

Callable Functions:

Transcoding fields

-- SteveFrizzell - 2011-03-02

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