This subroutine applies a special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars.


      PASS         <start_bright>             FIELD            SHARE? N
      PASS         <end_bright>               FIELD            SHARE? N
      *        Check for error
      IF       0CD .XY SET BAR GRADIENT       NE


This subroutine applies a special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars. You must have initialized the chart as an XY Chart via .CHART INITIALIZE and added a bar layer via .XY ADD BAR LAYER for this to have any effect.

<start_bright> This is the brightness at the starting point. If not passed, it will default to 0.75

<end_bright> This is the brightness at the ending point. If not passed, it will default to 1.5.

To turn off the effect, pass blank values for both fields. This will override .COLOR SET GLASS, .COLOR SET SOFT, .XY SET BAR EDGE EFF and .XY SET BAR EDGE WIDTH.

This will shade all surfaces of a 2D or 3D bar with gradient colors.

For the front surface of a bar, the gradient is from base line of the bar to the end of the bar. For example, for a vertical bar pointing upwards, the gradient is from bottom to the top. Similarly, for a horizontal bar pointing rightwards, the gradient is from left to right.

For a 3D bar, the gradient for the top surface of a vertical bar or the right surface of a horizontal bar is from front to back. The gradients for the side surfaces are the same as for the front surface.

The gradient is specified with two brightness values at the gradient end points. A brightness less than 1 means the color is darkened, while a brightness greater than 1 means the color is brightened. For example, a brightness of 0.5 means the color is half as bright as the original color. If the original color is red, the color will become dark red. Conversely, a brightness of 2 means the color is twice as bright as the original color. If the original color is red, the color will become light red.

See ColorSpec for more information on working with colors.

See Datasets Overview for more information on data sets, data groups, and layers.


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-- JeanNeron - 2012-01-19

This topic: Main > WebHome > APPX510Features > CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI > CDChartDirectorXYChartRoutines > CDXYSetBarGradient
Topic revision: r2 - 2012-02-25 - JeanNeron
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