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Backlinks to CDChartDirectorTextRoutines in Main Web (Search all webs)

Results from Main web retrieved at 08:25 (GMT)

Chart Director API for APPX These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to create business charts within an APPX application. Installation Tips Overview Data Routines...
.TEXT BX ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment (position) of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS box alignment FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT GET NAME This subroutine is called to get the name of the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT INITIALIZE This subroutine is called to initialize or reinitialize a text object. Usage: PASS text spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX BG CLR This subroutine sets the background color for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R This subroutine sets the radius of the corners of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top left radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:BL This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom left corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS bottom left radius...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:BR This subroutine sets the radius of the bottom right corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS bottom right radius...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:TL This subroutine sets the radius of the top left corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top left radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR R:TR This subroutine sets the radius of the top right corner of the `current` text box. Usage: PASS top right radius FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX CNR STYLE This subroutine sets the corner style of the `current` text object. Usage: PASS corner style FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE CLR This subroutine sets the edge color for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE EFF This subroutine sets the edge effect for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS edge effect FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX EDGE W This subroutine sets the edge width for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS edge width FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX LOC This subroutine sets the offset (x and y) of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS X location FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX LOC:X This subroutine sets the X offset of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS X location FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX LOC:Y This subroutine sets the Y offset of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS Y location FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET BX SZ This subroutine sets the size (height and width) of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx height FIELD...
.TEXT SET BX SZ:H This subroutine sets the height of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx height FIELD SHARE?...
.TEXT SET BX SZ:H This subroutine sets the width of the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS txt bx width FIELD SHARE? N...
.TEXT SET BX Z ORDER This subroutine sets the Z order for the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS z order FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET CURRENT This subroutine is called to set the `current` Text Object to be a previously initialized Text Object. Usage: PASS text spec name...
.TEXT SET FONT CLR This subroutine sets the font color for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS color spec name FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT INDEX This subroutine sets the font index for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font index FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT NAME This subroutine sets the font name and font number for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font name FIELD...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ This subroutine sets the font size for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font height FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ:H This subroutine sets the font height for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font height FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT SZ:W This subroutine sets the font width for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font width FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET FONT STYLE This subroutine sets the font style for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS font style FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET TEXT This subroutine is called to set the text for the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text string FIELD SHARE...
.TEXT SET TXT ALIGN This subroutine sets the alignment of the text in the `current` text object. Usage: PASS text alignment FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT LAYOUT This subroutine sets the layout direction of the text(horizontal or Vertical) in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS font...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN This subroutine sets the margins for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS left margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:B This subroutine sets the bottom margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS bottom margin...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:L This subroutine sets the left margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS left margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:R This subroutine sets the right margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS right margin...
.TEXT SET TXT MARGIN:T This subroutine sets the top margin for the text in the `current` Text Object . Usage: PASS top margin FIELD...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ This subroutine sets the maximum size (width and height) of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ:H This subroutine sets the maximum height of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS max...
.TEXT SET TXT MAX SZ:W This subroutine sets the maximum width of the text that can be displayed in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS max text...
.TEXT SET TXT ROTATION This subroutine sets the rotation angle for the text in the `current` Text Object. Usage: PASS rotation angle FIELD...
Number of topics: 41

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