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Backlinks to CDChartDirectorDesignerAPI in Main Web (Search all webs)

Results from Main web retrieved at 08:28 (GMT)

APPX 5.1.0 Feature Index This is the starting point to discover details of the new features found in APPX Release 5.1.0. Follow the links below to learn more....
Base Chart Routines These subroutines allow you to set various attributes of your chart, regardless of the type of chart you are creating. Base Chart Routines General...
Color Routines These subroutines allow you to set or change the color of the `current object`. In most cases, you have to have assigned a color to an object via some...
Data Routines These subroutines allow you supply the data you want on your chart. See Datasets Overview for an overview on using these subroutines. Dataset Routines...
Installation Tips This page describes some installation tips. Description: If your server does not already have PHP installed, download and install PHP from...
Known Issues The Linear Meter chart type has a few problems: The pointer files (PTR1/2) are not initialized when .CHART INITIALIZE is called, so each...
Overview Release 5.1.0 of the APPX Utility includes a new designer API which can be used to create charts within an APPX application. This API provides APPX Designers...
Pie Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create a Pie chart. Pie Chart Routines General .PIE SET DATASET Associate a dataset with the pie chart. .PIE...
Text Object Routines All the text that you place on the chart is considered a `text object`, such as axis labels, chart titles, legends, etc. These subroutines allow...
XY Chart Routines These subroutines are used to create an XY chart. General .XY SET PLOT AREA Set the position and size of the plot area. .XY SET PLOT AREA:X Set...
.LAYER ADD DATASET This subroutine adds a Data Set Template to the current Data Group. Usage: PASS data set name FIELD SHARE...
.LAYER LINK DATASET This subroutine links a Data Set to a Data Set Template. Usage: Opt PASS dataset name FIELD SHARE? N Opt...
Chart Design Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for creating a simple chart. Description: Designing a chart can be as simple...
Chart Rendering Overview This page describes the process for rendering a chart and using it in your Appx program. Description: After you have initialized your chart...
Datasets Overview This page describes the basic steps and related subroutine calls for supplying data to the charting routines. Description: Data and the presentation...
Key Concepts This page describes de key concepts you should know before using the API`s. Description: The API`s have been designed so that you have a minimum number...
.SHAPE SET POINTS CNT This subroutine is called to set the number of sides, points or width for the current shape. Usage: PASS no of points...
.COLOR SET COLOR This subroutine is called to set a color (RGB) into the `current` color spec. A single parameter is passed and may be in any one of the following...
Developer Tips Displaying Google Maps in the HTML client If you want to display a Google map using the HTML client, follow this tip. Environment / Widget File Wizards...
Welcome to the APPX WIKI web Welcome to the APPX Software, Inc. TWiki site. This web site is dedicated to all things APPX.. This web site is intended to be for the...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 21

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