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Backlinks to APPX530Features in Main Web (Search all webs)

Results from Main web retrieved at 12:11 (GMT)

New Import/Export Format In order to support Unicode data, the Import and Export Utilities for Data and Design Files now support UTF 8 encoding in csv format. Overview...
Client Window Sizing The way the client handles different Window sizes has been improved. Overview: The way the client handles different Window sizes has been improved...
New Connection Manager A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to dropped sessions. Overview: A new connection manager allows a user to reconnect to...
Data Exchange Application A new application (0DX) is included with 5.3. This application facilitates the exchange of data between Appx and external systems.This documentation...
New Group Around Widget Color Fields There is a new group field around WIDGET color fields for the designer to use. Overview: There is a new group field around...
HTML Editor Improvements The HTML Editor has been changed to make it easier to use with small text fields. Overview: The HTML Editor has been changed to make it...
Enhancements to Import/Export Import/Export now display record counts for total records processed, success count, and failure count. Overview: Import/Export now...
New Maximum File Sizes Release 5.3 includes increased maximum file sizes. Overview: The internal pointers that Appx uses in the Appx I/O files are only 32 bits...
More TEMP Fields Available There are additional TEMP fields available for the designer to use. Overview: There are additional TEMP fields available for the...
Login Manager PAM Capable The Appx Login Manager can now use PAM to validate user ids/passwords. Overview: The Appx Login Manager can now use PAM (Pluggable Authentication...
READPREV A new ILF command `READPREV` has been added. Overview: A new ILF command `READPREV` has been added. This command is similar to READNEXT, except it reads...
Select Access Path A `Select Access Path` icon appears in the toolbar if there is more than 1 path to the current file in a scan screen.. Overview: A `Select Access...
Table Fill Attribute A `Float` option has been added to the width specification on Table Sources. Overview: A `Float` option has been added to the width specification...
Interrupt Running Processes The user can now interrupt running processes, and designers can break into Input processes. Overview: The user can now interrupt running...
APPX 5.3.1 Patch Bug Fixes Following is a list of bugs that were fixed in Appx patch release 5.3.1. The bug number, from APPX Bug Tracker (SIRID) is in parenthesis...
Welcome to the APPX WIKI web Welcome to the APPX Software, Inc. TWiki site. This web site is dedicated to all things APPX.. This web site is intended to be for the...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 17

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