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Backlinks to 0LASubrClientLoadUrl in Main Web (Search all webs)

Results from Main web retrieved at 17:36 (GMT)

.CLIENT PLAY SOUND This subroutine plays a .wav file on the user`s PC. Usage: PASS wave file FIELD SHARE? N GOSUB...
HTML Editor Improvements The HTML Editor has been changed to make it easier to use with small text fields. Overview: The HTML Editor has been changed to make it...
APPX Runtime Subroutine API These APIs can be used by an APPX designer to interact with the APPX Runtime Application ( ) to gain access to extra functionality. This...
APPX HTML Client 5.4.5 This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow you...
APPX HTML Client 5.4.6/5.4.7 This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow...
APPX HTML Client This page gives installation instructions and an overview of the Appx HTML client. Overview The Appx HTML client is designed to allow you to connect...
Client Side Processes File Transfers This page is intended for APPX Release 5.0 and earlier. In Release 5.1 various API`s were introduced to perform these functions...
APPX Client Control Double Click Behavior This client setting allows you to control the behaviour of a double click. Overview This client property allows you to...
APPX Client Arrow Key in Scrolling Regions This client setting causes use of the arrow keys in a scrolling process to scroll records up or down the screen. Overview...
APPX Client Turn the Block Cursor On or Off This client setting lets you control the block cursor. Overview This client property allow you to control the block...
APPX Client Draw Border around Active Scrolling Region This client setting turns on or off the blue border we draw around the active scrolling record. Overview...
APPX Client New Scan Button This client setting replace the scan button with a smaller scan button. Overview This client property replaces the standard Scan button...
APPX Client Presentation Remote This client setting allows you to use certain keystrokes used by presentation remotes to trigger selected Appx options. Overview...
Tech Tip Client Side Printing by Gary Rogers, APPX Director of Training and Consulting With the advent of the APPX Desktop Client, a broad range of features were...
APPX Client Swipe/Drag Scrolling This client setting causes mouse drag and touchscreen swipe actions to translate into Appx Panning and Scrolling options. Overview...
External Commands from the Windows Client In Release 5.1 and higher you can use the APPX Desktop or HTML client and the .CLIENT LOAD URL API. In earlier versions,...
APPX Runtime Subroutine API This page lists all the available API`s in the current version of Appx. Various API`s have been released at different times and are documented...
Invoking Windows Shell Functions In order to invoke a Windows shell function (such as a batch file or executable) from APPX for Windows, you can use a syntax similar...
RUN in Series or Parallel When you RUN from APPX/Unix, APPX won`t resume running until the shell object called has completed. They execute in series. When you RUN...
Tech Tip by Gary Rogers, Director of Training, APPX Software, Inc. As you migrate your users to the Appx Desktop Client you will find that one advantage you gain is...
Number of topics: 20

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