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---+ System Administration <br />%TOC% ---++ <a href="https://front242.appx.com/client/appxwizards.html" target="_blank">Environment / Widget File Wizards</a> The environment variable wizard assists you in setting APPX environment variables. The Widget wizard explains which fields in --- WIDGET control various GUI attributes. You can also search release notes from here. ---++ <a href="Install64bit" target="_blank">Running APPX in a 64 bit environment</a> This page explains how to run 32 bit APPX in a 64 bit Linux/Unix environment. Note that 64 bit Windows installations have built in support for running 32 bit applications, so no extra setup is required. ---++ <a href="CustomRuntime" target="_blank">Customizing the runtime environment</a> The APPX runtime environment includes many standard screens, Scan screens, Disposition screens, etc. <a href="CustomRuntime" target="_blank">This page</a> shows how you can customize these to more closely resemble your applications. ---++ <a href="CharacterEncoding" target="_blank">Character Encoding</a> This page discusses how APPX handles character encoding ---++ <a href="AppxHTMLClient543" target="_blank">HTML Client</a> In Release 5.4, APPX added the HTML client, which allows users to connect to <a href="AppxHTMLClient543" target="_blank">APPX via any browser based device,</a> such as a tablet or smart phone. ---++ <a href="530MaxFileSize" target="_blank">Increased File Sizes</a> In Release 5.3.0, APPX increased the maximum file size from 4G to approximately 16 exabytes. See <a href="530MaxFileSize" target="_blank">this page</a> for details on how to convert your data files to the new format. ---++ <a href="520RoleBasedSecurity" target="_blank">Role Based Security</a> In Release 5.2, APPX introduced an alternative Security model, Role Based Security. ---++ <a href="APPXIODataEncryption" target="_blank">Encrypting Data Files</a> In Release 5.0, APPX added the ability to encrypt the data in Appx/IO files. ---++ <a href="DatabaseInterfaceUpgrades" target="_blank">Configuring APPX and RDBMS</a> In Release 5.0, all the database interfaces were upgraded. This page gives examples of connecting to Oracle, MySQL, etc. ---++ APPX Login Manager In Release 5.0 a new login manager was added. See <a href="APPXLoginManagerForUnixLinux" target="_blank">APPX Login Manager for Unix/Linux</a> or <a href="APPXLoginManagerForWindows" target="_blank">APPX Login Manager for Windows</a> for information on configuring them. ---++ <a href="APPXAuditLog" target="_blank">APPX Audit Log</a> In Release 5.0, APPX added the ability to log every change made to an APPX data file via the Audit Log. ---++ <a href="APPXUsageLog" target="_blank">APPX Usage Log</a> You can set up a usage log to track everything from simple log on/off to every process executed along with all ERROR, WARNING and MESSAGE statements. ---++ <a href="APPXSourceCodeControlSystem" target="_blank">APPX Source Code Control System</a> In Release 5.0, APPX introduced a Source Code Control system. ---++ [[File Analysis and Recovery]] Follow these steps to diagnose and fix a damaged file. ---++ <a href="APPXDesignChangeHistory" target="_blank">Application Design Change History</a> In Release 5.0 a detailed audit history of changes to Application Design was added. ---++ <a href="ServerSidePDFPrintingOnAAPPXWindowsServer" target="_blank">Server Side PDF Printing on Windows Servers</a> Linux servers can print PDF files directly on the server by just submitting them to the print queue, but Windows needs some extra configuration. This page gives the details. ---++ <a href="BackgroundProcessing" target="_blank">APPX Background Processing</a> This page discusses how APPX handles background processing and how you can customize it. ---++ <a href="LaunchingAPPXDesktopClientFromWebPageViaJavaWebstart" target="_blank">Using Java Web Start to run the Desktop Client</a> This link will explain how to start the APPX Desktop Client via Java Web Start Technology. ---++ <a href="APPXonWindowsFromHandHeldViaLinuxTerminalServer" target="_blank">Connecting to APPX/Windows from a Hand Held device</a> This page gives details on how to connect to APPX/Windows from a handheld device that cannot run the Desktop Client. ---++ [[Diagnosing Errors]] To diagnose strange or generic errors<em>, </em>run through this checklist. ---++ [[APPX Environment Variables]] Environment Variables are used to modify the behavior of APPX at runtime. This document provides an overview of their use, and links to definitions and instructions for setting them. ---++ [[Moving APPX Files Between Platforms]] Most Intel and RISC platforms use different 'Endian's, or byte ordering. Therefore, it is necessary to perform special processing to move APPX files between them. ---++ [[Removing Inactive Sessions]] Through remote disconnection or other means, APPX sessions may remain alive on a server. This document provides information on terminating them. ---++ [[Scripting Imports for Windows]] <p align="left">An example of the Windows (DOS) command line code used to run the APPXUTIL program on multiple files.</p> ---++ [[AutomatingExportImportUnixCrontabs][Automating Export/Import with Unix Crontabs]] Two options are presented for setting up automatic procedures for the export or import of APPX data on Unix systems. ---++ [[Executable Module Caching]] A description of how APPX caches executable modules, and how to manage the process. ---++ [[APPX License Server]] The APPX License Server is a required part of the installation, but is easily installed and configured. ---++ [[APPX Keys]] !AppxKEYS is a utility program that allows a user to create an APPX keyboard layout. APPX uses several keys on your keyboard to perform unique functions ("options"). The layout defines which keys will be used to construct each APPX Option. ---++ [[Purging the USAGE File]] This document provides instructions on cleaning up the USAGE file, even when users are on the system. ---+ Comments: _Read what other users have said about this page or add your own comments._ --- <br />%COMMENT% -- Main.ChrisBrower - 2011-06-06
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